Chapter Thirty-One: Draven

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They're here.
They're back!
No, she's here, she's back.
Tamahara is back.
I don't think I've ever been so excited and happy in my entire life, like I'm actually having a hard time controlling myself, trying to stand here casually with the same emotionless expression I wear.
But I can't hold back what I'm feeling, I really can't. When Tamahara steps back on this rocky island, I just might tackle her with a hug and hold her, just like how she would hug me. I'd tell her everything, my past, the mistakes I've made, my feelings for her, and how much I believe I don't deserve her.
Tamahara makes me see everything differently, or more like feel differently.
Poldras Island is just rough with rocks, and it's lifeless, giving a dark atmosphere, but when Tamahara came, she changed all of that. She made the sun shine brighter, along with the scattered stars that sparkle and shine in the sky at night. Her laugh and smile are her innocence, as if this horrible hell of a life hasn't gotten to her, and if it has, her beautiful blue eyes show no fear of what is to come.
"Draven!" Red's voice angrily screams in my face.
"Gah! Huh? What?" I gasp as I'm quickly pulled out my trance. I was so lost in thought, that I hadn't realized the rain was pouring down harder in bigger drops.
"Apparently Lolan is getting the squadrons ready," the red bird informs me.
"Why? It's just Tamahara," I point out. "What harm could she do?"
"Break your heart?" Ruby answers, questioning her own response as she shrugs her shoulders.
Thunder booms in revolt.
"No, she wouldn't, at least not on purpose," I tell them, but I tell it more to myself as reassurance that she would never do anything like that.
I can't see her breaking any bird's heart honestly, it just doesn't seem like something she could do.
"You never know 'til it happens," Kyra tells me as she turns back towards the ships.
Tamahara wouldn't break my heart, not like the one bird who did.
I avert my eyes for one moment to look at Crimson.
I immediately regret it.
She's smiling, laughing, and holding onto that Bomb bird as if he's gonna fly away at any moment.
I'm not over her.
Her happiness is killing me, it's strangling me, choking me, stabbing me, drowning me.
It's twisting a sword in my heart, making me feel nauseous with lovesickness.
I thought I loved Tamahara though.
I mean, I wouldn't use lovesickness if I wasn't in love, would I?
I look back towards the ship.
But if I think I'm still in love with Crimson, why am I excited to see Tamahara? Why did I get a warm feeling inside me every time some bird brought her up when she wasn't around? Why did I always catch myself staring at sand- colored bird? Why did that one night that we sat on top of a large, random mansion of a hut and stared up at the stars, and just talked about life, really make me feel like life isn't that bad?
"We all have problems, it's just whether or not we decide to face them and do something about them, or ignore them," Tamahara told me as we looked up at the stars.
We had snuck onto the roof a mansion, which belonged to one of the richest birds on Poldras Island, Grayson Pertaio, and laid there on our backs talking to one another.
"Yeah I know, but there are some problems that feel too big to deal with, and yet too big to ignore," I sighed, not looking at her.
"Well, what would you do?" Tamahara asked me slowly.
"What do you mean?" I asked her calmly, but confused.
"Would you fear the problem, or face it?" She replied.
"Whoa, okay first off, ignore and fear are two different things," I told her, sitting up to look at her. She sat up too, but she continued to look at the stars.
"Draven, fear has two meanings, Forget Everything And Run, or Face Everything And Rise," Tamahara began. "And forget usually ties in with ignoring something, so that would mean fear, forgetting and ignoring go wing and wing, right?"
I sat there and pondered what Tamaha just told me.
It made sense, I mean, am I truly afraid to face everything that I'm dealing with?
I looked at Tamahara, but didn't say anything. I just watched her.
She stared up at the stars and fiddled with her bracelet, the same one I bought for her.
It sparkled in the moonlight, but her eyes shine more brightly, and her feathers were tinted silver from the light of the moon.
She was just so beautiful.
There was once in my entire life that I felt this way, but the feelings that I have for Tamahara are different, as if I have do have a chance of a future with her.
Was I going too far for thinking that? For thinking that one day we'll be together, forever?
I could already see it, I'll be gazing in those beautiful blue eyes of hers, and she'll have a beautiful smile on her beak. She'll have a bouquet of dogwood flowers in her grasp, and she'll be in the most beautiful white dress, looking more beautiful than ever.
Wow, I don't think I've ever used the word "beautiful" so much in my entire life, but I didn't care because Tamahara is beautiful, and I can't wait to wake up with her by my side and tell her that every morning.
Wow, I really was going a little far for thinking that, and I don't even know if she wanted to be with me forever. I knew she loved me, but I didn't know if forever would be something she wanted.
But I couldn't stop looking at her, she was just so...
I felt a smile tug up on my beak, a warm feeling grew inside me as the words slipped off my tongue, not giving me a chance to stop.
"You're beautiful."
Tamahara looked at me, shock filled her face.
"What?" She asked as she whipped her head toward me. I saw a slight smile come to her beak.
But for some reason, fear filled me and I felt like leaving, and I know I shouldn't, but I felt like I said too much.
Or more like thought too much.
"You're beautiful," I repeated as I slipped off the roof and climbed down the house, regret filled me with each passing second.
I love Tamahara, but I didn't want to lead her on, I didn't want to hurt her, but it was the truth, and it was how I felt.
I love her.
Why am I so afraid to admit these things?
I shook my head at the question as I landed on the ground, and took off in the direction of my hut, not looking back at the mansion.
Not looking back at Tamahara.
I feel a hard pain hit my right wing as I am pulled once more from my thoughts.
"Would you quit zoning out?" Red's voice snaps at me.
I shake my head as I turn from him, not saying one word as I rub the pain from my wing, and face one of the ships, which had suddenly came up on shore.
How did it move so fast?
Or was I really that deep into my feelings that I hadn't noticed amount of time that had passed?
My feathers are soaked with rain, sending chills throughout my body as I move my head feathers out of my eyes and look up.
The sky grew darker last time I noticed as lightening flashes against the gray clouds, pushing itself through to be seen.
Tamahara is bound to make this weather more bearable, I'm sure of it.
Seriously, she is the sun that shines through all this darkness, and just the thought of her wrapping her wings around me and laughing makes me feel so... happy.
No, not happy.
Happy isn't enough to explain how I feel about Tamahara, it's like I need a better word to describe all of, well, this.
"Happiness is temporary," my mother's voice rings in my head. "But joyfulness is eternal."
Now, that's the kind of word I'm looking for.
Anyways, I realize that Crimson was the source temporary happiness in my life, while Tamahara is the joy in not only my life here, in this world, but also in the life after this one.
Well, I hope she is, it's a possibility that she is, or well, isn't, but I really feel like she's the one.
I truly do.
I avert my attention back to the ship, and realize that the door is already open with two silhouettes standing in the way.
Both a bit tall, except for the figure on the right is broader, and the figure on the left is more slender, more feminine.
More like Tamahara.
Excitement sparks inside of me, making my heart beat faster as I try to not run to her.
"Draven," Tori's sudden quiet voice uneasily says from beside me.
Despite the fact that Tori suddenly showed up, I'm not startled, for once.
"Why so upset? Tamahara is back!" I exclaim as I turn towards the small pink bird.
"But her heartbeat is so distant," Tori answers even more quietly. "Draven, I'm sorry but that isn't her."
"Of course it's Tamahara!" I exclaim as throw my wings in the direction of the two birds. "Well, one of them is."
I turn towards the birds with a huge smile on my face to prove Tori wrong.
"Tamahara is -," I start but my words trail off, my smile fading as my wings drop to my sides in utter disappointment.
Instead of looking at Tamahara, I find myself looking at two tall birds, except the one on the left is slender with silver feathers, and the bird on the right is broad with golden feathers, a male. Purple robes are draped on their shoulders, spilling out like a river behind them as they carefully walk towards us, keeping their beaks up high.
A crown is adorned on the male's head, pushing down on his blue head feathers.
Tamahara looks so much like him.
Maybe he's her father.
And some weird dangling, headdress thing is on the female's purple head feathers.
What the pluck? Please don't tell me she's Tamahara's mother.
"Who are you, and what do you want?" Red demands angrily, while I just stand there, anxiously waiting for Tamahara.
Is she okay? Why hasn't she come out? Is she gonna run to us? To me?
"I am King Mozzely, and this is Queen Saltina, rulers of Kaelon Island, parents of Princess Tamahara," King Mozzely introduces himself and the female bird beside him.
"Sadly, she's our daughter," Queen Saltina mutters in disgust.
Behind me, I hear Ruby snicker at the mention of their names.
"Talk about being saltier than a saltine cracker," Ruby whispers to Red.
I turn around to face her.
"Ruby, I don't think it's a good idea to-"
But I never finish my warning.
This is not gonna be good.
"Yeah, or saltier than the Dead Sea," I hear Red whisper back.
"Guys, don't you realize they're royalty and can have you killed?" I hiss quietly at the couple.
Ruby laughs quietly.
"Oh c'mon, they couldn't possibly-,"
"Enough of your nonsense!" Queen Saltina demands loudly, cutting off Ruby.
"Hear us," Ruby finishes quietly while scooting herself behind Red in fear.
"Why are you here?" A voice questions bravely from the other side of me.
I don't even have to look to know who it is.
What a surprise, she's trying to be that amazing warrior that every bird wants to be.
I roll my eyes in annoyance.
She always does this, can't she give some bird else a chance for once?
Something inside me boils, something just builds up and I can't control it.
Stay calm, Draven, Tamahara is fine, she's probably running around, eating pizza and laughing like she always does.
Mentally, I may believe Tamahara is fine, but emotionally, I'm going against that thought, as if something isn't right.
Besides, who cares why Tamahara's parents here? We're all out here for a reason: to see Tamahara and welcome her back.
"Where's Tamahara?" I demand angrily, totally ignoring Crimson.
"Excuse me, but I'm the only one who can ask questions here," Crimson snaps at me.
"Oh, of course, everything revolves around you," I spit, facing her. "No other birds' opinion matters to you, and by the way, you're not the only leader here! Besides, you didn't even know Tamahara!"
"Sorry that I was being safe and not sorry!" The red female birds snaps at me.
"Why are you saying sorry? I mean, every bird else is supposed to be sorry since the whole universe just spins around you!" I yell at her. "Every bird is supposedly supposed to feel sorry for you because of your hard life."
With each word said, Crimson and I angrily take one step more towards each other.
"I did have a hard life!" She hollers at me as she clenches her fists. "It was worse than yours!"
"Oh really?" I challenge her.
"Yeah, it was!" She answers.
And here we are, standing in the pouring rain, anger radiating off the both of us like an ocean, no more than six inches between us.
I see the fire in her eyes just burning with hatred towards me.
And for once, I don't care.
"I had to give my two brothers away to save them, I was bullied! I felt alone!" Crimson shouts in my face. "You did absolutely nothing!"
Is that so?
"Nothing? You're telling me I did nothing?" I exclaim in anger. "I did everything for you! Tell me, who was there for you all those years on that prison island, comforting you and doing their best to keep you happy? Who was that? Who was the one the drove those bullies away and told you not to take what they say personally because it's not true? Who was the one that stayed up every night, talked to you, hugged you, cried with you, hurt with you, just to make sure you weren't alone?"
I pause for a moment to catch my breath, my anger still uncontrollable.
The malicious look in Crimson's hazel eyes die with each question I ask her.
"Tell me! Who did all that for you?" I yell at her.
She blinks before looking down at her feet and muttering an answer.
I say nothing as I turn away from her, not knowing whether or not if it's a good idea to say more.
The worst part is that I went through just about the same amount of pain that Crimson went through.
Except, when she lost her family, she forever lost one and found two, but for my family....
I lost them all.
All because of the pigs.
I face Tamahara's parents once more.
"Where is Tamahara?" I growl lowly.
King Mozzely sighs in irritation as he rolls his green eyes.
"Why don't ya ask him?" The king growls as him and his wife step off to the side to reveal one being I hate more than any bird.
King Mudbeard the Second.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my feathered friends," the king pig laughs as he steps forward with a golden scepter in his hoof hold.
A red robe is laid on his shoulders, with a tall golden crown rested on his head as his stomach bounces with each hoof-step that he takes.
My anger turns into fury as I charge at the pig, or so I try to.
Red, Ruby, and Kyra grab me before I even take two steps, holding me back as I struggle against their grip to get free.
"Take one more step and you're dead," Tori threatens as she raises her bow and arrow at the pig, who immediately stops.
"I don't mean any harm, I just want to see which of you I remember," Mudbeard laughs as he holds up his hooves in surrender.
I look at Tori, who just so happens to be looking right at me at the same time, and mouth, Don't lower your bow.
Tori nods her head and keeps the arrow pointed at Mudbeard.
"Explodey Guy," Mudbeard looks at Bomb, who backs away nervously. "You blew up my best planes! It took me five years to build those planes!"
"Now you know how I felt when you destroyed my house!" Red shouts as he suddenly lets go of me.
"Hey, Eyebrows, long time no see, eh?" Mudbeard sneers. "Are you sure that was a house, because it was looked a lot like my next pig pen."
I pull myself from Ruby and Kyra's grip and grab a hold of a growling and angry Red.
"Red don't listen to him," I mutter as I hold his wings behind his back.
Red looks at me but doesn't say anything verbally, yet, his brown eyes say it all: pain hidden by anger.
"Hey, leave him alone!" Crimson shouts as she unsheathes her sword and points it at Mudbeard.
Immediately, the hatred returns in her eyes as she glares at the jiggly pig.
"Enough of the weapons, please!" The pig groans. "I've had enough of those!"
"Just like how I've had enough of you and your bull crap!" Crimson yells at him, gripping her sword tighter.
"First off, I'm a pig, not a bull, so it'd be that you've had enough of my pig crap, not bull crap," Mudbeard starts.
No bird cares! It means the same thing!
"Second, you remind me so much of your father, thinking that you can beat me without losing anyone you love, or more importantly, losing yourself. That's what your father did, he lost in the Birdig War to my father," Mudbeard sneers.
"And your father lost his life to me," Crimson fires back.
"Wait, what?" Red exclaims. "You killed his dad? What about our dad? Shouldn't he have killed his father?"
"You said 'our dad' Eyebrows," Mudbeard asks slowly, a smile of mischief coming to his face. "Haven't you heard? You're father-,"
"- is alive! And he'll be here! I know he will!" Red yells out, cutting off what Mudbeard was gonna say.
Wait, doesn't he know?
Crimson didn't tell him?
"Red," I start but get interrupted by Mudbeard.
"Oh, you don't know? How terrible," Mudbeard says apathetically as he fakes a pouting face. "What a horrible day that was, right Crimson?"
Mudbeard faces Crimson with mischief written all over his fat face.
"Ah, well, um," Crimson stutters as she lowers her sword and looks at the rocky ground.
"Wasn't it, Crimson?" Mudbeard sneers, and presses on. "Actually, since you were there, why don't you tell us about it?"
"Crimson, what is he talking about?" Red demands his sister.
But Crimson doesn't say anything.
"Answer me!" Red screams as he tries to pull away from my grip, but I hold him down.
"You heard him, answer him," Mudbeard pressures Crimson. "He is your brother after all, and you would never lie or keep secrets from family, would you now?"
Oh no.
This is not gonna end well.
"What? Can't handle the truth?" Mudbeard sneers at Crimson.
A nervous feeling fills me as Crimson opens her beak, and I close my eyes and hold Red's wings tighter behind his back.
Red's gonna kill her.
Sounds were heard from all around us. The waves of the ocean hitting against the ships, the rains drops smacking against the rocky ground, thunder rolling every once in a while, the wind roaring.
But no words were heard.
I open my eyes, and kinda loosen my grip on Red's wings as I wait for a miracle.
But there isn't a miracle coming.
Just pain, hidden secrets, and the cold, hard truth being revealed.
"What was that?" I hear Mudbeard ask sarcastically. "I couldn't hear you over your stubborn pride."
"Yikes," I mutter to myself.
It's true though.
Still no response.
"Crimson, just answer the question!" Red yells. "Quit acting like a hatchling and answer the pluckin question!"
"Looks like she's at a loss for words," Mudbeard says to Red before turning back to Crimson. "Do you need some help finding them?"
His voice is full of sarcasm, he's mocking her, but there isn't 'Ms. Leader Crimson' here.
At least this shows that she's not the best here.
Crimson fully lowers her sword, but still says nothing.
"Well, looks like you need a little memory to help you out," Mudbeard jeers at Crimson. "Birdig War, ah such a great and horrible time. I remember hiding behind large rocks and seeing...."
Mudbeard pauses a moment before continuing.
No, no, no.
"... a bird named Jasper, who battled my father. I'll admit, it was a pretty good fight. A slash here, and a jab there, a block and some other maneuver."
Mudbeard takes his staff and uses it as a sword and acts out each move.
"Okay, we get it, move on," Hope demands.
The uneasiness grows in me the more Mudbeard talks and the longer Crimson stays silent.
Why didn't Crimson just tell him this from the start? It would've been much easier to deal with then, rather than now.
And it's not like Crimson to not do that, I just don't understand why she would keep something so big back from her own family.
"Well, anyways, my father pushed Jasper away, making him stumble," Mudbeard continues. "The bird didn't have enough time to recover, and-,"
"Mudbeard's father killed him," Crimson sighs as she finished Mudbeard's sentence.
"Ah, so you do remember!" Mudbeard exclaims, laughing a bit.
"Seriously, Crimson? I don't know a Jasper, so why should I care about him?" Red snaps at Crimson.
"Look it's-,"
"Just tell me about our father!" Red yells at her. "What happened to him? Where is he? Why hasn't he-,"
"Our father was Jasper!" Crimson finally screams as she throws her sword onto the ground. "He's dead!"
Red suddenly becomes still.
"What?" He whispers.
Oh no.
I need to do something, like turn every bird's attention onto something else.
What to do? What to do?!
"Why are you here?" I yell at Mudbeard, not really thinking as I move away from Red and the others.
"Ah, Draven, I haven't seen you in awhile", Mudbeard laughs as he averts his attention to me.
"Why are you here?" I repeat more loudly.
"Well, to fulfill my plan of course," Mudbeard answers coolly.
"You're not stealing our eggs to eat them, not now, not ever," I snap at him.
He raises an eyebrow at me.
"Eat them? Ha! That was the old plan!" Mudbeard proclaims. "The new plan was actually my father's idea when he first attacked this island. So it's more like I'm fulfilling my father's plan, not mine."
"Oh no," I hear Joetta gasp.
"Oh yes," Mudbeard says with an unsettling smile. He points his scepter at the fortune teller. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."
"Joetta, what's his plan?" I ask the fortune teller as I run to her.
But Mudbeard answers before her.
"You'll find out in three, two, one," Mudbeard says.
All of a sudden, the clanking of swords and shields, along with some screams and squeals are heard in the distance behind us.
Lolan and Breg.
Oh no.
"Of course we'll steal the eggs! But here's the catch," Mudbeard begins explaining. "I'll be keeping the eggs where they'll hatch on time to expose strong, healthy, smart hatchlings that will be raised to go against you! And other islands to conquer as well!"
"Wow, great plan, now why don't you go tell the fish about it, I'm real sure that they'll care," Ruby says sarcastically.
"How about this, I go to the sea, get some fish and shove them in your beak to shut you up?" Mudbeard snaps at the red female bird.
She only blinks at him in surprise.
"This is your cue to go jump in the water to cool yourself off from that burn," I hear Kyra whisper to Ruby.
"I am capturing the rest of you to work under my rule," Mudbeard, ignoring the comments, sneers menacingly, especially at me.
"Did you really think I forgot about you?"
Mudbeard asks me loudly as he points at me.
"Yeah actually, considering the fact that your snout is always elsewhere and focused on something else," I answer truthfully. "And also, you just now actually decided to acknowledge me so..."
"Fair enough, but I didn't forget you, and I never will because I never forget the face of a traitor," Mudbeard growls at me as he shoves me to the ground.
I grunt with pain when I make contact with the rocky ground, but being called a traitor hurts worse.
So that's what I am, a traitor.
What have I done?
I'm shaken out of my moment of questioning by Mudbeard.
"But, you weren't a traitor to me," Mudbeard starts.
Of course I was!
"What do you mean?" I demand, not finding the energy to get up.
Immediately, the pig king starts cackling and snorting.
"Oh Draven, just step back and look at the bigger picture," Mudbeard says tiredly. "A traitor to not only Poldras Island, but to Crimson, to Tamahara, to your friends... a traitor to yourself."
He paused before continuing.
"And yet, through all this betrayal, you helped me!"
"What? No I didn't!" I yell at him.
He makes his way over to me, and looks down at me.
"You only led me to follow you, which ended up here! Of course with some extra help," Mudbeard bellows as Tamahara's parents step to the left to reveal a familiar, small figure. A walkie talkie is held in his right hoof.
I feel my eyes grow wide with shock.
"Draven, please, listen to me!" Ross begs, but Mudbeard shuts him up.
"No talking without my consent!"
"Yes, King," Ross mumbles.
Ross, betrayed us?
But he helped Tamahara and me escape.
I don't understand.
"Ross, signal the pigs!" Mudbeard orders the little pig.
"Ross! Don't do it!" I yell at the traitor.
Draven, remember, you're a traitor too.
I really need to shut my thoughts up.
Ross looks between me and Mudbeard, not knowing who to take orders from.
"Think about all the lives at risk!" I scream at him. "You're gonna get in trouble after this whole fiasco ends!"
"Coming from the bird who put others' lives at risk by destroying islands and families," Ross mutters.
I stare at him and blink in surprise.
I don't know what to say, and I know it's the truth, but did I really do that much damage?
"Gahh, give me that!" Mudbeard snaps as he snatches the device from Ross. "You're taking too long!"
"No!" I scream.
And just like every other story with heroes, villains, and traitors...
It's too late.
"The Birdig War is up for seconds," Mudbeard proclaims into the device before lifting his hooves above his head, laughing maniacally.
"How much worse could this possibly get?" I mumble to myself.
"Oh Draven, this isn't even the worst of the war," Mudbeard laughs, leaving me shocked as to how he heard me. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a wedding to get ready for."
"Wedding? Ew, who'd wanna marry you?" Hope snaps in disgust.
"A beautiful bird named Tamahara," Mudbeard says as he smiles.
My eyes grow wide.
"No, she never would," I say slowly as I start to get up.
"That's why it was arranged!" Mudbeard exclaims happily. "Well, that's part of the reason why it as arranged. Of course I'll just kiss her on the cheek, and then she'll make my food for the rest of my life."
"That's it?" I ask in disgust.
"Yeah actually," Mudbeard answers, shrugging his shoulders as he strolls over to the King and Queen, who smirk with satisfaction with the war.
A new burst of anger roars up inside of me as I try to prevent his words from happening.
"Get back here pork belly! Tamahara will never marry you!" I yell at him as I finally find the strength to get up off the ground.
There's no way she's gonna marry him.
He stops and laughs.
"You say that as if she wants to marry you! I'm pretty sure she'll never marry you either, traitor. Also, congratulations on also being a heartbreaker! It must feel so good to have someone else feel the pain you're feeling."
Mudbeard walks onto the ship, oinking with laughter as he walks onto the the ship with Tamahara's parents.
"Wait!" I yell, but he either doesn't hear me or just ignores me.
Suddenly, I hear shouts around me, and before I know it, I'm tackled to the ground from behind.
By pigs.
"Ugh, let go of me!" I yell as I throw the pigs off of me, but it's no use.
They just keep coming and tackling not only me down, but also all of my friends.
And Crimson.
But I don't care about Crimson anymore, I want Tamahara.
She's on that ship, so maybe...
"Hey, what are you doing?" I demand as I feel my wings being handcuffed from behind me, something I haven't felt since I was on the prison island.
Oh plucks no.
A sudden fear fills me as I remember that island, filled with cries, pleads, and pain, but I push it all aside and tried my best to remain calm.
"Why we're gonna hold you captive til Mudbeard says we can let ya go," a pig with a nasally voice answers as he pushes me to my feet.
Wait a moment.
Maybe this is my chance.
My chance to find Tamahara, my chance to prove myself, my chance to show that my loyalty is still for Poldras Island.
My chance to show that I'm not a traitor to those I love and hate.
I look around as I'm being pushed forward towards the large ship that now looms in front of me.
Every single bird is captured and handcuffed, being led to the cages and chains that will bind us together with the darkness.
Pain, anger, regret, sadness, fear, all those emotions fill the eyes of the birds around me as we're all being led to the ship.
And quite honestly, I'm afraid of what's to come.
"Draven, fear has two meanings, Forget Everything And Run, or Face Everything And Rise," Tamahara's voice rings in my head.
I let her words roll over and around in my head, carefully
This is my chance to destroy this nightmare, and end this war once and for all.
I allow myself to be taken away.
Tamahara, I'm coming for you.
There's no way I'm gonna let that filthy hoofed jelly marry her, even if it means that I die trying.

Book One: Lost and Found: An Angry Birds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now