Chapter Nineteen: Lolan

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"Lolan, please calm down, it's Christmas. You shouldn't be stressing yourself out like this," Breg tells me.
Breg, Tori, Tamahara, Joetta and I are at Joetta's hut, trying to get myself to calm down a bit after finding out that Crimson and my grandpa are alive, even though it's been months since the truth was revealed to me.
If I was told that only Crimson is alive, then I wouldn't be sitting here on an uncomfortable wooden stool, wasting away the day that is supposed to be the best time of the year. But, when Joetta told me that my grandpa is alive, I couldn't believe it.
I wouldn't believe.
So the past few months, I've been driving myself crazy by trying to figure out how it's totally possible that he's not dead. Also, I've been trying to find the rest of the prophecy, but with, of course, no luck.
"But I need to find out about how any of this happened!" I exclaim in irritation.
"We know, but Breg is right," Joetta points out as she pours me a cup of hot cocoa. "Just take at least one day off."
I look down at the mug, which steams off a smell of sweetness and warmth into the air. The brown milky liquid looks soothing. I think over Joetta's suggestion.
Well, I haven't been spending much time with Breg and the others.
Maybe it wouldn't be much of a bad idea to let go and let loose for a bit.
But tomorrow, I have to get right back to this.
"Alright, fine," I finally say, giving in.
"I was afraid you were gonna say no," Breg laughs from behind me as he wraps his wings around me.
I allow myself to be pulled into him, snuggling into him as if he was a pillow.
He plays with my head feathers, stroking in sync with his heartbeat, which I can feel as I lean into him.
A tranquil feeling takes over me as I look up into his eyes, not wanting to look away.
"Ooh, someone get out the mistletoe," Tori jokes, playing with her Chinese finger trap.
"Oh shut up," Breg laughs as he hugs me tighter, making me look away, blushing. A comfortable silence hangs in the air.
In Breg's wings, I can feel the pieces of my heart being pushed together, but it's not a bad force, it's a good force. A force that tells me that everything will get better. A force that wants me to get better.
That force is Breg, making sure that I'm happy and well, and wanting what's best for me.
A smile comes to my face as I close my eyes, happiness filling me.
I want this to last forever.
But the moment is soon ended by a knock at the door, breaking the silence.
"I'll get it," Breg offers, letting go of me. I watch him walk to the door, smiling.
"You love him," Tori suddenly tells me quietly, right beside me.
My heart races from the sudden words of the young bird, and I take a few deep breaths to calm myself.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya, I just want some hot cocoa," Tori laughs.
"Nah, you're okay," I assure her, looking back towards Breg.
I wonder who he's talking to.
I stand up a bit in my seat, leaning over the wooden table to get a better look at the other bird.
It's Gasdin.
What? Why is he here?
I suddenly become worried.
What if the pigs are coming? Are we moving to another island? Or had something good actually happened for once?
But I don't think anything good happened, cuz when Gasdin is around, nothing is good. The light green bird only brings bad news.
I'm not saying he himself is a bad bird, because he's nice and all, but he just has the job of bringing things to attention.
Things that are never good.
Footsteps break my train of thought, making me look up at Breg's face.
"Hey, so Gasdin needs my help with something," Breg sighs. A sad look comes across his face, making me break inside.
"Oh, okay," I answer him, a little upset.
"We'll try to be quick about it," he reassures me with a smile. "See ya later."
He hugs me one more time, giving me a peck on the cheek, making my face burn up as he walks back to Gasdin.
Before closing the door, Breg looks back and gives me a smile, making me melt.
Soon, the place where he stood becomes covered by the door.
"You guys are so cute!" Tori squeals as she grabs my wing.
I feel myself blushing, bursting with pride at the compliment.
"Thank you," I answer her, trying to keep my feelings under control.
"I felt your hearts beating so fast, it's like you guys are madly in love with each other," Tori tells me excitedly.
I laugh a little.
"I wouldn't go that far," I answer her, smoothing out my head feathers.
"I mean, you guys' heartbeats were in sync! I've never experienced that before! I'm so happy for you!" Tori squeals again as she spins around the hut.
"Tori! Stop before you break something," Joetta tells her.
"Sorry," Tori answers her, ducking her head in shame.
I honestly forgot that Tori can feel other birds' feelings and heartbeats. Fortunately, she only really pays attention to the heartbeats, because she said that when she feels feelings, it's makes her feel bad. I'm pretty grateful that she really only feels for heartbeats, I mean, it would kind make me a little uncomfortable knowing that another bird knows how I feel without me telling them.
And I don't think I've ever used 'feel' so many times in my entire life.
I hear Tamahara sigh sadly, and I look over to see her plucking the petals off of a daisy.
"If only Draven loved me the way Breg loves you Lolan, I'd probably be the happiest bird alive," Tamahara mutters, but loud enough for me to hear. Her dark blue eyes stay focused on the half petal-less flower in front of her. She slouches on a blue cushioned couch.
I've gotten pretty close with the princess, and overall, she's pretty cool. She has her narcissistic moments, definitely, but other than that, she's actually a really good bird to talk to.
My eyes widen in shock at what Tamahara said.
"You love Draven?" I ask her, mouth gaping open.
Maybe we're not as a close as I thought we were...
"Yes," she admits, sadness filling her voice.
I don't believe it!
How could she love a bird like him?
"No offense, but don't you think that Draven... maybe, doesn't deserve you? I mean, considering what he's done?" I ask slowly, carefully choosing my words.
She looks at me, anger flaring in her eyes. Immediately, tension fills the air as I gulp, regretting what I had just said.
Well great. I just made enemies with the princess of Kaelon Island.
But before she can say anything, Tori interjects.
"Hey, I'm gonna go, I just remembered I have some errands to run with Hope," Tori quickly says, finishing up her hot chocolate.
"I gotta go too!" Joetta exclaims loudly, following close to Tori.
Both female birds rush out, slamming the wooden door after them, leaving me with an angry princess.
Way to go, Lolan.
This is just one more bird I had upset.
"I don't know what Draven did, nor do I care. Cuz whatever he did, is in the past, and the present is what truly matters," Tamahara argues.
"He destroyed entire islands!" I exclaim, getting up. My stool falls over, landing with a loud knock on the floor.
"And it's destroying me to see other birds in love and together while I'm just thrown in the dumps," she snaps at me. "It's destroying me that all I ever do is fight with him. I never actually talk to him, I never joke with him. We only fight, and fight, and fight! And yet I'm here, loving a bird who hates me!"
Tears brim her eyes, despite the fight glowing in her eyes.
"I love him Lolan, and you can't change that. The day I first met him, I thought he was rude, and arrogant, but after being with him for a while, I looked past my opinions and saw a bird that's truly worth anything," she tells me. "Breg was right, there's a fine line between love and hate!"
At this point, she's fully crying, tears streaming down her face.
I feel embarrassed for putting Tamahara down, this isn't my goal. I was only trying to warn her.
I only ended up breaking her down, telling her that she's better than him.
"No, he's not worth anything," she begins.
In addition to my embarrassment, confusion finds a place inside of me.
Wait, what?
"He's worth more than everything on all the islands. More than the gold, more than the jewels, more than royalty. He's more than all of that," she cries. "He's the reason why I've changed. He's the reason why I want to give more and receive less. He's the reason why I want to give up my crown."
I close my eyes, and shake my head, only becoming more confused.
She'll honestly give up her nobility for him?
I see nothing worth giving up for him.
Absolutely nothing.
He hurt innocent birds, he hurt this island, he hurt my cousin.
I can never forgive him.
"I'm sorry if I seem dramatic. I'm not, this is just my real feelings for Draven."
And with that said, she collapses on the floor, letting out all of her tears and emotions.
I don't know what to do. I mean, I know I should go and comfort her and apologize, but something's holding me back. Maybe it was the look she gave me earlier.
No, not just the look.
But the fire that burned in her eyes, it was a huge give away that she's no ordinary princess. She sure acts like one, no doubt, but it's as if she's so much more, and yet, I don't quite know what.
Maybe she's has more to say than what I thought...
Just as I'm about to go over to her, I hear a loud squeak coming from the front door.
"Um, is this a bad time?"
It's Draven at the door, a confused look on his face as he looks at Tamahara.
I walk over to him, anger flaring up in me, but I keep it down.
"Yeah, kinda, but what's up?" I ask him quietly.
"More like what's down?" Draven asks, raising an eyebrow as he tilts his head towards Tamahara.
She either hasn't noticed that he's here, or she's just ignoring him.
You can never tell what is what with a princess.
"Oh, uh, she," I stutter as I struggle to find words.
I can't just tell him that she loves him.
Oh pluck.
"She's just... homesick," I lie, pausing a bit.
"Oh," Draven starts he averts his eyes back to me. "Anyways, we need you guys to come to the shore."
"Why?" I demand irritably.
"Why don't you take a look for yourself?" Draven challenges me as he walks away.
• • •
"Ready yourselves!" Draven yells strongly above the crowd.
Soldiers line the shore in an orderly fashion.
In the middle, a pack of birds, five rows of five archers  are surrounded by three rows of twenty birds with shields, swords, and javelins.
The wind blows slightly to the left, ruffling our feathers.
Anticipation fills me as I stand in the third line of the archers, waiting for the signal from Draven, who is in the front with just a sword.
He's really taking a risk by fighting without a shield.
And he really took a risk for volunteering to lead the army into battle. No other bird was stepping up though, so he did. He said he wanted to make things right with every bird on this island, and he wanted to prove it by helping.
So now, here we are, waiting for a large ship to blow its cannons on us. Waiting for it to anchor itself to shore.
Waiting for the pigs to pour out from it like ants coming out of a water-filled ant hole.
The boat comes closer, and notice details of it.
Large, about two or three decks, and slots are cut out on the sides.
I see Draven raise his sword.
I knock an arrow into my bow, taking aim through one of the cut outs in the side. It's a hard shot, but I know I can get it in there.
I move my bow a little to the right due to the wind direction.
I wait.
Let go.
Arrows whistle as they fly through the air. Some hit the mast, some hit the sail, and some hit the bottom half of the boat.
But none got as close as mine.
It went in through the window, causing screams of fear to erupt from that area. I smirk a bit.
Them pigs better be scared.
But soon, my cockiness fades as a white flag is raised, next to the slightly torn sail.
They're surrendering?
All of us look at each in confusion as the boat slowly approaches.
Then, I make out a familiar figure.
Red feathers, golden sword.
I gasp.
"Crimson!" I yell. Determined anticipation pushes me through the lines of defense.
A bunch of birds curse at me and push me around a little, but I ignore them.
I just want to see my cousin.
By the time I've pushed through the final line, Crimson is just getting off a ladder.
"Crimson!" I cry out, dropping my bow before running to her.
"Oh my gosh, Lolan!"
She rushes towards me, dropping her sword and envelopes me in a hug.
She's back! She's really back!
She's not dead.
I start crying in relief as Crimson comforts me.
"Calm down, everything's alright," she assured me quietly.
"You're not dead," I sob into her shoulder.
No more words are exchanged between us, just tears and a hug.
I don't think I've ever missed any bird so much. Yes, she's pushed me away, but that doesn't mean she isn't my family anymore.
I look past her shoulder to find a group of other birds climbing down the ladder.
Funny, I was expecting pigs.
"Who are they?" I ask a bit firmly than I intended to.
"Calm down, you make it sound like they're pigs," Crimson laughs as she walks towards the group. I follow her without hesitation.
"Okay, guys, I want you to meet my cousin, Lolan," Crimson introduces me just as large, maroon bird is climbing off the last step.
"Hi! I'm Chuck!" A yellow bird exclaims, circling around us once in a flash.
"Okay," I say slowly, shaking my head to clear the dizziness as I try to greet myself to him.
Although, it's no use.
"That's Bomb," Crimson points to a large black bird.
"Hi," he smiles.
"Sup," I greet him as I give him a small wave.
He looks so innocent, like a little hatchling, and it makes me wanna laugh.
"The white bird is Matilda," Crimson tells me.
"Hello! Nice to meet you!" Matilda's peppy voice greets. It's sweet and warming, almost like home.
I look at her and smile in response.
Crimson takes a deep breath, her eyes closed.
I turn her away from the other birds.
"Is everything okay?" I ask her.
"Um yeah, it's just, I've never introduced them to any bird," Crimson tells me. She plasters a smile on her face as she turns back around. "Anyways, the large bird is Terence, and this is Red."
Terence is scary huge, and just looking at him runs a shudder down my spine. But something about him looks... familiar. I can't pinpoint what exactly makes him look familiar, but it's like I've seen him from somewhere before.
Even though I haven't.
I look at Red and almost have a panic attack.
He looks so much like Uncle Jasper.
Same eyes, same eyebrows, same color of feathers.
Only Uncle Jasper had a scar running down the left side of his face.
"Are you okay?" He asks slowly, as if he's creeped out.
"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I shake my head as I pull Crimson aside again.
"He looks a lot like your dad," I tell her quietly.
"That's cuz Terence and Red are my brothers," Crimson replies quietly.
"What?" I exclaim loudly.
"Shut up!" Crimson hisses. "They don't know that our father is dead!"
"You haven't told them?" I quietly ask, confused.
"It would've been too much," she explains.
"Oh, okay," I answer her, not really understanding why.
"Don't tell them, please," Crimson begs me. Her hazel eyes are pleading me not to tell.
Why didn't she tell them?! So much more heartache would've been saved if she told them!
I might tell them myself, I mean, he was my uncle after all, and they deserve to know.
But still, I don't think I could.
Should I? Should I not?
I know I should...
"Fine, I won't tell them," I hesitantly promise her.
"Thank you!" She exclaims as she wraps her wings around me again.
Self-hate fills me as I make my decision. I know I'm gonna regret promising her this, but if all goes down hill, I'm not gonna be the one to blame.
I wonder how Aunt Kyra is gonna take this.
Oh no.
"Crimson! What about your mom?" I ask nervously as I pull away.
Her eyes widen with realization to what I said.
"What would Mother do? How would she act? Oh no, I didn't think about that," Crimson states as she starts pacing the rocky shore.
I roll my eyes.
Seriously? That's the first thing I would've thought about.
Maybe she was just more focused on getting home.
Either way, she should've planned a bit a better.
"Crimson?" A female voice weakly asks from a crowd of citizens that stand a ways away from the army.
Crimson turns around, tears filling her eyes as she looks at a maroon bird with green eyes.
I look between my aunt and Terence.
He looks like her.
"Mom..." her voice trails off as she turns to face Aunt Kyra.
But her mom isn't the only bird she sees.
She sees Draven.
Oh no.
Crimson looks between the two birds, as if she doesn't know what to do. So many emotions cover her face.
Aunt Kyra carefully walks towards Crimson while Draven stays where he is.
Then, Aunt Kyra stops, leaving some distance between her and Crimson.
"Crimson..." but my aunt's voice trails off as she looks past Crimson. Then, almost immediately, her eyes widen as she runs past Crimson, pushing her away only to stop in front of Red and Terence. Crimson's face is soon covered with surprise, but hurt.
Her own mother just pushed her away.
I wince at the thought as I remember my own experience with my own mother pushing me away, but I push that feeling away.
Red takes a step forward.
"Mom?" He asks, uncertain.
"My children," Aunt Kyra cries as she wraps her wings around both the red birds.
"Mom!" He exclaims.
All three of the birds hug and cry together, saying each others' names over and over again.
I watch as Crimson slowly makes her way over to the family, and joins them, being pulled in.
Pity and sympathy fill me as I watch the family rejoice in their reunion.
I look over at Draven, who has his beak gaping open, making me roll my eyes as I turn my attention back to the Tide family.
Pain fills my chest as I realize that I won't ever get this from my own family, but I cover up the negativity with a smile.
"Lolan, come over here," Aunt Kyra beckons me with a smile. I walk over to her, only to be pulled into the family group hug.
It felt a bit odd, but I didn't feel out of place. I feel welcomed, I feel wanted. My hearts warms up.
"Merry Christmas every bird," Red tells us as we continue to hug.
Merry Christmas family.

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