Chapter Forty: Matilda

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"Aha! Eureka!" Mudbeard's voice happily exclaims into the loudspeaker. "Bird Island is in view!"
Every bird in the cell cheers, and I practically cry from happiness.
It's been two weeks since we got on here, and two weeks that I've been wondering how the pigs and birds of Kaelon Island got untied.
No bird else seems to have noticed the unusual action.
It makes no sense.
They were all tied up, and then some how they were untied. It doesn't make any sense to me. The guards that led us back to our cages that day found out about the busted cage, but they really didn't seem to care. They just fixed it. No words were exchanged, which made feel uneasy. It still makes me feel uneasy.
"Thank goodness," Draven mumbles tiredly.
Red doesn't say anything, just sighing every once in a while.
I, on the other wing, am overjoyed.
Finally! We're almost home!
No war, no fighting, no harm.
Maybe everything will end well after all.
"Oh my goodness!" Chuck exclaims from somewhere. "I'll see Stella!"
Oh crap.
What's Stella gonna think of Crimson when she finds out what Crimson said about Chuck being a traitor?
Maybe it won't be brought up.
I sure hope it won't.
Birds are stirred up by excitement, their tweets and chirps fill the air as Draven goes over his plan once more, pulling me out of my slight moment of daze.
"So we'll get the eggs off safely, offer the pigs food, get some time to tell the birds to bring back reinforcements to free us, and boom! We good in the hood," Draven says happily, laughing afterwards. "No war will happen, just a huge escape. We'll have to move to a new island, but so what? The pigs won't find us then."
"I'm pretty sure they'll try to find us," I tell the black bird. "We did make an agreement."
"An agreement that we disagreed with and that we can get out of," he laughs.
I shake my head as I keep thinking of the positives.
The eggs will be safe, and we'll find a way to defeat these pigs and get out of here.
"So," I start, hoping to get the right answer. "How did the pigs get untied?"
"Oh, Chuck and I untied them," Draven says calmly before yawing.
"You what?!" I exclaim flailing my wings around. "Are you insane?"
"Actually, I'm a bit of a pyromaniac so yes, technically..." he starts, but I cut him off as I rush in front of him. I grab him by the shoulders.
"You let the pigs loose?! Are you crazy?!" I shake him back and forth before he shoves me away. I stumble and fall right back to where I was sitting.
He can't be serious.
I swear everyone that's from Poldras Island is secretly idiotic.
Better being ignorant like every bird of my island than stupid like Draven and every other bird.
"Okay, first, you need to calm down," Draven snaps at me. "Second, we didn't do it out of pure senselessness, we need their trust just like they need ours! Okay?" I just blink
"Look, I know you wanna get off of this damn thing just as bad as all the other birds," Draven firmly but quietly states. "So do I, but we need to make the pigs, and whoever else that's a part of this stupid scheme, believe us. Then, we'll sike them out and avoid any possible conflict."
I nod my head, but a part of me feels like this isn't gonna go the way we want it to.
Something much worse is gonna happen.
And it's not gonna be Karma this time.

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