Chapter Four: Lolan

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"I don't understand, it's been years since the war," I question what had happened earlier. "What is their deal with eggs?"
Me and a few other birds are circled around a map, trying to figure out where the pigs came from. So far, we've only have the assumption that the pigs left their old island to a new island to plant their roots and rebuild their kingdom.
"Didn't the pigs have a prison island?" Breg asks.
"Yes, they did, but we liberated the birds," I answer, not looking at him.
"Are you sure that we've freed all of the birds?" He presses further.
"Yes we did," I growl.
He looks like he is about to question more but I stop him.
"Wait, so you're saying that some bird betrayed us?" I ask as I turn to look at Breg.
He smoothes his head feathers back.
"I mean, it's a possibility," he suggests.
I thought for a minute.
The only real possibility is...
"Draven," I finally declare.
The other birds look at me in confusion.
"But Lolan, we never found his body after the war," a yellow bird juts in.
"Just because we never found his body doesn't mean he isn't alive," I firmly protest.
This time, no bird interjects.
Draven made a promise to come back if he had escaped. But if Draven is alive, he would come back.
Wouldn't he?
"Lolan!" A voice interrupts my thoughts. I snap back into reality.
"Yes?" I turn around to face one of the guards.
"Your grandfather, he's in his final hour," he informs me.
I just nod to hide the fact I want to run to him.
"I'll be right there," I respond. The guard salutes me then walks out. I turn around to face the birds around me.
"Stay here, I'll be back in a little bit," I order.
"Yes ma'am," a few birds respond in unison. Breg walks up to me.
"Will you be okay?" Breg asks me quietly in a worried tone.
No, no I won't. I've never been okay.
I roll my eyes.
"I'll be fine," I reassure him. "I'm seeing my grandfather, it's not I'm going into war."
But I am heading towards a war.
But it's not mine.
Breg gives a small laugh and smiles. I smile back.
"Alright, well I'll see ya later," he waves me off.
I nod once and turn around and hustle out the door, taking my sword with me.

• • •
"Lolan," my grandfather weakly calls out to me as I burst into the room.
"Grandfather!" I rush to the side of his bed.
He coughs but smiles.
"I've heard about the battle today with the pigs," Grandfather wheezes. "Is every bird okay?"
"Yes, every bird is fine," I assure him. I pause.
"Except for one bird."
Grandfather looks at me oddly, his fire colored eyes dulling with each passing second.
"What do you mean?" He softly demands.
I look down at my feet for a few seconds, hesitating to answer before I finally look at him and respond.
"Crimson," I flatly answer.
He is silent for a little bit.
"What? What happened to her? Where is she?" Grandpa angrily demands.
Why is he so worried about her?
Every bird gets so worried about her because everything is about her.
All because she killed the pig king.
I sigh.
"Crimson was fighting Leonard. Then, he ordered all the pigs to retreat, but she followed and jumped onto one of the battleships. I followed her, along with Breg and a few other birds. We managed to get on Leonard's ship, and she was about to kill him. But a cannonball exploded into the side of the boat and Leonard started to escape. Crimson followed him and jumped onto the same rowboat as Leonard," I explain I'm brief detail if what happened earlier today.
As I am explaining, Grandfather starts to look more ragged and sad.
Why is he acting this way?
"I should've guessed that your cousin would do that," Grandfather states as he puts a wing to his forehead. "Where is she?"
I clear my throat.
"Uh, well ya see," I start. "There was a storm and uh, a wave crashed into the small boat and took Crimson with it."
I look down.
Grandfather starts coughing, getting worse each time. I look at his nightstand and grab a glass of water and hand it to him. Still coughing, he sits up and takes it from me. His coughing slows and takes a sip.
"Thank you," he says in a raspy voice as he hands me the glass.
I set it down back on the stand.
"So the guard should've told you it's my last hour, did he?"
I feel tears coming to my eyes.
"Yes, he did," I respond, my voice cracking as I try not to choke up.
"I want to tell you something," he begins slowly. "Have you heard of the prophecy?"
Wait, a prophecy? What?
"No, Grandfather, I haven't heard it, what is it?" I ask.
Grandfather does his best to clear his throat.
"Three of one feather red, Shall strike the green king dead," Grandfather recites. "There's more to it but my mind has gone gray, and I can no longer remember."
What do I have have to do with this? I'm not even red, I'm orange.
"Um, Grandfather, why should the prophecy matter to me?" I question.
"It isn't talking about you, it's about Crimson, and there are two more like her, relatives," he replies impatiently. "Long lost relatives. Lolan, you have to find Crimson."
Once again, it's all about 'Crimson.'
He starts to cough again, but it isn't as bad.
He's in the hands of Fate...
"Grandfather..." I start but I realize it's not worth saying.
"Lolan, remember the prophecy and figure out the rest of it," he says slowly. "Find Crimson. Bring her home. This island needs a queen and she's the only one capable of that position."
His eyelids start to drop.
No, no, no.
"Grandfather," I whisper as tears start to slowly slide down my face, soaking my feathers.
His eyes are closed now. He breathes his last breath.
I bend down to give him a hug, crying quietly.
I don't understand any of this. I don't understand the prophecy, I don't understand the long lost relatives.
I need guidance, but I have no bird to guide me.
Yet, I don't disrespect the king, my grandfather.
I never have, and I never will.
"Don't worry, I will find Crimson and bring her home," I whisper.

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