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I hear their voices, their thoughts, echoing against the dark, stone walls that isolate me.
I feel their excitement and anxiousness as I sit here, chained up in chaotic darkness, muttering and laughing to no bird but myself in the deep coldness of an unbreakable cell.
"They think this is all gonna go their way," I quietly laugh, my head bent down towards a puddle of water. I see a reflection of my left side, the messy head feathers, the scar.
The chaotic side of me.
The side that goes out of control.
And that's what I like about it.
"No control," I laugh menacingly as I go to splash at the water, but my wing doesn't move.
Of course.
No control means no freedom.
"Stupid chain," I sigh, but shake my head in amusement as I easily slip my wing through the shackle. "But stupid pig."
Immediately, I splash the water around, getting my wings wet, laughing like a little hatchling as I begin to roll in it.
And that's when I see it.
The necklace, a charm wedged between two stones, glowing brightly, promising a future, beckoning me closer.
My necklace.
Everything in the glowing red gem holds it all.
My power, my abilities.
My freedom.
"You get this necklace," he started cooly, his brown eyes burning. "I'll grant you your liberty, power and any desire that you ask me of."
A wide grin spreads across my beak as I get up and walk over towards it, admiring the beautiful darkness held within such gleaming evil.
"Such rarity," I say aloud as I feel a living presence appear beside me.
Her presence.
" It's a 'Hoshi no Tama,'" Okami- Kitsune answers a question that I hadn't even thought to ask. "It's not just your freedom, it's your power, your soul. If you are parted from it for too long, you will begin to grow weak, gradually downgrading till your death. That's why that pig left it here, so you wouldn't die."
"Maybe I wanna die," I mumble, closing my eyes for a few moments as I feel her nine tails  curl up around me.
"Just imagine," she tells me, whispering from beside me. "All this power, potential, possibility... All for you. It'd be such a shame if you left such a gem here for some bird of less worthiness to pick it up."
I open my eyes and immediately, my eyes are glued right back to the object.
I can't draw myself away from it. To be free would be absolutely wonderful. Free of this prison, free of this misery, free of everything to be free to a better life.
A better life is something to die for.
"I seek it as best if you take it," Okami-Kitsune states firmly, shaking me out of my thoughts. "You will die, and I will not accept your death. Your step-father will not accept your death, he would refuse to believe it as true, considering that you saved his life with your healing ability during the war..."
I stand there, listening to the wolf- hybrid, slowly making sense of what she's saying.
I rejoice in suffering, I find uncontrollable laughter in pain, I make death an amusement, something so pleasurable...
I'm just so mesmerized, so caught off guard, so...
Out of control.
My wide grin grows as I throw a forceful punch at the stonewall, cracking it. Pain shoots through my wing, making me erupt in laughter.
"If you want something, fight for it," Okami- Kitsune growls as she prowls behind me. "Pain is a major part of your life, you're used to it! Use it to your advantage!"
And with that said, I throw one more punch, applying enough force to crack the wall more in order to pull out the gem.
I laugh when I pluck out the charm, a black ribbon falling from it as I take it out of its place.
"You're more powerful than what you think you are," my companion tells me, pride in her rather low voice. "And with the Hoshi no Tama..."
She pauses as I turn to look at her, a reflection of me in a different form. Heterochromatic eyes, scar underneath her left eye, tan with red highlights. Equally strong and smart.
"... you're the most powerful being of all the islands."
"I'm the most powerful being," I mutter to myself as I look at the charm that's in my clutch.
I can feel it.
The power, the freedom...
The life.
"You want to piece your family back together, do you not? You want to heal, do you not?" Okami- Kitsune asks me calmly. "Freedom? Happiness?"
"Yes, I want it all," I answer her firmly, narrowing my eyes. "I just need to know how I'm going to do that."
Okami- Kitsune laughs loudly, swishing her nine tails back and forth as she hugs her scarred wings closer to her body.
I look at her as my grin falters, absolutely confused.
"Oh, but darling," she sighs once she has finally calmed down. "You have the answer in the palm of your wing."
I look back down at the powerful gem.
"You already have all the abilities known to all the birds, some undiscovered," the winged creature explains. "Use this as a tool to achieve your ambitions. Put your family back together and get healed, no matter what."
"Even if it means war?" I ask her a little nervously.
"Yes, even if it means war."
I take the two ends of the ribbon and hold the necklace up to my neck, tying it in the back as excitement and ambition shock through my body. The grin comes back to my beak.
I will find my family.
My real family.
And I will seek revenge.
"Freedom and revenge, here I come!" I exclaim, laughing louder and louder with each passing second.
I laugh out loud as I feel the power of the  Hoshi no Tama pulse throughout my body.
I take a quick glance at the picture that's taped to the wall.
Grandpa, Step-Mom, Step-Dad, a cousin and three so-called "siblings."
That's not my family.
"That's not them! That's not them!" I scream as I rip the picture down, revealing him.
Immediately, I begin to calm down and slow my breathing.
"Oh, my dear old dad, Redmund," I sigh, taking in deep breaths. "I'll find you and we'll be a family again, but until then..."
I look down angrily at the photograph on the stone floor, glaring at her.
"I have a little 'catching up' to do with a shrew of a sister that ruined everything and tore us apart. Stupid, mindless, disregarding, arrogant, self-pitying Crimson."
I pause for a moment to think about where to go, and at first, I think of Bird Island to meet Crimson there.
No, let's go drop a visit at Step- Dad Jasper's.
"Little Crimson you better run," I growl, laughing a bit. "Your 'sister' Scarlet Rose is after ya!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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