Chapter Thirty-Six: Lolan

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"Lolan Phoenix."
Excitement energizes my body as I try to keep my cool.
I've been chosen!
Now, this is the time to revolt against these pigs.
Along with the birds of Kaelon Island.
But Tamahara lives on Kaelon Island...
Can I really go against her island? Can I really go against her?
She kinda became like a sister to me, although I wasn't always hanging out with her.
"Tim Bergling."
Five more.
"Terence Tide."
Hey, I'm with Terence. Awesome!
He's strong, and he's pretty intimidating.
He'll be a huge help.
"Inis Laytae."
"Ruby..." the guard stops. "Just Ruby. Where are you?"
"Um, here," Ruby calls out from her cage. Annoyance fills her voice. "Yeah I understand, it's hard to pronounce my last name."
I have to stifle a laugh, and honestly, I don't know why I found it so funny.
There really wasn't anything funny about it.
Oh well.
"Moving on," the guard continues, starting to finish up the list. "Ky Bon."
Huh, I haven't seen or heard from her in a long time. I wonder how the white bird has been.
One more.
"And last, and totally the least," the guard says, making the birds laugh.
Well, that's kinda rude.
"Dravennus Javennus Ravennus," The guard announces at last.
"C'mon man!" Draven snaps. "Did you have to use my full name?"
Wait, that's his full name?
A tongue-twisting rhyme game?
"That's all," the guard says as he leaves, closing the door behind him.
All of the cages erupt in laughter.
"That's your name?" A bird off to my left sneers.
"Kinda cool if ya ask me," a bird, Aoetto, chirps. "It seems like one of those names that'll go down in history."
"Oh, it went down alright," a bird laughs. "Along with his life."
The birds continue to chatter and laugh, and it is so loud I can't even hear myself think.
Yeah, Draven has done stupid things, no doubt, but these birds are going way too far.
Somehow, Draven's voice is loud enough to overcome all the birds' voices in this cell.
"Every bird shut up before I shut you all up myself!"
I close my eyes, scared of what is to come next.
Why am I closing my eyes? I can't see anything!
It sounds as though metal is being broken, and I hear some birds scream.
Every bird stops.
I open my eyes.
Silence sweeps the cell as a figure has a blue glow to it.
Not it.
"W-what the pluck!" Draven yells. "What is this? I'm literally glowing!"
He flails his wings, trying to get away from whatever it is.
I only stare at him in utter confusion.
"It is your abilities," I hear Joetta tell him calmly.
"How do you know that? How do you know me more than I know myself?" Draven snaps at her, demanding an answer.
In all honesty, I'd be freaking out too, so I don't dare tell him to shut up as I continue to watch.
I'm actually kinda scared myself.
"You are a part of the prophecy," Joetta continues.
"What?" Draven exclaims. "I don't wanna be a part of it!"
"But you have to be," Joetta starts, only to get cut off.
"Get me out of it!" Draven begs her. "I can't save entire islands! I can't! I only destroy them! You're a fortune teller! Change this!"
Every bird can hear how desperate he is.
But why wouldn't he want to be a part of the prophecy?
He'd be a hero in the end, and prove to the entirety of Poldras Island that he's changed.
"It is all in the wings of Fate," Joetta tells him. "Only you can change you. No bird can do it for you."
She pauses before continuing.
"There is nothing I can do."
And obviously, there is nothing that a bird can do to stop Draven from freaking out.
"What even is the prophecy? Will this glow go away? Are my feathers still black? Is this gonna lead me to my death?"
He walks around and between cages, freaking out as he walks around the entire cell.
"Draven! You're out of your cage!" I yell at the glowing black bird.
"I don't wanna be a part of-huh?" Draven starts to cry out but stops. "Oh, hey, I am out. How funny is that?"
"Can you get the rest of us out?" I ask him, hope filling me as he opens his beak.
"Yes and no," he answers, laughing nervously.
"What do you mean, 'yes and no?'" I demand him.
He walks over to me, a nervous look on his face.
"Yes, because I have the key, and no..."
"You have the key?" I ask him, surprise filling my voice.
"I stole it."
"You steal everything," I inform him flatly.
"For good reasons!" He exclaims, defending himself.
I just glare at him, not quite convinced.
'Good' reasons he says.
More like bad excuses.
"It can be reasoned!" He says once more.
"Whatever, no because?" I ask, waiting for him to go on.
"I'm not sure where all of you will go," he tells me. "We're just gonna have to wait 'til we get to Bird Island."
"But you busted out of your cage," I point out.
He turns around to look at his cage.
"Geez, did I really do that? It doesn't look like it can be fixed..."
"My point exactly," I growl cutting him off.
"The guards are gonna come in here and see that."
Draven doesn't say anything.
"So we're either gonna have to get out now, or stay here and get punished," I tell him.
"Or why don't I just go request to see Mudbeard..." he starts but I cut him off once more.
"Not glowing like that you will."
"I don't know how to get rid of it, okay?" He snaps at me.
We stand there in silence for some time.
Shouldn't guards be running in right now?
"I wonder where the guards are," Draven says, as if he had read my mind.
"They would've heard," I point out.
"Yeah, especially if they were outside the door..." Draven's voice trails off as he walks towards the door.
"Draven! You idiot! Don't you dare leave this cell!" I hiss at him.
But he doesn't answer as he keeps going to the door.
"Draven!" I snap at him.
Still no answer.
Can he be more stupid?
Sadly, he can be.
He opens the door.
And leaves.
                                        • • •
"That idiot!" I yell as I slam my fist against a bar of the cage, irritated because no bird can listen to me.
I can't believe that he just got up and left!
He's gonna get caught for sure.
"Lolan, listen to me you will," Joetta starts. "It may seem as though he is not thinking, but trust me, he is."
"Yeah, right," I snort. "He's gonna get caught and get us all punished."
"Or get us all freed," the fortune teller says calmly. "He will be back soon."
Even though we're sitting in darkness again, I roll my eyes anyways.
This is it. We're all gonna die because of one idiot and a prophecy.
The prophecy...
"Hey, Joetta," I start.
"Hm?" She asks.
"How is it that you don't have a copy of the prophecy but yet, you say all these things about it?" I ask.
She sighs.
"I know the prophecy by heart," she starts. "I did have it, but it had gotten lost during the Birdig War."
Wait, so all those searches were for nothing?!
"So, why don't you just say it?" I ask, not really understanding why she's hiding it.
"It is not the right time to speak of the words themselves," she tells me. "We must wait."
"Wait? Wait for what? Our deaths?" I snap at her.
"The turning point of this era!" She snaps back at me.
I blink in surprise.
Joetta never gets angry.
"I am sorry " she apologizes. "But we must wait."
"Do you know for how long?" I ask carefully, afraid of being snapped at again.
"I am not quite sure, but I know that the turning point will come soon enough," she answers. "We must have all birds present in order to speak the prophecy out loud."
I nod my head, even though I don't quite understand.
"How did the pigs get to the Hall?" Joetta asks, changing the subject.
"I honestly have no idea," I answer her. "I had just given a speech and then suddenly, they just came in."
"Weird," she answers. "Maybe we will find out soon."
The door opens and we all look.
It's Draven.
That was quick.
"Good news," he says as soon as he shuts the door. "And bad news. Which do you want first?"
"Bad news," a group of birds answer.
"Okay, good news," Draven starts. "We're able to get out, and we haven't set sail yet."
"We said bad news first," Hope points out.
"Bad news," Draven starts, sighing. "This stupid glow won't go away!"
"Okay, anyways, explain," I snap at him. "How do you know we can get out?"
"Well, some bird bound up all the pigs, conscious and unconscious. Along with the guards and birds of Kaelon Island," he explains. "Even Mudbeard is out like a light."
"It's probably a setup," I snort. "I don't trust it."
"Really? Then talk to him," Draven says as he reopens the door and steps aside to let a smaller bird in.
"Chuck!" I hear Bomb exclaim in happiness.
Wow, I totally forgot Bomb was here.
Maybe I really do have an attention deficiency.
"Life of the party here, move out of the way," Chuck laughs as he pushes past Draven, even though Draven is already out of his way.
"Don't touch me," Draven growls.
Chuck shrugs his shoulders and keeps moving forward towards Bomb.
"Bomb buddy! Oh, how I've missed you!" Chuck exclaims as he races towards the cage.
"You didn't betray us!" Bomb chuckles. "I knew you wouldn't go to the pigs' side!"
"Oh, I was just trying to get Tamahara back," Chuck admits. "She's pretty cool... and scarily strong. Much scarier than your sister Red."
But Red doesn't respond.
He probably fell asleep.
He seemed kinda tired earlier today.
"Huh, I thought he'd answer," Chuck admits.
"Anyways, how'd you get out?" I ask the canary. "Weren't you locked up?"
"Yeah, but I raced past the pigs when they opened the door the last time," Chuck explains. "And I don't think they actually noticed."
"Obviously not cuz they're all knocked out," Draven mumbles.
Wait, if we're just going to Bird Island anyways to ask for help, then what's the point of getting out of here?
"So, now that I think about it," I start. "What was the point in you two busting out? We're going to Bird Island with the eggs anyways."
"Oh," Chuck quietly says. "I didn't know that."
"Hey, I didn't mean to," Draven tells me angrily.
"And didn't you tell Chuck that we were doing that? Going to Bird Island?" I ask him, becoming less amused.
"Yes!" Draven exclaims. "Okay, maybe I didn't, but there's still that possibility that I did without realizing."
"But still! You got out of your cages for nothing!" I point out to them.
They both just stare at me, and then look at each other.
"Well, we're both stupid," Chuck says.
"-ly smart," Draven finishes his sentence with a smile.
Chuck and I just stare at him.
What in the the islands of this world?
"Think about it!" Draven exclaims. "The pigs are all bound up, we've got the key, and two of us our out of our cages. You know what this means?"
"No, no I really don't," I answer truthfully.
"It means this ship is ours."
I stand there and blink for a bit.
Actually, that's not a bad idea.
"Yeah, but does any bird here know how to get to Bird Island?" I ask, not directed toward any specific bird.
"Ooh, I do!" Chuck exclaims.
"And?" Draven asks, waiting for the small bird to go on.
But Chuck doesn't say anything for some time.
"Actually, never mind I don't," Chuck laughs nervously.
"I do," Matilda pipes up. "Just go south of the Big Dipper."
"Huh, well that takes care of everything," Draven mumbles, surprise dripping in his voice.
But what if there are pigs hiding somewhere that we don't know about?
"Are you sure every pig is bound up?" I ask, worry filling me.
"I'll go around and make sure," Chuck volunteers.
But before I can object, he races out of the cell.
"Another idiot," I spit.
"Fine he will be," Joetta assures me. "He is fast."
Fast enough, hopefully.
"Hey, Joetta," Draven starts. "What exactly are my abilities? Well, of course some weird strength ability, but there's gotta be more, right?"
He's still glowing blue, especially his eyes. It's just seems so unnaturally natural as if the change suits him.
I don't understand.
Why hasn't this happened to him before?
"That is something you must figure out for yourself," Joetta answers him.
"Oh," is all Draven says as Chuck comes back.
"Yeah," Chuck tells me.
Yeah? That's seriously what he said?
"Yeah, what? Yeah, as in there are loose pigs or yeah, as in all the pigs are tied up?" I snap at the small yellow bird.
"Oh, sorry," Chuck apologizes. "They're all tied up. Along with the birds of Kaelon Island."
Relief floods me.
Thank goodness.
"Alright, get us out of here," I tell Draven, excitement filling me.
"Aye, aye," he says calmly as he walks towards Tori to get the key.
Finally! Getting out of these cages for good.
I will make sure that no bird gets bound up ever again. We are not slaves, or servants, or belong to any bird or pig else.
We are Poldras Island, and we belong to ourselves, fighting for each other and taking risks to save each other.
"I didn't knock them out," Chuck says, as if a realization hits him, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"You didn't knock who out? The pigs?" I ask him.
"Yeah," Chuck says as Draven approaches with a silver key in wing.
"Are you sure it wasn't Draven?" I ask, worry filling me again.
"They were out when I went around the ship," Draven tells me.
"Was Tamahara in the cell with you?" I ask Chuck quickly.
"No, she was separated from us," he answers.
"Us?" I ask.
"There's another bird named Jareon, he was sleeping when I left," Chuck tells me.
"So, it was Tamahara!" Draven exclaims excitedly, alsnot dropping the key.
"Tamahara it was not," Joetta says sternly, destroying Draven's hopes.
"Oh," Draven sighs sadly as he continues making his way towards my cage.
Geez, can every bird stop putting him down?
I feel bad for him, and that rarely happens.
Now that I think about it, I've only ever felt bad for Draven, Tamahara and Crimson.
But Crimson has been such a shrew.
I don't think all the pity that I felt for her was even worth it. The fact that she held back the truth from her own family is jaw dropping.
Who wouldn't tell their siblings that their father is dead?
"Then who did it?" I ask Joetta, getting my mind off of my cousin.
"Someone that could be our greatest ally," she starts but pauses for a bit to look at all of us, resting her eyes on me.
"Or our greatest enemy."

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