Chapter Twenty-Eight: Crimson

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"Chuck is gone!" Bomb cries dramatically as thunder booms in the distant, gray sky. The wind grows stronger with each second, just like my impatience and irritation as I glare down at Red, not saying anything.
"There, there, he'll be back, I'm sure of it," my mom comforts him.
No he won't.
Red cracks his knuckles as I growl, our glare not wavering while Bomb cries because of Chuck's disappearance.
"Our best friend betrayed us!" Bomb sobs as he tightly hugs my mom, who squeaks in surprise.
Betrayed us he did.
"Would you shut up?" Red yells at Bomb as he turns towards him. I continue to glare at my brother.
"Wow, some friend you are," I mumble as I cross my wings.
"Well I'm more of a friend than what you'll ever be!" Red snaps at me, turning back with anger sparking in his brown eyes as his red head feathers are being flipped around in the harsh wind.
"Excuse me? You're the one who told your 'best friend' to shut up!" I point out angrily as I throw a punch at him, but he turns to try and avoid my hit, so I end up punching his shoulder.
He gasps in pain, making me internally smirk in victory.
"What is up with you?" Red yells at me as he ducks from another one of my punches.
"No, what is up with you not being able to see the truth?" I demand angrily as I push him back a very good distance away from me. He trips and bounces away like beach ball, but somehow lands on his feet. Once again, we're glaring at each other, gasping for air.
Can't he see that even those closest to us will turn against us? Can't he see the lies our 'loved ones' keep up? I mean, that's exactly what Draven did to not only me, but the entire entity of this island, this area of independence, my home.
A good ten feet is between us as we glare at each other, a ten foot wall of hatred building up, just ten more feet closer to being enemies, ten more feet further from being a family.
And I don't care at all.
"You've been hurt, you've been corrupted by the truth," Red starts, panting for air as he places his wings on his knees.
"Okay, so?" I ask, rolling my eyes.
"You haven't let go of it," he breathes out a she stands up straight.
"Oh, and you have?" I snap at him. "It isn't like I haven't see you angry at all!"
Anger compels me to charge at him, making the gap between us close slightly.
"Wait!" Red yells out, making me stop.
"What?" I demand impatiently as I skid to a stop.
Red puts his wings back on his knees, and continues to catch his breath.
"Give me... a moment," Red breathes out. "I still can't... breathe."
I stand there, waiting, not amused as I cross my wings.
"I'm, sorry," Red pants. "But this whole...fighting thing...just doesn't... work for... me."
"You've got to be joking," I sigh angrily, facepalming in embarrassment.
This is my brother. The same one that saved an entire generation of birds.
"Nope," Red says as he stands back up and looks at me. "Okay, what were we doing?"
I roll my eyes, my wings dropping to my sides in defeat.
"We're fighting, remember?" I tell him, tapping my foot against the rocky ground.
"Oh yeah," he laughs. "I was gonna say something before I ran at you though, but what was it?"
It's official, I've had enough.
"Why are you asking me? I'm not a mind reader!" I snap at him.
"Maybe I wasn't gonna say anything," Red mumbles as he looks up at the stormy sky. "Oh well, let's get this over with."
Red runs a few strides while I run right back at him, the gap between us closing, before he slides on the rocky ground and grabs my leg to trip me, which he succeeds in doing.
I fall onto the rocks, pain shooting throughout my entire upper body as I'm caught off guard.
"At least I'm trying to let go of my issues," Red calmly informs me.
My eyes widen in surprise.
Okay, so he was raging mad and trying to kill me, and now, two seconds later, he's calm?
"I'm sure you are," I grunt in pain as I roll over and get up. "I mean, you're totally letting go of your anger issues by fighting and yelling. Makes perfect sense."
Red gets up and shakes his head at me.
"Okay, fine, you've got a point," Red admits. "But honestly, I've been more calm ever since I came here. I've been happier, and I started to feel my anger fall away. When I met new birds, I wasn't my usual 'pluck off' kind of bird. I was actually excited to meet every bird here."
I grow impatient with every word he says, making me sigh in irritation.
"Okay, I don't need a lengthy explanation, just cut it to the point," I snap at him.
He only ignores me, making me roll my eyes.
"I've changed because I was actually accepted, something I've never received in my entire life. I've changed because, I have a family," Red tells me.
Does any bird listen to me?
"And what's that supposed to mean to me?" I snap at him, gritting my teeth as I do everything I can from blowing punch after punch in his beak. "Not that I care, cuz I don't."
I don't care about any of this anymore. I don't care about how any bird feels anymore, but I care about how I feel, and what I want. Whatever I desire should be given to me, and right now, I feel like destroying very birds' happiness.
Cuz that's what was taken from me, my happiness.
It was taken by the time my dad was killed, when I killed Mudbeard the First, when Draven joined the pigs and destroyed islands behind my back.
My happiness and my innocence was taken and thrown in the dirt because of plucking life.
And family? Is that what Red really said?
"Wow, I thought you were the coolest sister I could ever have," Red starts. "I thought I could look up to you, be strong like you, and be the best I can be because of you."
Oh I'm quite sure you did all that, considering that you practically killed me!
I snort and laughs sarcastically.
"You wish you could."
But Red's calm expression doesn't change as he continues.
"Oh I did look up to you alright, I just wish I didn't," he says, no anger in his voice.
Confusion sprouts from my anger, making me demand him for an explanation.
"What do you mean you 'wish you didn't'?" I growl as I crack my knuckles.
"Cuz you've only showed me that it's okay to be angry with every bird, and to not do anything about it," Red tells me. "You've only showed me how to keep secrets."
Oh pluck.
If he knows about dad, I'll be just as dead as my father, literally.
A nervous feeling causes my heart to beat faster, making me feel light-headed, but I hide it with my anger.
"What secrets? I don't have any!" I yell at him, lying right at his face, and desperately hoping he doesn't know about dad.
"Well, you've never told me about Draven and what he did to you," Red informs me.
Relief floods me as I continue to argue, not giving any time to back down.
"Okay, well, that was out of not wanting to think about any of it!" I cry out while flapping my wings in frustration.
"Well you sure weren't thinking about it when you wrote that poem at Matilda's hut," Red says sarcastically as he clasps his wings.
I blink at him.
Oh he did not...
"You read that?" I exclaim angrily, clenching my fists. "Why?"
No bird, and I repeat, no bird is allowed to read my poems.
"It was sitting on the desk in a wide open area," Red answers flatly. "Any bird could've read it."
A pause hangs between us as the ocean crashes louder, the thunder marching closer to the island.
"I thought I could be just like you," Red starts, breaking the pause. "But I've learned nothing but bad news from you... Like I said, I thought you were awesome, I really did."
What does he mean he 'did' think that I was awesome?
I am awesome! Who wouldn't want to be me?
"But it looks like you're not," Red tells me, looking me in the eyes. "You only care about yourself."
I'm not gonna lie, but I actually feel kinda hurt.
Is it cuz it's the truth? Do I really care about myself more than others?
No, of course I care about others! Red just doesn't know what he's saying.
Before I could yell at him, something in the ocean catches my eye. Something large, and something that seems to be moving at a pretty fast pace.
"Huh, looks that princess is coming back," I say, squinting my eyes to try to get a better look at the ship, hoping that the change in subject will cool me down.
The blue-eyed, blue head-feathered tan bird got on that same exact boat.
Well, she was more like forced to get on.
She's the same bird that cut into Draven and mine's argument after New Year's!
How didn't I notice that before?
Apparently they were together all the time, so how did I miss that? Did I really forget about her the entity of the time that she was here?
Well, I never saw her around a whole lot...
Red turns around to look in my gaze's direction and shrugs his shoulders.
"She probably misses that Draven bird too much," he jokes.
"You're probably right," I half mumble, half laugh the response.
I've gotta admit, it really wasn't funny, but it's the truth, so yeah, I guess it could be considered somewhat funny.
The truth is so weird, it can be funny, but also cold and hurtful, which makes no sense to me.
"We should we go find the others," Red suggests, turning back to me.
I avert my eyes back to him, my beak slightly open I shock.
"Are you kidding me? We're still fighting!" I exclaim.
Is he serious? Doesn't he know you're not supposed to leave a fight without winning? Or losing?
"Eh, we'll catch up on that later," he tells me as he waves his wing, as if to shoo away the argument.
I glare at him, not wanting to give up, but there's no point because he's already walking away.
"Hey, where are you going?" I yell at him, stamping my foot on the rocky ground.
"Away from you to go hang out with birds that actually care," he answers loudly, not turning back to look at me.
Usually, I wouldn't care to feel anything if those words came from another bird, but for some reason, I feel pain, anger, sadness, guilt.
I feel so much negativity, it's actually weighing me down like an anchor weighing down a boat.
And the saddest part is that he's not any other bird.
He's my brother.

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