Mine and Only Mine

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 Hello dear kittens, let me just tell all of you that this fanfic ships Sebastian x Ciel and Alois x Claude~ Anyway...ENJOY...and comment comment comment~                                                   Love and Gay Kisses,                                                        Ciel Phantomhive


It was morning. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Sebastian was the only one awake. He had woken up to the sight of Ciel sleeping on his chest. His breathing was steady and his face looked so peaceful. Sebastian was trying hard to resist the feeling of kissing the boy but so far he was losing so he settled for a kiss on his forehead. Ciel’s eyes fluttered open and he had a huge smile on his face. “Adorable”

Ciel gave Sebastian a stern look. “Oops, sorry. Will you let this one slide?”

“Fine but next time I won’t go easy on you.”

“That’s fair. So, did you get a good night sleep, beautiful?”

Ciel chuckled.“Yeah, best one in months.”

“Is that so? Does it have anything to do with the fact that I’m sexy?”

Ciel got up, grabbed the nearest pillow, and hit Sebastian on his face. “Oh so now you want to have a pillow fight.”

That just earned Sebastian another smack on the face with the pillow. “Hey, no need to be feisty.”

“I’m not being feisty.”

“You, my friend, need to be tamed.”

“Don’t you mean your boy-“

And for the second time, Ciel was cut short by Sebastian pulling him in for a kiss. Ciel was growing annoyed of being cut short, but he loved that he was being cut short for a kiss. A kiss from Sebastian. And for the second time, the kiss didn’t last long.“Why do you keep teasing me?”

“Teasing? Why I’ve done no such thing.”

“What ever you say, Michaelis.”

“Now what do you want for breakfast, Phantomhive?”

Ciel noticed he was starving and thought for a moment. He was hungry but didn’t know for what. “Hmm……let me think…..YOU!”

“You can have me for dessert.”

“Alright, fine. I want bacon and eggs.”

“Simple enough. I’ll have it ready by the time you’re done getting dressed. Don’t take too long or I’ll miss you.”

“I won’t. I’ll be as fast as I can.”

Sebastian gave Ciel a peck on the lips and walked out of the room. Oh, how Ciel yearned for more, but he didn’t want to seem like a slut, especially not to Sebastian. On the other hand, his friend, Alois wouldn’t mind. He would do anything to het a cute guy by his side. And when he says anything, he means anything. Most of the time Alois spent with a boyfriend was in bed. He was not Alois, nor will he ever be. He doesn’t even know why he’s friends with that guy. Ciel quickly got dressed and hurried to the kitchen to see Sebastian again. “Hey baby.”


The aroma of the food was amazing! “Wow! Smells delicious!”

“What did you think? I wouldn’t be able to cook?”


“And why is that?”

“You don’t really seem like the type of guy who knows how to…..cook.”

Ciel pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. Sebastian took out 2 plates and placed their breakfast on them. He carried the plates over to Ciel, placed them on the table, and then sat on his on chair. “So, what do you want to do today, beautiful?”

“Anything you want to do.”


“I’m afraid to answer that.”

Sebastian chuckled. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. You up for some fun?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Well, it’s almost Halloween so…….”

“No! No,no,no,no! Absolutely not! You are not dressing me up in some stupid costume!”


Sebastian gave him a puppy pout he couldn’t refuse. “Fine! You’re lucky your attractive.”

“Attractive, huh?”

“Shut up!”

“You didn’t mind saying that the first time we met.”

“That was before.”

“Before what?”

“Before I noticed how embarrassing it sounded.”

Sebastian gave Ciel a kiss on the cheek. “Baby, there’s no need to be embarrassed around me.”

Sebastian made a trail of kisses down Ciel’s neck, trying to find his weak spot. Ciel let out a quiet moan when Sebastian got to the spot right behind his ear. “Oh. So that’s your weak spot my little kitten.”

Sebastian kept kissing and sometimes sucking behind Ciel’s ear. Ciel kept moaning quietly and eventually started panting. Sebastian pulled away and looked at the panting mess that was his Ciel. His Ciel, Sebastian had thought. He was falling in love with the boy he had met just last night and he was already becoming possessive of him. He really must be going crazy. “Why did you stop?”

“Do you want me to keep going?”

“No, I mean yes, I mean not now, later.”

“So my little kitten, where would you like to go today?”

“Do you mind if we just walk around the downtown area? I heard its very nice.”

“Anything for you my kitten.”

“Are you going to keep calling me that?”

Sebastian nodded and Ciel let out a sigh. “”Of course I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do kitten.”

Ciel felt butterflies in his stomach when he heard those words. This man was not only gorgeous, but he was sweet, kind, and considerate. He was everything Ciel could have hoped for. Ciel, for the first time in his life, felt safe. He leaned in and kissed Sebastian. Sebastian nibbled on his bottom lip and Ciel parted his lips giving Sebastian the green light, but Sebastian pulled away. “Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, I’m sure!”

Ciel answered a bit too quickly and in a second, their lips were back together. Before

Sebastian could let his tongue slide into Ciel’s mouth, he heard his cat hiss and once again, Sebastian pulled away. “Blue, I’m a bit busy right now.”

“Yeah Blue, I’m his ne kitten now, piss off!”

“Calm down baby, there’s enough of me for the both of you.”

“No! You’re mine and mine only!”

“I love to hear that coming from you.”

Ciel purred like a kitten. He was so adorable that Sebastian could tell him that every second of everyday. “Earth to Sebby!”

“Sebby? Is that like my new nickname?”

“If you don’t like it, I won’t call you that.”

“No, no. You can call me whatever you want kitten.”


“Except that.”

And he leaned in connecting their lips again. He heard his cat hiss again but he ignored it. He let his tongue gracefully dance its way into the younger male’s mouth and tasted every part of it. Ciel felt butterflies in his stomach again and felt his heart race. This was, by far, the best first kiss he has ever had. Sebastian was perfect, from his perfectly toned body to his velvety voice. He was perfect. Too perfect for Ciel.

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