I Will Never Leave Your Side

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Author's Note:

Ello my little kittens! Here we have another UPDATE! Before I let you all go…READ!


Language, mentions of blood and being stabbed


I do NOT own Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

"Babe, come on. We can't just cuddle in bed all day. It's already 3 o'clock."

"Actually, yes we can."

"You know what I mean. Come on, love."

"Fine, fine, where do you want to go?"

"Hmmm... I don't know. Do you have any ideas?"

"The Rose Garden, maybe?"

"Oooh! How romantic!"

"Bastard! I didn't mean it that way. I meant that its a beautiful place we can walk in, but I do agree. It is romantic, especially at night."

"Are you implying that we should go at night?" Ciel's face instantly became flushed. He turned his face away not being able to look Sebastian in his scarlet eyes.

"M-ay-be" Ciel said in a singy-songy voice. "But I would like to go back to my home. I need to change my clothes. I've been in these for four days."

"Alright, so today's schedule, I drop you off at your place, and while you're doing whatever it is you will be doing, I will be taking a shower and other stuff and i will pick you up at 8 pm." Ciel seemed like he was zoned out because of all the talking Sebastian was doing. "Are you listening to me, love?"

"Huh..yeah I'm listening."

"Okay so pick you up at 8?"

"Yeah, okay. Sebby..."

"Yes, kitten?"

"I love you!"

"Love you too, kitten!"

"Now get out! I need to change!"

"Are you sure you don't need any help?"

"Pervert! Yes I'm sure!"

"Are you gonna keep calling me that?"

"Yes, if you don't get out!"

"Okay, okay, love. I'm going." Ciel, like always changed and called Sebastian back in. As always, Sebastian would ask if he missed him and Ciel would say yes. Sebastian leaned down and kissed Ciel, but this time he made it last longer, with their tongues mingling and the sounds of panting, gasping for air and sometimes a bit of moaning. Sebastian pulled away. "If we don't stop now, we might be too far gone later."

"I don't care" Ciel tried to connect their lips again, but Sebastian was to strong and he failed...horribly. "Oh no you don't! We need to get you home so we can have our date"

"But 8pm is too long to wait to see you again."

"You're right. How bout we meet at Meyrin's Bakery at 7 then we'll walk to the Rose

Garden. It's not far from the bakery and it won't be too cold."

"You planned all this out, didn't you, Michaelis?"

"Guilty as charged." He pulled Ciel in a tight embrace but flinched in the process.

"Are you okay, Sebby?"

"Yeah, fine."

What was that? he thought. Then he felt it. Worry spread all over his body, from his head to his toes. He felt like something was going to happen to Ciel, like he was going to disappear. He shivered at the thought and embraced Ciel tighter. He couldn't lose Ciel. The moment he came into Sebastian's life he had changed it forever. He helped Sebastian escape the darkness that was his life and led him into the light. He couldn't lose him. He was everything to Sebastian.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Hey, Sebby."

"You look...a-ma-zing"

"I could say the same about you."

"Shall we?" Sebastian held out his hand and Ciel took it. They walked into the bakery and the aroma of tasty sweets hit them...well mostly Ciel. He loved strawberry cakes. He loved them so much that, if it was legal, he would marry one, but now he had Sebastian. Sebastian saw Ciel drooling at the sight of the many different cakes and an idea popped into his head. "So which one do you want?"


"I'm buying you a piece and you can't say no."

"But you really don't have to."

"Oh but I want to."

"Okay then. Hmm...I want the strawberry one."

"Alright my little kitten." Ciel watched his boyfriend walk over to one of the staff and order the cake. Boyfriend, boyfriend, boy-fri-end. It still sounded weird to him and he still couldn't believe he was going out with a model. Sebastian walked back to where Ciel was. "Here you go kitten."

"Thanks Sebby!"

"Anything for you, love." They stepped out and to Ciel's surprise, Sebastian was right it wasn't that cold. The walked to the garden and when they got their Ciel had requested to go to the bathroom and so they did. Sebastian waited for him outside.

"Sebastian!" came a muffled scream that caught Sebastian's attention. "SEBASTIAN!" And he heard a loud scream. Sebastian ran into the bathroom to see Ciel on his knees with blood pooled around them. Behind him was a dark figure about a tall as him with a knife covered in blood in his hands.

"The fuck?!" Sebastian caught a glimpse of golden eyes before the dark figure ran away. Claude. That son of a bitch! He wanted to run after Claude but Ciel's sobbing caught his attention. He hurried by Ciel's side and started to panic."OH MY GOD! Ciel, love, its going to be okay."

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911."Its gonna be okay love. They're coming. I will never leave your side again! Not even for a second! I won't let anyone touch you again! I promise you that!" Sebastian didn't notice it at first but he was sobbing too. He noticed Ciel wasn't looking at him but the ground. The ground covered in blood. Blood? Where was it coming from?

"Ciel, look at me!" He put his thumb and index finger on Ciel's chin and lifted his head so he was facing him. He stopped with his mouth hanging open. Ciel's right eye was all bloody. Claude had stabbed Ciel on his right eye. But why?!


Ending Note:

Sorry for the short chapter but keep commenting my kitties.

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