Birthday Boy

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HELLOOOO! This story will be ending next chapter! Woohoo! I will have finished my first series! Anyway…..REVIEW and now READ!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Kuroshitsuji in any way, shape, or form.

The next morning, Sebastian woke up earlier than Ciel, like always. He laid there in bed looking at his beauty. Ciel was his and he couldn't stress that enough.

Bzzz Bzzzz

Ciel's phone vibrated and Sebastian decided to get it because he didn't want to wake up his sleeping heaven. "Hello? Ciel sweetie, are you awake? Happy birthday!"

"Umm, who is this?"

"This is Rachel, Ciel's mother. Who may I be speaking to?"

"Oh, how rude of me, I'm Ciel's boyfriend."

"You're Sebastian, right? Ciel has told me so much about you! You sound charming!"

"Not to be rude but, you said today was his birthday?"

"Oh, he hasn't told you? Well, you know how Ciel is."

"Sebby, who's on the phone?"

"Your mother, kitten."

"My WHAT? Give me that!" Ciel reached for his phone and he got it. "Hi mom!...uhu...Thank you! Bye now!"Sebastian looked at his lover and burst out laughing. Ciel raised an eyebrow.


"Why did you freak out?"

"I didn't freak out!"

"Hahahahahah yeah you did!"

"So what if I did?!"

"What's wrong with your mother that made you freak?" Ciel looked away from his lover and huffed.

"It's just that...sometimes she tends to say embarrassing things about me." His face flushed pink and it was the most adorable thing Sebastian had ever witnessed in his 25 years of life.

"Oh love, you don't have to be embarrassed of me." Ciel embraced Sebastian and hummed when he heard his boyfriend's steady heart-beat. "By the way...why didn't you tell me today is your birthday?" Ciel's eyes shot open and his muscles tensed. MOTHER

Ciel tried to relax his muscles. He sighed and spoke calmly. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to make such a big deal out of it."

Sebastian squeezed Ciel and the bluenette yelped.

"Stubborn as always." Ciel shot up.

"Whats that suppose to mean?"


"Michaelis!" Sebastian let out a light laugh. That moment, he was tackled by his lover and he fell on his back. Ciel showered Sebastian's face with gentle kisses. Sebastian managed to pull away and sit up with Ciel in his lap.

"So, birthday boy, what do you wanna do?"

"First of all, I am a grown man. Second, I don't really care as long as it's with you."

"So sweet." Sebastian muttered and Ciel gave him a death glare. "I didn't say adorable!"

"Its practically the same thing!"

"Is not! I said sweet! If I said cute then you can give me that death glare of yours."

"What's that suppose to mean?!"

"Don't pretend like you don't know!" Ciel stopped for a moment and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I over reacted. I just don't like people calling me those names. I don't want to seem vulnerable." Sebastian scoot over to Ciel and gave his lover a tight embrace.

Bzzz bzzz

Ciel let go of his dear Sebby and looked at his phone. "Ugh!"

"What, love. Who is it?"

"Alois." He said and answered it.

"Hello birthday boy." Ciel scowled.

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?! I'm a grown man!"

So I guess I was the only one who didn't know.

"Whatever. Hey, you wanna come over? My cousin just arrived from Paris and she really wants to meet you! You should hear her. 'When's Ciel coming? Is Ciel coming today? I can't wait till Ciel comes.'"

Ciel sat there for a second, scared that if he said yes he might get kidnapped by her and kept in a cage. But, then he remembered that he had Sebastian. He wouldn't let anything happen to him.

"Um...yeah sure, but Sebastian's coming with me."

"Oooo~ As a body guard!"

"No you asshole! I can protect my self just fine!"

Sebastian chuckled at what he was hearing. Ciel looked over in his direction and gave him that infamous death glare.

"We'll be there at 2:00. Bye." Ciel hung up and looked like he was a predator ready to attack its prey. "You're a dead man Sebastian."

"So Ciel, how's England been? Are you eating enough? You look thin. Ciel you really should eat more."

"Um..good and I have been eating Elizabeth." Ciel was getting frustrated. The moment Ciel and Sebastian stepped in Alois' apartment Elizabeth, Lizzie, had glomped Ciel, pulled him to the love seat making , and overflowed him with questions.

"How many times have I told you to call me Lizzie? And you," she pointed at Sebastian, "have you been feeding Ciel? Pft! How would you know? You're just his-"

"Boyfriend." Sebastian interrupted. He wanted to know that she knew where she stood. He was Ciel's boyfriend and she was just…a girl. Lizzie looked at Ciel and he just nodded. Sebastian smirked at her. Little tears were starting to form at the corner of her eyes.

"Excuse me." She said and ran to the bathroom. Sebastian moved to sit next to Ciel and Ciel welcomed him with open arms. He sat next to his love and warped one arm around the bluenette's waist.

"You guys are a great couple," Alois said, "Have you guys thought of marriage yet?"

Both Ciel and Sebastian looked at each other with flushed faces. Why was Alois of all people bringing this subject up? Especially today! "Oops! Sorry!" Alois apologized. Lizzie came out of the bathroom with red eyes and smeared make-up. The three looked at each other than back at her. They all held in laughs because of how hilarious she looked.

"Hey umm Alois…..Sebastian and I have some, erm, errands we need to do. So if you'll excuse us." Sebastian and Ciel got up calmly and walked to the door. Once they stepped outside and walked a few meters they burst up laughing.

"Hey Ciel," Sebastian said while looking through the Great America website, "Have you been to Great America?" Ciel walked out of the kitchen and looked at Sebastian.

"Great America? Nope. I've never been there. I barely went outside when I was little because of my poor health and severe asthma." Sebastian looked Ciel in the eye and frowned.

"You have asthma?"

"Had. I had asthma. Now it hardly comes back….if ever. And stop frowning. It looks bad on you." Sebastian smiled again.


"Very." Sebastian now had an idea of where to take him during their anniversary. It was going to be the best anniversary every what with Sebastian and his surprise.


I have nothing to say. I am not ashamed of what I have written.

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