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A/N: HI! This is the last chapter! I'm sad to see it end! Fear not, my friend and I are writing an EPIC sequel! Anyway, I did not write this chapter. My wonderful friend, TheRealLizzie, did! I want you to review for her and tell her how awesome her writing this! Even though she doesn't have an account on here, she is an amazing writer! Now READ!


We had been driving for almost an hour.

"Keep them closed." I muttered. The boy beside me scrunched his eyelids together even tighter than before- however, his mouth showed he was not enjoying my little game of peek-a-boo where there is no peeking involved. We pulled through a few gates and into a vacant parking space.

I leaned towards Ciel. "You can open your eyes now." I whispered, slightly parting his silk-soft hair with my breath. He immediately opened his eyes- bluer than normal... or maybe my nervousness was just overwhelming me. I had parked in front of the sign where it would be clearly visible. Ciel scanned the sign, and his eyes widened with excitement.

"Come on." I hopped out of the car and immediately heard screaming and laughter. The smell of cotton candy and popcorn filled my nose. I ran around the front of the car to open Ciel's door for him.

We walked through the enormous arch, passed a crazy looking person selling popcorn and balloons, a scary guard who popped a gum bubble in my face, and Ciel and I emerged into a crowd of kids and couples in the great amusement park of America. In other words, were standing inside Great America-screaming and food galore?

"So, have you ever been here before?" I asked, taking Ciel's hand and heading towards a general direction of food and rides...but mostly food (I was hungry- don't judge).

"No. My mom hates the noise and my dad gets car-sick, bus-sick, bike-sick, anything-that-moves-sick, so I never got around to going." He replied in a rather serious tone, making me laugh.

"Have you tried cotton candy at least?" I asked, now worried he had been improperly raised, not knowing what an amusement park had to offer.

"Yes, I've had it before. I've had just about every color of the rainbow...all except blue." he said wistfully.

I pulled out a wad of cash and pulled Ciel to the nearest cotton-candy-selling stand. I bought each of us a blue cloud on a stick and we went to sit against a wall of a building even though there were plenty of tables available. Ciel didn't protest. I didn't expect him to. It quickly got awkwardly silent and I began to waste away my breath on questions- rallying them out like a rapper would spit out curse words. I asked almost every question that came to my head...almost. I was saving the most important one for later. We finished our clouds and threw away our sticks. Ciel ventured toward the tallest, scariest, vomit-calling, scream-filled roller coaster in the park. Looked like fun. And I'm not saying that statistically.

Surprisingly, the line was very short. I guess the screaming victims scared away the majority of the line's length. The cars arrived and the riders stumbled out, some dazed, some green, some red from hyperventilating, and a few were grinning like lunatics... I think I would rather hyperventilate than come off the ride looking like that. Ciel was starting to look nervous- who wouldn't? We got in the first car, which was farthest away from the other passengers who all crammed into the back. We lowered the bar, and Ciel gripped it like letting go would mean losing his life. And maybe in his mind, it did. The coaster began to move and quickly gained speed. Loops, turns, upside-down-ness, none of this bothered me. However, what did bother me was a strange feeling in my stomach- like butterflies except five times bigger and five times more hyper. I couldn't help my hand from slipping into my pocket. My important question couldn't wait any longer.

A Sucky Night (SebaCiel)Where stories live. Discover now