The Beginning (Chapter 1, Remastered)

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It all began when Mr Sebastian Michaelis, a highly acclaimed model and owner of Funtom Modeling, found himself at a bar, a gay bar. Now, of course, there isn't a hint wrong with feeling attraction to the opposite sex; however, for most of his life, Sebastian had believed that he was, well, straight. Now here he was, staring at the arrangement of alcoholic beverages that sat behind the bartender, questioning his life, and his attractions. Every once in a while, his eyes would scan the room, looking for anyone that seemed vulnerable or even dumb enough to take home that night. His efforts were in vain, with not a single face looking attractive enough for him to approach.

"So, how old are you?" came a strange voice. Sebastian looked up, his eyes meeting a man in red who wore very little clothing to conceal what body he had. The man's hair was a fiery red, his eyes, a light green, and when he gave him a wide smile, Sebastian could see just how sharp this man's teeth were. It was as if this man sharpened his teeth in order for them to replicate a shark's. There was a silence that seemed to last forever. Finally, he decided on a reply. "Age doesn't matter when you've got a body like this." He smirked and went back to staring at the shelves of alcohol bottles on the wall.

Despite being given a hard time, the redhead persisted. "With that answer, I've got a special treat for you!" he exclaimed, but before he could even make a move, Sebastian shot him a glare that could burn down cities. "I'm not into older men," he snapped, sending a wave of anger through the other man.

"Well aren't you charming," the man spit out the words as if they were poison, turned, and walked away without another word. Sebastian chuckled and drank what was left of his drink.

It was getting late, and Sebastian had almost given up hope of finding someone. Just as he was about to leave, a young boy sat next to him and ordered something Sebastian couldn't really hear. The boy's face looked so young, he couldn't believe he was even eighteen. Nonetheless, he seemed easy, so Sebastian decided to shoot his shot.

"Hi, I'm Sebastian, Sebastian Michaelis." He spoke with such confidence and gave the boy a great big modelling smile. The boy looked over at him, and Sebastian noticed something he hadn't before; he was wearing a black eyepatch over his right eye. Of course, he also noticed his fair complexion, his piercing blue eyes, this small, soft lips, but above all, he noticed how the boy showed absolutely no interest in what he had to offer. The bartender passed the boy his drink, causing him to stop staring at Sebastian, and go back to staring into nothing.

Sebastian could not believe what had just happened. He didn't quite comprehend. What was the matter? Had he not presented himself properly? Had he not smile and introduced himself in a sophisticated manner? He was attractive and he knew it, so why didn't this boy give him the time of day? He brushed all of this off and decided to try again, this time reaching his hand out for a handshake. "Hello, I'm Seb—"

"Yes, I heard," the boy interrupted, still not paying attention to him. His voice rung through Sebastian's ears. He sounded so delicate, so fragile. For some reason, this filled Sebastian with the need to win this boy over.

"So then why didn't you respond?" Sebastian replied, slightly irked that someone would dare interrupt him.

"I didn't care to," the boy said. The filled Sebastian with confusion. Didn't care to? Well wasn't that awfully rude. He took a deep breath and tried oh so very hard not to strangle this boy with his bare hands, despite his looks and his tender voice. He decided to give this boy the benefit of the doubt and instead tried to take a different approach to the situation.

"Well, I apologise. I understand I might have come off as, well, arrogant, but I assure you that is not the case," Sebastian started, "you see, you just seemed in need of company. You seem rather...gloomy."

The small boy looked up at him, anger in his eyes. His face gained a deepening pink hue as each second passed. "You seem like a real arrogant prick from where I'm standing. I don't care how attractive you are or where you work or what you want. Just let me be."

Sebastian's face scrunched up in utter confusion. What on earth was this boy going on about? "Please," he began again, "I'm only trying to help."

"That's what you all want," the boy burst, "but in reality, none of you actually want to. You do what benefits you. Nobody is simply good. Nobody approaches with the intention of helping the person in need of help!" Angry tears were rolling down the boys pink cheeks. His eyebrows furrowed with frustration and hurt. Sebastian began to realize what happened to this boy. He was left speechless, unsure of how to respond. Instead, he turned back to face the wall, letting the crying boy cool off before initiating any form of conversation once again. He opened his mouth and two words came out. "I'm sorry." A look of surprise washed over the younger boys face. "I'm sorry about whatever happened to you, but you shouldn't be here. Don't you have any friends?" Sebastian said, turning to him with a look of concern.

"That's none of your concern," he spat out. As he began to stand from his chair to make his way out, he wobbled, and Sebastian watched as he hit the floor.

Sebastian watched in panic and was the first to be on the floor, holding the boy up. People began to crowd them and Sebastian started yelling for people to make room. He didn't know what he was doing, but he had no time to think. He picked up the unconscious boy, and made his way out of the bar, pushing and shoving through the crowd.

In the moonlight, he could see just how frail this boy was. He didn't even recall his name or if he had even been given one. Why had he decided to take this young boy into his responsibility when he hadn't even known him for even an hour. Something about him refused to just leave him there helpless. What he said also made Sebastian reflect on his intentions when approaching the boy.

This was no time to be reflecting on one's choices, however, so Sebastian took the boy in his arms and slipped him into the back seat of his car. He sat in the driver's seat for a minute or two, contemplating on where to take him now, so he went to the only place he knew to go in situations like these, his apartment.

End Note: After nearly 4 years, I have decided to rewrite this as I've seen that my writing was god awful back then and the story contained so many plot holes and just nonsense, so! If you would like to reread my "remastered" version, I've published it as a new story called "Meant to be!"

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