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Hello my kittens! Another day another update! Don't forget to read the ending note. Now READ! ^3^


Rape-ish, YAOI, SebaCiel being SebaCiel


I do NOT own Kuroshitsuji, except in my DREAMS!

Sebastian stared at his boyfriend in disbelief. "What?"

"You've done the same for me."


"Now it's my turn to tell you about me." Sebastian's scarlet eyes widened, which made Ciel a tad uncomfortable. "First, can you stop looking at me like an owl?"

"Sorry." Ciel sighed and looked at the ground, not being able to stare Sebastian in the eyes.

"Okay so about 3 weeks before we met…."


"Hey, baby! How's it going?"

"Jesus Christ! Alex! What the hell are you wearing?!" Ciel laughed.

"What? Do you not like it? It's a new trend." Ciel, now holding his torso and laughing his guts out, could barely speak.

"Are you sure you didn't get that out of the dumpster?"

"Uh! Hurtful! This outfit cost me $60."

"That's a rip-off!" Ciel walked over to his boyfriend and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I love you," Alex uttered. Ciel stood there silent. What was he suppose to say? I love you? But that would be like…..lying. He still didn't know if he really loved Alex or not. "I'm sorry for making this awkward." Alex apologized.

"Hey…um…wanna come over to my place?"

"Sure, why not? Oh and Ciel….." Alex gave his lover a kiss on the cheek and Ciel's face instantly flushed.

The ride to Ciel's apartment was quite awkward. They both stayed silent, except for a few coughs here and there. They arrived at the apartment and Alex unbuckled his seatbelt and raced over to Ciel's side of the car to open the door for him. "Alex…"

"Hmm?" The blonde hummed.

"Don't do that again. It makes me feel…..feminine" Alex chuckled.


"I assure you, this will be the last time I will ever do that." They stepped inside of the apartment hand in hand. Out of no where, Alex attacked Ciel's lips. At first, Ciel kissed him back, thinking it was normal because Alex always seemed to do that. Then he grabbed both of his boyfriend's wrists and pinned them on the wall with force. This, however, was not normal. The pressure on his wrists seemed to increase and he knew there would be bruises there. He tried pushing the older male off him, but he failed. "A-Alex! Get of-"

Ciel was silenced by a forceful kiss. He tried biting the blonde's lips, but that damn guy just wouldn't pull away. He slowly made his way down the squirming male's chest and stopped right at his pants. Without using his hands, he unzipped Ciel's pants with his teeth. He slowly spoke. "Why are you still soft, love?"

"Don't ever call me that again!" Ciel jerked his hips forward, hitting Alex on his lip. Alex licked the blood off his lips and grinned when he spoke. "You're gonna get it now you piece of shit! Stop squirming, YOU BITCH!"

Alex removed one hand from holding the blunette's wrists and Ciel used that as a chance to escape. He ran around the apartment with Alex running behind him. He was going to escape, but he made one mistake. He looked back and without seeing the couch in front of him, he tripped and fell on it. He turned around so he was lying on his back and there he was, shooting daggers at him, Alex. He jumped on the couch and straddled Ciel. Now there was no escape. Alex pulled out handcuffs from his pocket and leaned down to Ciel's ears. "I've been waiting forever to use these."

A Sucky Night (SebaCiel)Where stories live. Discover now