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Mickey let himself into the house, since nobody answered the door when he knocked several times. Thankfully, the door was unlocked. After closing the door behind him, he noticed the strange silence in the house. It was never quiet in the Gallagher house, especially at this time of night.

Mickey slowly walked into the living room, and, after seeing nobody, he looked into the kitchen. There, he saw Rosie standing, by herself. She looked scared, until her eyes met with Mickey's.

"Mickey!" Her worried expression faded into a happy one, as she ran over towards him. After wrapping her arms around his legs, he slowly patted her back, not exactly sure what to do.

"Hey." He greeted, as she ran back into the kitchen. He followed her, seeing absolutely nobody in the kitchen, besides Rosie. She climbed onto the seat by the counter, waiting for him to sit next to her. "Where is everyone?" Mickey asked, still haunted by the silence. Rosie shrugged slightly, as she played with the small, red, bouncy ball on the counter.

"Daddy left. He said he would be back." She said, as Mickey sat down next to her, once again. He came to the conclusion that nobody was home, especially since Rosie was in the kitchen by herself. She must have been scared because of him pounding on the door, repeatedly.

"Did he say where he was going?" Mickey asked her, looking hopeful. Rosie looked at him.

"He said he was going to work." She stated, not even bothered that she was home alone. Mickey looked at her with pity, as her attention went back to the bouncy ball, that she rolled back and forth between her hands.

Taking a deep breath, Mickey rested his elbows onto the counter in front of him, thinking of what to do. He couldn't just leave anymore, he knew that. He started to think of what 'work' could be for Ian.

"How come you only come here when it's dark outside?" Rosie pulled him from his thoughts. Mickey hesitated to respond. Mickey had always refused to show any affection towards Ian, let alone allow anyone to know about it. But, looking at her, he saw Ian. He saw who he was, and who he used to be. Mickey finally decided to tell Rosie, especially since she was only a kid, she wouldn't crucify him because of the things he says.

"I'm looking for Ian - I mean, your dad." Mickey shook his head at his small mistake. Rosie looked at him with confusion.

"Why?" She was full of questions to ask. Mickey kept looking at her, taking a small breath before responding.

"We're in love." Mickey practically choked on his words, blinking, and looking away from Rosie, instinctively.

"Like, kissing, and stuff?" Rosie asked, making a slightly disgusted face. Mickey knew she only looked disgusted because she still thought that the mere act of kissing was strange. A small, scoff of a laugh escaped his lips, as he invested more into Rosie.

"Yeah, I guess so." He grinned, but it faded after a few seconds. She shook her head, crinkling her nose in disapproval.

"Kissing is disgusting." She sneered. Mickey looked at her, with a small laugh that pinned his cheeks up in a smile. Before he could respond, the back door, behind them, opened. Mickey immediately looked back with a hard glare, making his smile disappear almost instantly. Frank shut the door behind him, barely paying any attention to the two.

"What the hell are you doin', Frank?" Mickey scoffed, turning back in his seat, as he was when it was only Rosie and himself. Rosie looked at Frank with curiousity.

"Oh, shut up, you fucking inbred. This is my house." Frank swatted the air, as if to brush off Mickey. Mickey just rolled his eyes, glancing over at Rosie.

"Ignore him." Mickey told Rosie, who obeyed. She looked away from Frank, and back at the small bouncy ball.

"Who the hell is that?" Frank asked, sounding exhausted, as he went towards the refrigerator for alcohol.

"My name's Rosie." Rosie said, sounding excited to meet another person, as that was all she did since her arrival.

"Get out, Frank." Mickey didn't want him anywhere in the vicinity of Rosie, let alone breathe in her direction.

"Well, hello, Rosie." Frank spoke to Rosie, looking at Mickey as he did. Frank was beyond sarcastic, especially since Rosie, a four year old, was nicer than Mickey ever was towards him. "Which one of my offspring spat this one out?" Frank asked Mickey, knowing that Rosie wouldn't have understood a single word of it.

"Fuck off, Frank." Mickey shook his head, standing from the chair, again. "Come on, Rosie." Mickey spoke to her, holding out his hands for Rosie to join him. "Let's get you to bed."

Mickey picked up Rosie, glaring at Frank as he did. Frank ignored him, as they made their journey to Ian's room.

Mickey laid Rosie down onto Ian's bed, only guessing that this was where she slept. After covering her up with the blanket, Mickey felt a small feeling of guilt. Guilt, because he couldn't do anything about the drunken man downstairs. Guilt, because she was left alone. Guilt, because he wasn't able to bring himself to show his affection towards Ian.

"Goodnight, Rosie." Mickey spoke softly, before turning to leave. He heard her tired voice say goodnight, before he shut the bedroom door.

Mickey was glad to see that Frank was almost passed out on the kitchen floor, with a bottle of beer next to him. At least Mickey knew that Frank wouldn't disturb Rosie's sleep.

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