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Ian let out a sigh of relief, after going on another call. After a successful trip to the hospital, Ian had sat down at the table in the rec room with his co-worker, Rita. Thankfully, both of them had worked up an appetite. Ian always enjoyed spending time with Sue. The way she smiled, occasionally, would remind him of his daughter.

"Heard anything yet?" Rita asked, as Ian glanced down at his cell phone, as he did everyday; expecting a call from Hayley or Hayden. Rita seemed to ask this question every day.

"No," Ian sighed, going back to his lunch. Rita munched on a cracker before scoffing, slightly.

"No offense, but Hayley sounds like a douchebag. I mean, who just takes a kid away from their dad?" Rita had a great way of comforting Ian. Though, her methods never really worked, Ian appreciated the effort.

"I don't know," Ian said, softly, with the shake of his head, letting Rita drop it already, moving on to the topic of dramatic calls she got, back in her rookie days.

"Hayley, where are we going?" Rosie asked, as she looked out the back window, seeing a landscape that was far from recognizable. Hayley glanced in the rearview mirror, seeing the slight confusion on her face.

"For a ride, sweetie," Hayley sighed, holding her head up in her gand as she drove. Hayley's gaze always shifted to the rearview mirror, watching Rosie. Hayley, who was there throughout Rosie's entire life, wasn't exactly ready for a change such as this. But, after a small conversation with Fiona on the phone, Ian seemed fit to take over. He deserved Rosie; Hayley didn't, and it was getting harder to provide for the young girl.

Fiona, who was well aware of how hard Rosie leaving hit Ian, had went into great detail, about how he was doing, now. All of it had impressed Hayley, letting her finally let out a breath of relief. It was, after all, what Ian was working towards the entire time; to be deemed a better person for Rosie.

Just as Ian threw away his trash from lunch, Rita had been going on about her husband, and how fucked up he used to be. Once she was done with her story, she began getting prepared to go on another call, knowing one would come on at any moment.

"Ian," Rita came back into the room, peeking inside, staring at the red head, who was rummaging through his locker. Ian looked up at her, with curiosity. She never had that look on her face; it was a peculiar expression. "Someone's here for you." She remained vague.

A part of Ian knew that it was probably just Fiona or Debbie, coming to visit him at work, but the almost happy expression Rita held left him in the dark.

Ian, who was following Rita down the hallway, towards the main room, hesitantly walked inside. His eyes flickered all around the room until they landed on Hayley. Beside her, and the next person he noticed - Rosie. She looked confused, and slightly nervous.

"Rosie?" Ian asked, softly, as all of the breath in his lungs seemed to be stolen from him. She was beautiful. Her hair had grown a little longer, and she was a little bit taller. Her head was covered by the same hat he had given her long ago. The camoflauge one, with her own last name on it, and everything.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed, running straight towards him, with wide open arms, as all of her nervousness and confusion faded away. A permanent smile plastered on her face.

Of course, Ian dropped down to one knee, hugging her, tightly. Ian fought the urge to cry, as she was just as happy to see him now as a year ago.

"Oh, my God," Ian had breathed out, pulling away, slightly, to get a closer look at the girl. "Where you been, huh?" He asked, taking off the army hat to push hair behind her face, quickly. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too, daddy." She said, resting her head on his shoulder, letting him hug her again. Ian looked up, at the brunette girl, standing before them, with a mix of happiness, sadness, and relief in her expression.

Without another word, Ian nodded at Hayley, mentally thanking her for everything.

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