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Hayden knew about the guilt Hayley now felt. That was one of the things she gained, sitting in a bed in the hospital all day. She learned to pick up on emotions, as she didn't get to see them as often. She saw the straight faced, friendly nurses and doctors. She saw the happiness Hayley usually tried to keep alive, and she saw the optimism in Rosie, whenever she was present. Now that Hayley was silent, Hayden knew exactly how she felt. Hayden didn't bring this up.

"Mommy, guess what?" Rosie called for her attention, as she leaned against the bed. Hayden's eyes quickly went from Hayley and towards her daughter.

"What?" Hayden smiled, weakly, trying to cover the pain she felt in her abdomen.

"Daddy has a friend; Mickey." Rosie smiled, thinking of the handsome friend she made. Hayden laughed, slightly, knowing exactly who Rosie spoke of.

"Oh, mommy knows all about him." Hayden said, remembering all the encounters with the boy. Particularly, the time Mickey hunted Ian down for his little sister, Mandy.

"How was he when you knew him?" Rosie asked, lighting up as she was able to speak of Mickey. Hayden grinned, slightly, as she prepared to keep her daughter happy.

"He was very nice." Hayden nodded her head, making Hayley smile, slightly.

"And handsome?" Rosie asked, with raised eyebrows. Hayden laughed. Ever since Hayden read Cinderella to Rosie, the word 'handsome' was often put out there.


"Daddy's handsome, too, mommy." Rosie nodded her head, making Hayden smile.

"Is he?" Hayden asked, though she already knew. Even if Ian was simply an experiment for himself, Hayden always admired the boy. Rosie nodded, playing with Hayden's fragile fingers. "Did you have fun?" Another nod. "Any troubles?"

"Of course not, mommy." Rosie smiled, looking back up at her, as Rosie recalled all the times Ian and Mickey protected her.

"Hey, Rosie, maybe we should head home." Hayley finally spoke, noticing the time and the mask Hayden had, to conceal the wince from pain.

"I'll be back tomorrow, mommy." Rosie said, with a small nod. Hayden ran a hand over Rosie's hair, which still reminds her of Ian.

"Okay." Hayden grinned, before Rosie stretched up, to kiss her.

"Are we going home?" Ian asked, as Fiona engulfed him into a hug, as Mickey smiled at him, slightly.

"Not today, but soon." Fiona nodded, pulling away. "Look who's here. Mickey's here." She moved aside, for Ian to see him. Mickey hugged him, too, noticing the strange feeling of Ian not hugging back.

"Where's Rosie?" Ian asked the inevitable, looking back at Fiona. Mickey bit his lip, not wanting to be the one to answer.

"She's okay," Fiona didn't lie to him. But, without Rosie present, he didn't care much to be there, either.

"Yeah, she's okay. Promise." Mickey nodded, feeling uncomfortable in the environment.

"Should we sit?" Fiona asked, making Mickey agree, nervously. The three sat down on the tan couches, before Fiona showed Ian a pie from work. "Brought you a pie. It's from work, but. . ." Ian's mind drifted elsewhere, as his senses were fatigued to the people playing ping pong across the room. Everything else was blurry or muffled. His attention turned to the television, then to the patient laughing at himself on the chess table. Surely, if Rosie were there, all of his attention - and, he does mean all of it - would be on her.

Ian hoped for nothing more.

"Do you think I'll see daddy and Mickey tomorrow?" Rosie asked, as she shuffled into bed, pulling her smal blanket over her body.

"Probably not, sweetie." Hayley didn't want to lie to her, or get her hopes up. Still, it further progressed the growing guilt Hayley felt for pulling Rosie out of the Gallagher's arms.

"Maybe after that." Rosie remained optimistic, sure of the fact that she would see Ian, Fiona, Mickey, Lip, and all of her other family members again someday.

"Maybe." Hayley gave her a small smile, as if to confirm this belief. Hayley wasn't sure how much time, or if Hayden had any time, it would be until death of would strike her. The pain she expressed only grew as the time went on, and it aways seems like it couldn't get any worse, but the next day surprises her. Hayley knew, both legally and morally, that it wouldn't be right to keep Rosie as her own after Hayden would pass. Perhaps if Ian could get help, and pull his life back together, Rosie could go back to Chicago and live there. But, for now, they were stuck with a bipolar boy in Chicago, a very ill girl in Bloomington, and a little girl that isn't exactly sure of what is going on, and what will become of it.

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