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Mickey had woken up on the couch alone the next day. Previously, Rosie had fallen asleep on the other end of the couch, right before Mickey had turned down the television volume.

He shot up, quickly going to his room to see her sleeping on his bed. A small sigh of relief was released from his lips, right before the realization that he was terrified of having another person taken away from him.

Rosie dreamt of home, and not the home with Ian. Her dreams managed to take her back to Hayden. Particularly, the moments they had in the hospital. She had started to forget the times before then; the happier times. She made crafts out of paper and crayons, laying her finished work on Hayden's lap, for her to see properly. As the days turned to nights, and Rosie would fall asleep on the small chair close to the wall, the nurses could see in Hayden's eyes that the term "visiting hours" didn't apply to them. Rosie would sometimes wake up to Hayley, the sister of her beloved mother, in the room, talking about the outside world.

Mickey received a text from Fiona, just before Rosie finished her small bowl of cereal. Rosie put the bowl in the sink as Mickey read it; we need you here, right now.

Fiona, who had just finished saying goodbye to Lip and the others, was left alone in the Gallagher house, with the exception of Hayley.

"He's on his way," Fiona looked at Hayley, who was beyond angry to be back in the south side. Aside from returning to her hometown, she had Rosie to worry about, who, in her mind, was with the meanest gangster in town.

But, Fiona was past the point of arguing with Hayley. Fiona had already tried, but, when it came down to it, Hayley was right. Ian was in no condition to care for Rosie. The two sat in silence, as they waited for them to arrive. If any of them opened their mouths, it would end in an argument, which Fiona wanted no part of, anymore.

Mickey, with Rosie in his arms, walked into the house, wondering why Fiona had wanted him to come in the first place. He set down Rosie as he shut the door behind them. Rosie, who knew the house all too well at this point, was peeling off her coat as she walked ahead, towards the living room.

"Rosie!" Hayley had exclaimed, running into the living room towards the girl. Mickey perked up, noticing the strange woman engulf her into a hug.

"Who the fuck are you?" Mickey asked, harshly. He almost pulled Rosie away from Hayley, but he had noticed the smile on Rosie's face.

Hayley shot him a glance, as she pulled away from Rosie.

"Mickey, Hayley's here to take Rosie home." Fiona had sneaked into the living room, looking at Mickey with sorrow, knowing how much the girl mattered to him.

"What?" Mickey asked, putting a hand on Rosie's shoulder to pull her closer to him, jumping to a defense mode. He didn't know Hayley; how would she know how to take care of Rosie?

"I heard about the incident." Hayley's voice was stern, and angry. Mickey slightly glared at her, as she continued. "How that psychopath took Rosie and just left?"

"Watch yourself." Mickey snarled, through gritted teeth, daring her to bad talk Ian again.

"She belongs with me. With Hayden." Hayley shot back, holding a hand out for Rosie to take. Before Rosie, who was silent, could go for it, Mickey held her back, sternly.

"The fuck she does." Mickey growled, pulling Rosie behind him, as he approached Hayley, who couldn't find the intimidation Mickey was trying to provoke.

"Mickey -" Fiona tried, but he ignored her.

"Unless you're Ian, and you're not in a fucking psych ward, I suggest you back the fuck off." Hayley said, putting a hand to his chest. Rosie, who didn't want to be alone as the two argued, went over to Fiona.

"She stays here!" Mickey rose his voice, pushing her hand away.

"You think Ian can really take care of her?" Hayley asked, rhetorically. Mickey was the only one who didn't even think of what could come from this, legally. Mickey had no authority over Rosie's whereabouts, and neither did any of the Gallaghers, who hadn't known of her existence until she arrived. Hayley was the one in control, being the girl that was there during Rosie's birth, and all of her life, alongside Hayden.

"I can take care of her," Mickey said, sternly, before Fiona left Rosie near the doorway to intervene.

"We don't have a choice, Mick." Fiona said, standing by Hayley. Mickey's eyes flickered to Rosie, who stared back at him with fear. He reminiscend on Ian's manic episode, as he locked eyes with her.

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