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After explaining the lack of rights they had for Rosie, Fiona had assured Hayley that Rosie would be ready to leave soon.

Mickey held the little girls hand as they went up the stairs. He went slowly, not wanting to go downstairs again to say goodbye.

"What are we doing?" Rosie asked, as Mickey opened the door to Ian's bedroom, noticing the tossed blankets on his bed. Mickey approached the small, pink backpack, that he assumed was Rosie's, on the floor next to the bed.

"Um," Mickey stuttered, grabbing the backpack, "You're gonna go see your mom."

"Mommy?" Rosie lit up, making Mickey grin, weakly.

"Yeah," He mumbled, as Rosie opened a drawer in Ian's dresser, where all of her clothes were kept.

"Are you coming, too?" Rosie asked, as Mickey slowly pulled the clothes from the drawer, neatly fitting them into the pack.

"No," Mickey said, defeatedly, as Rosie's happiness took a plummet to sadness, as she looked Mickey.

"I'll be back, though." Rosie said, quietly. But, Mickey wasn't sure of it. He didn't know if Rosie would be back, and he didn't know how Ian would react, coming home to no Rosie.

Mickey zipped the backpack, setting it on Rosie's shoulders. She turned back around, and let Mickey pick her up again.

Fiona stood next to Hayley, who was speaking of Hayden, and her battle with cancer; how Rosie was brought up, and how their family moved right after Hayden got pregnant. A part of it was refreshing to Fiona, knowing the full story, now. She learned that Hayley had to argue with Hayden to bring Rosie back, and how Hayden told Hayley to 'give Ian time', until Hayden finally caved from the arguing. Especially since, Hayden didn't have a lot of time left.

"I didn't mean what I said about Ian." Hayley said, softly, regretting that she called Ian crazy. "But, you know, he's just a little too caught up with his own life to care for Rosie." Fiona nodded at this, knowing it was true, first hand, from Monica.

"I don't know how to tell him." Fiona said, truthfully. Hayley, with guilt in her eyes, looked at Fiona, as the sound of Mickey coming down the stairs filled their ears through the silence.

The two women looked over, to see Mickey holding Rosie close. He hugged her, closing his eyes to keep himself from crying. Fiona put a hand on Hayley's arm, just after she tried approaching the two. Fiona knew how much Rosie meant to Mickey, especially after all the time he spent with her.

"Be good, okay?" Mickey said, with raised eyebrows as he pulled away. Rosie nodded, with a small smile, before she leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I love you, Mickey." Rosie said, happily, as she turned around and walked to Hayley, who grinned, weakly, at her. "I love you, Fiona." Rosie said, before hugging her legs, making Fiona grin, too, as she put a hand on her back.

"Ready?" Hayley asked, softly, making Rosie nod. Hayley grabbed her neice's hand, with a small, sympathetic grin towards Fiona before they started their way to the door.

Mickey stood, with his feet glued to the tile of the kitchen floor, staring in sadness as Rosie glanced back at him. A small smile and a wave made him grin, weakly back.

"Are we gonna see mommy?" Rosie asked, with hope in her high pitched voice, as Hayley led her down the porch steps.

"Yeah, sweetie." She sighed, feeling the guilt finally hit her. She didn't agree with Hayden when she decided to let Ian take care of Rosie. If anything, Hayley was completely against it - she cared too much for Rosie. But, seeing that she had no choice in it, she let it happen. After Hayley discovered the episode Ian had, involving Rosie, it took hours of arguing with Hayden to let her go and get Rosie back, where she would be safe. She had a mission that she intended to complete when Hayden finally told her to do what she thought was right. But, after that, she wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. Hayden always believed in Ian, she thinks. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to believe in him, too.

Ian slid his tray down the counter, not caring much about what goes on it. He didn't have an appetite, and, unless Rosie was there, he didn't intend on eating any of it.

He glanced over at the exit, with the security gaurd standing near it, watching over all of the patients. Ian, who walked away from the man trying to tell him a story, approached the door.

"Is that the way out?" Ian asked, pointing to the door, making the gaurd stand up straight, and turn his body towards Ian.

"What are you doin' over here? Back in line." The gaurd tried to be nice with Ian, but Ian ignored him.

"Rosie's waiting for me, and Mickey. I need to see Fiona." Ian said, trying to reason with the, in Ian's mind, irrational man. They stood, face to face, as the gaurd sighed.

"Do you want me to sedate you again?" The man asked, before Ian put a hand past him, towards the door. The gaurd grabbed his arm, before roughly shoving Ian's chest against the wall. Still, Ian had an arm out for the door, knowing, for sure, that his family was waiting out there for him. "You gonna chill out? Huh? Shut the fuck up? I can let you go?" The man asked, as Ian's cheek pressed against the wall, and as he started to pant. The gaurd, who felt bad to use such force on Ian, slowly let go of him. "Get back in line and eat some french toast, huh?"

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