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"Where the hell have you been?" Fiona asked, harshly, as she had just became sick of Ian leaving each night, only to return in the mornings.

"I was at Mickey's house." Ian stated, calmly, to avoid an argument, even though one was bound to happen anyways.

"Oh, that's reassuring." Fiona said, sarcastically. Ian sighed, as Fiona continued, "I don't know what the hell you've been doin', but it needs to stop."

"Or what?" Ian asked, testing Fiona, slightly. Ian wanted to hear her say it, even if it would make him angry.

"Or I'll have to send her back." Fiona threatened, holding the strong stare on him. Ian glared at her, getting increasingly infuriated by how she spoke of Rosie. Yet, Ian didn't say anything back. He just stared, his nostrils flaring, never feeling more resentful than now. "You know who you're turnin' into?" Fiona pointed at him, talking softer than she had before. Fiona always talked softly before she was going to make a point. To make them listen. For her to hold back her tears. Most of the time, it worked. Although, her eyes became wet, realizing who her younger brother was slowly turning into. She nodded her head towards Frank, anger written all over her face, as she could hardly speak.

After Frank tried jumping to his own defense, as he always did, Fiona raised her voice again, and, for the first time, it wasn't towards Ian.

"Shut up, Frank!" Fiona cut him off immediately, as Ian looked at Frank. Ian shook his head, slightly, before turning around on his heel, heading for the stairwell.

Practically running upstairs, Ian passed by Rosie, who was just exiting the bathroom, in the purple dress Ian told her to wear. Ian didn't want to look at her, afraid that he may turn back around. He didn't want to apologize to Fiona - not right now. He wanted nothing more for Fiona than for her to keep out of his business. Though Ian didn't see it, Rosie was Fiona's business.

"I put on the dress, dad -" Ian slammed his bedroom door behind him, cutting off Rosie's words, like he never had before. After pacing around for a few seconds, Ian used his arms to remove everything from the top of his dresser, letting it all fall to the floor. After hearing the glass of something shattering, tears formed in Ian's eyes, making him pray, silently, that Rosie wouldn't walk in.

Falling, in a defeated manner, on his mattress, he put his head in his hands, feeling nothing but guilt anymore, for shutting Rosie, Fiona, and everyone else - including Mickey - out. The last time he spoke to Lip, it was a disagreement. The last he spoke to Mickey, he was angry, and pushing. He almost hurt Frank, badly. He disappointed Fiona. He let Rosie down. Rosie, of all people. Ian slowly laid down on his mattress, pulling his blanket over his head, as he could only imagine the look on Rosie's face when he slammed the door behind him. Feeling washed up, Ian, silently, let his emotions of guilt and regret leak out in tears.

Rosie could tell that Ian was upset or angry about something, although she didn't know why. She thought about going into the room after she heard objects crashing to the floor, but decided against them. She left him alone.

Fiona looked over at Frank, who, for the first time, was the most civil person in the argument. After Ian stormed upstairs, she let out a sigh. After she heard his bedroom door slam shut, she could practically hear Rosie's heart crack, just slightly, as Ian shut her out, too.

Trotting down the stairs, Rosie looked at Fiona, questionably, and with slight sadness.

"Is daddy okay?" Rosie asked her, as Fiona glanced over at Frank, who was mumbling about how psycho Ian was for almost strangling him.

"Yeah, he's gonna be okay." Fiona said, not wanting to look at Rosie after what she just threatened Ian with.

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