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As soon as we get out of the storm, things get calmer and the most part of the crew members go to the deck bellow to get some sleep. I watch Cuttroat get into his cabin and Ejays comes to my side.

'I'm very proud of you. Didn't think that you would help.' she says with a smile while we make our way to the beds.

'I just wanted to help. Seeing everyone working together made me want to be part of that as well, I tried my best yet I think I didn't do much.'

'Bella, you were pretty good believe me, and I was surprised to see you there in the helm...'

'What? Why is that?'

'Well, Theo never lets another person touch the helm when we're facing a storm or in a fight with another ship. He must like you.'

'Oh please Ejays, he only has me here because he needs me, he doesn't like me, I don't like him so we're good.'

'Keep telling yourself that Bella.' Ejays says and then turns her back to me in her bed.

I keep starring at the ceiling while I can't sleep. I can hear a lot of snores, a thing that I'm not used to. I always sleep with everything in silence and usually I don't feel my bed swinging, but I guess there's a first time for everything. I'm getting worried with myself. I'm enjoying this life with pirates too much and I wonder where my beliefs went to. Yesterday I hated pirates and everything that leaded to them, today I see myself helping them and seeing how they act like a family more than mine. I eventually fall asleep with the sound of the sea and the snores of the crew.


I woke up with someone grabbing my arm. I open my eyes as the hand touches my arm and I see Gale looking at me with a desconfortable smile. 'We're almost in Tortuga, Captain asked for me to wake you up, he wants to talk to you.' Gale says and then leaves the deck.

When I get up I see that I'm the only one that was still asleep, there's some mans on their beds but they're pretty much drinking rum and talking with each other. I climb the stairs and see myself in the middle of that mess and hard work of the crew. I can see Ejays, once again, in the front of the ship but I can't go to her now. Captain wants to see me and I don't know how much patience he has. I walk to his cabin and before entering it I knock on the door. I can hear a 'come in' before I open the door and enter it.

'I forget that you are politically correct and that you knock on the door' Captain says as I enter his cabin.

'You pirates don't have that?'

'No love, we're all equal in here nobody knocks...'

'Why did you wanted to talk to me? I though you already said everything...'

'It's always a pleasure to talk to you. But, we're almost in Tortuga you see, and you know nothing in there so, I though I could help you not to pass out when we get there. You'll see a lot of ladies that are not like you, or Ejays, or your mother, or even your maids, do you understand?' He asks and I nod, he's talking about prostitutes 'Great, you'll also see a lot of man's like me and Gale so don't go near them. To finish my speach Tortuga is not safe for a woman like you to be alone so you'll be with me the whole time.'

'What? You got to be kidding Captain!'

'Please love, call me Theo and I'm not kidding.'

'Why with you? Can't I stay with Ejays?'

'You see love, she has a boyfriend, fiancé, husband whatever they are and the time that we spent on land is short and that time is also the time they have to do, you know what, to make babies, love each other, kiss, you should understant I don't take you as innocent as you look. After that I realized that you wouldn't appreciate interrupting the couple's time together.'

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