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We're sailing for about two days. Things are good in the Golden Curse, I think the crew is already used to me as a first mate although I don't give that much orders. I asked Theo not to and he surprisingly acepted. I am right now helping some mans to get the empty barrels in one side while the ones that still have things inside stay on the other. Theo told me that today we'll have to stop the ships and get supplies in our ship. That means that George will have to come aboard and honestly I don't feel like seeing him and listening to his voice. I know he's gonna ask me tons of questions and I just don't feel like answering.

Theo has been working on something inside his cabin, I don't know what. I think nobody really does but I do know that he is giving me more workso I don't have time to go inside the cabin. Whatever he is doing I just hope is nothing bad. Once the barrels are separated I walk up the deck and see what I can help with. There's one man in the crow's nest so I'm not needed there, there's mans cleaning the ship and there's some of them climbing to go get the sails in the right position. I walk over to Larry.

'Do you want to stay here? I can go for you.' I ask as I see that he is reluctant to climb the ropes

'I'm sorry miss, there's no need I'm just afraid of highs but with a little courage I'll be fine.'

'It's okay Larry, you can stay here, I'll go.'

As I finish my sentence I start climbing the rope. Once I got in the sails I started helping the other crew man's to get everything ready and good to continue the voyage. This was quite funny actually. I never though I would be sitting in one sail just casually sitting here and putting eveything together. But of course Theo ruined my fun.

'What the fuck are you doing up there Isabella? Are you insane? What if you fall?' Theo screams from the deck

'Relax, I know what I'm doing!' I said while getting up still on the sail and walking to get down

'Are you really walking in the sail? Jesus christ love, sit down! I'm gonna have an heart attack in here.' I quickly get back and the deck and Theo runs to me grabbing my arms 'are you alright?'

'Yes Theo, I'm fine.'

'Come with me.' he says and starts walking to his cabin. I look at him with one of my eyebrows rised 'What?'

'Am I able to get in the cabin already? Don't think I didn't notice that you made me work more so I wouldn't come in here.'

'You're smart darling.'

As we walk in the cabin I sit down and Theo goes get something behind his table. He grabs a big box and throws it in the big table where all the maps usually are. I look at him confused and he smile before opening the box. My mouth went open whide when I saw the amount of swords in that box. He couldn't possible made all of those in just two days!

'I was looking throw all the swords I had and since I though that you should choose your own sword I decided to sharpen all of them, that's why I didn't wanted you here. Now, go on and choose one.'

'Do they have a story?' I said looking at all those swords

'Some of them, other I just got from pirates that died.'

I look at all of them but there's one that catches my eye. It's silver and has a red cristal on top of if along with a SR carved onto it. I grab it and I see Theo smile. I look at myself in the mirror with the sword in my hands. It's so beautifull. I look at Theo and smile at him. 'This one.'

'Alright love, that one will be.' Theo handed me a belt and I lefted my sword there 'Now, you're a proper pirate' he said and hugged me.

'Captain, can we stop the ship? We're in need of supplies.' one of the man opened the door and asked 'Sorry to interrupt Captain.'

'Yes stop the ship.' Theo said 'Why do we always get interrupted, don't people know how to knock?'

'Oh now you want them to knock.' I said and he laughed.

We walk out of the cabin and stood next to the helm I watched as planks were placed in our ship so the supplies can get to us. But I also saw George walking in one of the planks. When he got to the ship his face got a disgusted expression and I rolled my eyes looking at Theo. He walks over to us and when he sees me he got shocked.

'What happened to you Isabella? Jesus, is that a costume?' he asked and then laughed 'Of course it's a costume, you scared me. Now, you Cuthroat or whatever is your name, we need to talk and you come Miss.' Theo lead us to the cabins and took me with him to his chair sitting me in his lap.

'What do you want?' Theo asks

'I wanna talk, discuss some things that include our girl.'

'Our?' I ask

'Yes, we both care for you, I wanna make sure that the guy, thing, moster behind you will make his part of the deal.'

'Don't you call him that you bastard!' I said and Theo rubbed my back.

'I don't recognise you Isabella, what have they done to you?'

'They've done nothing to me but show me how you're supposed to spend you life! Not on god damn castle but free, going wherever you want without people asking.'

'You're broken mad! But anyways must be the sea that's making you go crazy.'

'I'm not crazy!'

'Yes you are love' George said rolling his eyes

'Don't you call me that!' I said and I saw Theo smile

'Whatever, now with you mister, how am I supposed to know that you'll leave Isabella in London after all of this is over?'

'You'll just have to believe me, I don't have how to prove it.'

'Oh yes you do, you can give me Isabella right there and she'll come with me, on my ship.'

'She's not leaving.'

'Then we're going back to London.'

'No you're not. I'm still the princess and if I tell you to keep to the rout you'll do as I said. Now get out of our ship.' I said standing up

'You heard her.' Theo said

George looked at us before standing up and leaving the cabin. I look at Theo and he smiles at me huging me. We walk outside and help the crew to get the barrels to their place. Once we finished I sit in the corner of the ship. This is where I belong. I want to be here and only here, in the sea, with the wind and with Theo... I want to be here with Theo.

I hope you liked it!

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