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I wake up in the next day with the high voices of the crew. I open my eyes slowly and see all the crew with big smiles and laughing. I know why they're like that. We're coming close to London. I get up and look around. I don't see Ejays, she's probably with Gale. I walk through the mans and I can spot some of them looking at me. Of course they're looking Isabella you'll be finally out of this ship. You're not wanted here, at least for the most part of them. I go up to the deck and I see Theo on the helm. I walk to him and without he even saying something he hands me a monocle. I put it in front of my eye and try to find land in the middle of the sea. Finally I can spot trees and houses and a fort, that fort almost detroyed. That's London, my home...

'In a few hours we'll be there. I'm gonna leave the ship far away just like the day you came with us and we're gonna go in a little boat to the port. When we get there we'll have horses there so we can go by the interior. That way we'll get into your house without anyone seeing it.' Theo says when I hand him the monocle.

'Do you need such a laborious plan just to trade me, for guns?' I ask

'Don't get me wrong deary, you're worth more than a few ships and guns but it was the only way. Also, yes we do need that plan, you can fight now.'

'I wouldn't run away...' I mumble but Theo looks at me

'I know love, I know. Now, are you excited?'

'For what? We had this conversation yesterday...'

'Yes, but now your life can change. You've learned how to fight, you can face your mother.'

'I could Theo but that would mean that after that I would face the gallows, and I may not like my life but I definitly don't wanna die.'

'I don't want you to die neither, let's just keep to the plan shall we?' He asks and I nod

Theo was right, quickly the land became more and more close and I knew that my moments of freedom were over. Ejays came and stand by my side the rest of the voyage but when the ship stoped I knew that only fighters would go there with me and Theo. I wasn't even sure if Gale was going. The mans quickly got the two boats in the sea and five of the crew mans got in one while me, Theo and other three mans got in the other. Here we go Isabella back to what used to be normal in your days.

The journey to the port was quickly, or at least it seemed like. I was starting to notice that I didn't want to leave the ship. I wanted to stay with them. My mind changed totally the few days I was there. I realized that what people say about pirates it's not all true. I do know what Theo is capable off but I was also able to see the part of him that the most people don't know. The part where he is a good man. When the boat got to the port, Theo helped me to get out and also helped me to get in the horse. Theo sat in front of me and I grabed his waist when he started to ride.

He was going fast. I didn't want to go that fast, I didn't want to face my mother this fast. I didn't even had time to think about it. I don't have Ejays with me and now that I don't have her is when I'm noticing how much she helps me when I need to think. She's just like Rose but younger. I rested my face in Theo's back while I watched trees pass by. Houses started to show up in the horizon and I knew we're getting close. I noticed the looks of some of the people in the street. They knew me even with the fact that I didn't left the house that much, people still knew me.

The gates of the house were open and quickly we were inside. Theo left the horse in ront of the big stairs and helped me get down. The doors quickly opened and George was on the top of the stairs. Theo gets his arm around my waist when he see George quickly getting down of the stairs.

'Isabella, my beloved! Are you okay?' he asks trying to touch me but Theo gets me behind him

'I would like to talk with the king.' Theo says

'You're her kidnapper! Kill him!' George screams but I feel a sword being pointed at my neck

'Try to kill me and you can say 'bye bye' to your beloved for enternity. Now, take me to the king.' Theo says and George looks at me before start to walk to the house.

Theo and I follow George the closest we can, his arm still on my waist. Tons of guards are around the whole house and when we get to the big stairs inside the house my mother is on top of them with a disgusted look on her face while looking at my dress. Yeh, it is nasty but I don't even care. We keep walking to my fathers office and when we get there he is sitting on his chair but when he sees me he quickly gets up.

'What do you want with me and my daughter pirate?' my father asks

'Calm down old friend, we have business to discuss.' Theo says and sits down in a chair pulling me onto his lap, I look at him confused and he just winks at me 'Let's see the situation, I'm in advantage. I have your daughter and you have nothing against me so, I'll talk first. What I'm here to ask is really simple. I'm sure you're aware of the spanish treasure that was lost in Florida right?' He asks and my father nods confused 'Well, I'm looking for help to get it.' he says and my father starts to laugh

'What makes you think that I would help pirates?'

'Well, first I have your daughter and you'll never get her if you don't help, second the spanish fleet is looking for it as well, you hate the spanish so with me you would win to them, of course the treasure is for me but I know that you don't need it and third I'm Captain Cuthroat are you really willing to fight me?' he says with a smile on his face

'Cuthroat?' my father asks scared


'How exactly were whe supposed to help you get that treasure?'

'I'm gonna need supplies for my crew, I'm gonna need four ships and lots of guns, powder, cannon balls and rum. The rum is very important.'

'I need to know what my mans will be facing.' my father says after looking at me

'My king, are you really going to help this fuilthy pirate?' George asks surprised

'Do you have any other way to get Isabella without her being killed?' my father asks and George stops talking 'As I was saying what will my mans be facing?'

'To start, mermaids, tons of other pirates there's many mans looking for that treasure, the spanish fleet of course and also Scallywag.'

'Scallywag as in the most fearful pirate before you?' my father asks


'We have a deal, by tomorrow morning you'll have four ships next to yours along with supplies and guns.' My father says and him and Theo shake their hands 'Now, I would like to get my daughter.'

'I'm afraid I can't give her to you.' Theo says and I look at him 'How do I know that if in the moment that I give her to you, you will accomplish your part of the deal?'

'You don't, you'll have to trust me.'

'Well, I don't trust you. She'll go with me, I'll give her to you when I have the treasure in my hands.'

'What if you don't get the treasure?'

'Then she'll stay with me, right love?' Theo says and smiles at me.

'Love? Have some respect for who you're talking to!' My mother says from the door 'She's engaged! Don't you see the ring in her hand?' she screams and I see George smile when Theo looks down at my hand

'You do know that I'm pirate right? I don't give a shit if she's you daughter or if she's engaged. I guess we're done talking King, I'm expecting you to keep your part of the deal. We'll leave tomorrow morning.'

I hope you liked it!

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