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It's been three days since the day I asked Theo to work on the deck, in two days we'll be back and London and my training is not over yet. Everyday as soon as the sun rises Theo wakes me up and we spend four hours of the day training with a sword. He says that I'm not that bad but I'm not good either. After training with swords I spend two hours tying ropes that is a very easy part, I think I'm good with it already. You just have to watch carefully and then reproduce what you saw. Theo always gaves me a two hours break before lunch so I can be with Ejays for a little and he can be with his man's helping. After lunch he makes me train my strength by lifting some pipes, to finish the train I have to go change and dress some pants and a shirt and we climb the ropes to the crow's nest and watch the sunsets. That is definitely my favorite part.

Today was no different, everyone seem already used to see me training with the Captain and now some even smiled at me. Ejays says that I'm doing a pretty good job and that some of the crew man see me already as a part of the family. When I asked why they said that they never had a prisoner that wanted to help them. But, today Theo as been acting a little stranger. Always looking to the sea and when was time to get to the crow's nest he didn't let me and told two of his man to get up there.

'Theo, what's going on?' I ask

'We're getting in European waters, mermaids could be anywhere...'

'I though they only showed up in Whitecap Bay.'

'No, there's indeed more of them there love, but european waters are also very dangerous...'

'What can we do to stop them?'

'We can't do anything love. We're going to spend the night in the waters and there's when we have to be more carefull. We can't have people on the deck, no light and make no sounds.'

'That's gonna stop them?' I ask confused

'No, they're still gonna see the ship, they'll know that we're here and probably in the morning they'll be on the top of the waters waiting for us to show up. We're gonna loose man's, good man's but there's nothing we can do about it.'

'Theo can I ask you a question?'

'Anything deary.'

'Searching for the spanish treasure won't make you go near those waters?'

'Yes it will, but that's a risk we all in this ship are willing to take.'

Theo leaves me and goes to the helm, I can see that the whole crew is waiting for his orders. They know what we're approaching and still they don't say anything. Ejays is looking at me and walks next to me.


'A little bit, I don't want anyone to die, some of them became really close to me. Ejays, are we gonna make it?'

'To your father's? Yes, we will.'

'Will you get the treasure?'

'I can't see that, at least not right now.'

'Man's! I need your attention!' Theo screams and goes up the stairs so he can face everyone 'We're in danger waters, we need to be carefull here and everyone has to follow my orders! I repeat everyone, if one does not make what he is supposed to do we're all doomed! We're facing mermaid waters, it's gonna be a long night and even a longer morning but I know that we can do it. We're brave man's but to get past this we need to be smart. Tonight everyone will sleep, I don't want anyone up on this deck, not even on the crow's nest. This ship must look abbandoned. The lights will be off, all of them and we're all be downstairs without making any noise and without light as well.'

'Sir, but what if another ship comes and attack us?' one of the man asks

'If there's another ship on this waters they will also be facing mermaids and I don't think start a fight with another ship would make the job to face the mermaids easier.' He says and the man nods. 'As I was saying, the night is not our only problem. Once the mermaids realize thet we'll not be on the deck they'll wait, for the morning, and that's when we attack. We're gonna go with everything we have, we're getting close to London and that way we can get more supplies.'

'They're gonna be undreads of mermaids Theo, how are we supposed to kill them?' I ask and he looks at me

'We're not gonna use the cannons, that would be a waste of cannon balls. We have guns, we're gonna use those and also we're gonna use the powder we have. We're gonna get together a few barrels of powder and heave them high and then we're gonna throw them into the water and right before they hit the water someone is gonna shot the barrels. That way we gain a few hours and with the wind in our side we'll get to London fast enough.' he says and I nod 'Now gentleman, ladies let's get to work. Get the powder all together, leave just two barrils in case we're need for something else. Ejays and Isabella turn all the lights off please. Let's go you lazy asses we need to get this done before the sun goes down.'

I and Ejays go in different directions turning all the lights off, we also go down stairs to make sure that all the lights are really out. When we get to the deck once again there's a big amount of barrels all together in a rope and the crew is having problems heaving. Theo is there helping but they keep having problems. I join them with Ejays joining right next, we need all the man's in this ship, this is the crucial part of the plan.

'Stop what you're doing you idiots and come help! We need all of the crew here!' I yell before I can even think. They all look at me confused and I roll my eyes, they don't take orders from a woman.

'Didn't you heard her? Come help!' Theo screamed and winked at me.

As all the crew joined us we finally started to heave the barrels, it's so hard but you can see that everyone is giving their best. Gale is screaming encoraging the crew 'Let's go you scummy asses, heave like you're trying to reach a bottle of rum!' I can't help but laugh at that because it actually works. Once the barrels are high Theo screams to someone go and get the rope well tied so it doesn't fall and when it's finnaly tied we let go. I'm tired but at the same time I feel good.

'Good work love.' Theo says as he comes and stands next to me 'Now, we're gonna go downstairs, I don't want anybody here, the sun is almost setting we can eat while we have a little of light and then I want everything silent the whole night, no talking, nothing. Understood?' Theo asks

'Aye!' The whole crew screams and goes downstairs.

'You think this is going to work?' I ask Theo while looking at the calm sea.

'I hope so... Now, let's go love, we have to eat and the go to sleep.'

We went downstairs and sat next to crew eating. We were fast, I think no one wanted to screw up the plan. Once we finished eating we went to our beds and Theo followed me laying in my bed next to me. I looked confused at him. 'Can't go to my cabin, I'm sleeping with you tonight.' he whispered in my ear. Well, I can't quite do anything about it... A few minutes after we all went to our beds singing started from the outside of the ship. Are those mermaids? I look over at Theo and he nods without I even had to ask something. I spot a few mans getting their heads out of the bed but quickly going back to their original position. They're trying to seduce them with their singing, trying to make them go outside. I try to ignore the singing around me and go to sleep. I close my eyes forcing myself to sleep and eventually a few minutes late I finally fall into a deep sleep where I feel warm and protected.

I hope you guys liked it!

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