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I woke up just as Theo said, with him sitting behind his big table. I looked at him and when he noticed I was awake he smiled at me. I walked to him and got next to him. He was looking at the maps. Seeing wich island was closer. I know that this treasure is very important for him. It's his freedom. With the gold he can live the rest of his life in peace and good conditions. I'm not saying he will leave the seas. I doubt that, he loves sailing he won't leave the sea but maybe he will stop the pirating around.

'What's in your mind love?' Theo asks

'I'm just thinking in how this treasure is so important for you. You'll be free of this life.'

'Yes, I will indeed. Although I don't think I can leave my ship, my crew. Even if I don't like it, I've spent the most part of my life on the sea.'

'I understand but maybe with the gold you can start your town all over again and with your beautiful ship ask for trades.'

'I could, but I would never have a good trade.'

'Why are you saying that?' I ask confused

'Because, you were and will always be the best trade I ever did...'

I couldn't say anything. I loved what he said. That means he cares about me, that means he likes me at least a little, that means he doesn't have me here just to accomplish what he wants. I look at him with a smile on my face. I'm glad he traded me. I never thought I would be saying this but I'm glad he kidnapped me, I'm glad he kept me on his ship, I'm glad he didn't left me in London a few weeks ago, I'm just glad I'm here.

'Theo, we have a problem.' Gale says coming in the cabin

'What now?' Theo asks tired

'George and his crew want to come abord. He is saying that his ship has a few holes and it's starting to sink.'

'But the fight was days ago! Why haven't they fixed the ship?'

'They don't know Theo. They just know how to sail. The ships are repared by other people when they get to the port.' I say and he rolls his eyes

'They don't know how do anything. Jesus, useless mans. Fine. They come abord but with them come the supplies they have left. Are the other two ships fine?'

'They say so.'

'Let them come. But Gale, I don't want any of them near Isabella or this cabin, make sure they understand that.' Gale nods before leaving the cabin

'Are you okay with that stupid George being here?' Theo asks me

'I'm not okay, but I'm not bad.'

'I can't believe you're engaged with that stupid ass...'

'Neither do I. I'm pretty sure that as soon as I get back in London my mother will want me to marry. Just a few months to prepare everything but I'm sure it's going to be the fastest wedding ever.'

'Am I gonna be invited?'

'If you want to, although I don't quite know how you'll get the invitation...'

'Honestly? I don't want to be invited. I think I couldn't stand seeing you there with that disgusting human being.'

'I think I won't stand seeing myself in the mirror...'

'I'm sorry to interrupt, again, but Theo everything is on the ship even those bastards, can we keep searching?' Gale asks in the door of the cabin

'Yes, keep looking me and Isabella will be helping in a moment. Oh Gale, keep that George away from seeing the sea. I don't want him to find my treasure.'

Theo looks at me and we walk outside. The number of mans as grow a lot and I believe that this way it will be a lot faster and easier to find that treasure. I grab one of the lights and start pointing it at the water. Everybody wants to find this treasure. Maybe for different reasons but we're all looking for it. I spot George sitting in a chair in the deck. Theo has his arms with ropes so he can't leave the chair. I see he is looking at me, with an evil smile on his face. I hate him so much. He represents everything I hate. I see Ejays walking over me with her light on the hand.

'Is he bothering you? I can tell someone to take him bellow deck.' She asks

'No, I'm good. I don't want him to think that he is annoying me. We have to focused on the treasure. That is the most important thing.'

'You can take a break Bella. Don't be always that strong. It's okay to be weak once in a while and believe dear friend, you've proved more than once to be a good, strong, carrying woman who deserves nothing but the best.'

'Thank you Ejays, really. I appreciate a lot.'

'Don't thank me Bella. How are you and Theo? Did he told you?'

'We're good, yes he did. I would never thought of that. He's been though so much. All because of that filthy pirate.'

'Yes, he is a strong man. That's why you two match.'


'Oh don't deny it Bella. You like him and everyone can see that he likes you too.'

'No, he doesn't. Don't put things in my head Ejays.'

'I'm not putting things in your head. I'm Ejays remember?' She says pointing at her head before leaving

What did she meant that? Does he really likes me? God, I'm so confused. I don't know what to do. I know I like him, but does he likes me back? Jesus, I need some help here... I look over at the sea and my eye catches something. I point my light at it and it shines. A little more further something shines again. Are those coins? Oh my god, did I find the treasure?

'Theo! Theo! In here! I found coins!' I scream

Theo runs to me an looks at the sea and a big smile comes to his face. He then looks back and me and hugs me so tight. I'm so happy. We found it! I can't believe it.

'You found it love! You did it!' Theo whispered in my ear

The crew explodes in screams and cheers and everyone is so happy we finally found it. I couldn't be more happy than this. Now, we just have to follow the coins.

'Set sails my friends! We're gonna get that treasure to us!'

I hope you guys liked it!

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