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'Now, are you ready to have some fun?' Theo asks me while closing the door behind us.

'Do I have a choice?'

'No love, sorry.' Theo says and leeds us to a tavern

When we enter it I get surprised by the amount of people in it. It seems so small from the outside but it's actually big, it even has a little stage where a few man's are playing some intruments. Theo leeds us to a little table in the back of the tavern. We're able to see everyone. A woman approaches us and sets two cups of, probably rum, in front of us, she smiles at Theo before leaving the table.

I watch everything very carefully, I can see that people are having fun in here, everyone in their own lifes but at the same time, having a good time together. A lot of people dancing and that reminded me of the little party that happened in the ship last night. In general pirates seem a lot more happy than any other person in London or somewhere else and I admire that.

'What are you thinking about?' I hear Theo asking into my ear

'I just realized that pirates in general are a lot more happy than any other person. I mean you have enemies but still, you do whatever pops into your heads.'

'That is called freedom my love. You only know what it is once you experienced it.'

'I though I had a happy life, but by now I don't know anything.'

'It's only been a day love, you're confused that's all.'

'Theo, you promise you'll not kill me once you got the treasure?' I ask and he looks at me confused

'Why would I do that?'

'You won't need me anymore...'

'I promise I won't kill you love, I'll take you home when everything is finished.' He says and I nod with a smile 'Now, get your pretty ass up and let's dance!'

I was gonna protest but when I realized I was already in his arms and he was swinging around the tavern with me in his arms. I saw that there was no way he would let me sit down so I end up dancing with him. What are you doing Isabella, you're totally contradicting yourself. You hate pirates, why are dancing with one of them, worse why are you dancing with your kidnaper? I need someone to talk to and it can't be Ejays, I need my sweat Rose she always knew what to tell me, she was never in the side of anyone, she always stood in the middle.

After what seemed like one hour dancing Theo finally decides to sit on the table once again. I sit with him with sweat coming down of my face. Now the cup of rum actually seems pretty tasty. I grab it and drink it as fast as possible. When I set the cup on the table once again Theo is looking at me with one eyebrow raised. I don't say nothing. I can spot Ejays and Gale coming to us in the middle of that clutter and when they get to us Ejays sits next to me with a big smile.

'I see you've been dancing, I'm happy you're having fun! After all, Tortuga really is the best place in the world.'

'Couldn't say better!' Gale says and drinks rum from one bottle

'I see you got a new dress, you look a lot better it matches your eyes.' Ejays says and then looks to my eyes 'What's bothering you?'

'Nothing, why you ask?'

'Okay then, I will respect your decision of not telling me.'

I can see that she got hurt. I didn't mean to hurt her, is just I don't really know if I can trust her. I just met her and I feel like we created a bond but still. I look at her and she is watching the other pirates dance in the middle of the tavern. I'll tell her.

'I'll tell you, just not here.' I say and look over to Theo and Gale talking, she nods.

'Theo, I'm taking her for a walk.' she says and he nods

We leave the tavern and she takes me to the docks, we sit in some kind of rock that make us able to see almost all the island and I take a deep breath before start talking.

'I'm just so confused right now, it's only been a day and I feel like I'm with you guys for a whole year. I just don't know what to believe anymore. I always were told that pirates slay people, that they don't care about you, if you're stopping them from something they will kill you no matter what, but then I see myself surrounded by pirates and you've not been mean to me once...'

'That's normal Bella, you're experiencing something that you never though you would and it's so different from your other life that makes you confuse and curious about our world. Belive me darling, you don't want to live like us... We're fugitives, you never know who to trust, your life is a lot better.'

'I just wish I had Rose here with me...'

'Who's Rose?'

'The cooky in our house, she is my best friend and the only person I trusted everything, not even my father knew as much as she does. She always helped me when I was confused and I'm sure that if she was here she would know exactly what to tell me.'

'I'm sorry you can't be with her, but it's gonna take a few days for you to see her again. If you do see her, I don't know how Theo as planed the trade. Now, let's get back and eat our lunch, you must be starving.' she says and I smile at her while we make our way back to the tavern.

When we get back I see that both Theo and Gale are already eating and we sit down next to them. Our meals come very quickly and we didn't even had to ask. I start eating, I was actually pretty hungry. Neither me or Ejays says a word, only Theo and Gale talk and they seem to be in a very amusing conversation because both of them can't stop laughing. Once we finish eating I decide to ask Theo something that just popped into my head.

'Theo, when we were talking you said that there were other people searching for the treasure, who are those people?' I ask and he smiles

'Other pirates love, some with more resources than us, that's why we need you and your father's help.'

'What kind of resources?'

'More guns, more cannons, smaller ships and then there's that stupid Scallywag that joined the spanish fleet.'

'Joined the spanish fleet? What do you mean?'

'That guy is nasty Isabella, he said that knew Florida's waters like no one and of course stupid spanish people belived him, now he's with the fleet searching for the treasure and of course he has more resources than any other pirate. That's why I need your father. England hates the spanish there's a motive for them to help me.'

'Oh, and what happened between you two?'

'What?' Theo almost screams 'Don't you think you're asking too many questions?' he says before standing up and leaving

'I'm sorry...' I say a little bit scared

Ejays looks at Gale and he stands up really quickly and follows Theo to wherever he went to. I didn't knew that he was going to react like that. I just was curious...

'Bella, don't ever again ask Theo about Scallywag, as you probably noticed they're not really friends, they hate each other and I don't think that's gonna change soon. So, for your own safety ask Theo whatever you want just not about him or their story...' Ejays says and I nod.

We stay there talking for a while, Gale even joined us and I could see that he is actually a good person and all he cares about is Ejays. I though that was really pretty. When the sun was setting we leave the tavern and head back to the boat so we can go back to the ship. I was told that Theo was already there and that he wanted to talk with me. He always does...But this time is different, he is mad at me now.

I hope you liked it!

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