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I was told that Theo was already there and that he wanted to talk with me. He always does...But this time is different, he is mad at me now.

Once in the ship everyone is back to work and they all seem much more happy. Gale walks to my side and points to the Captains cabin, I look at him a little scared and he smiles comfortingly to me. I start to walk to the cabin, I'm nervous. I don't know what to expect. Maybe he had given up on the idea of trading me and now he's just gonna let me in some island that no one knows. I knock on the door and only open it when I hear Captain saying 'Come in'.

He was with his hat on, sitting behind his big table with maps and with a serious face, yet he had a smile, but not just any smile. Sarcastic smile, the one that in his face scares everyone and I'm not any different. He gets up of his chair and walks around the table to stop in front of me.

'Let's get one thing pretty clear, you don't get to ask me questions about me life, understood? I can tolerate questions about the voyage but me it's a different scenary.'

'Yes, I understood, I'm sorry I didn't mean to...'

'Yes you did love, you wanted to ask, you asked but here things don't work out as easy as in your little castle and dream of a life, you don't get special treatment you're just like the others and you have to respect me, my decisions and do what I ask you to.'

'Yes, Captain.'

'Now, get out of here' he says and goes back to his chair.

I leave the cabin the fastest I can. Once I'm in the deck again I search for Ejays and see her sitting in a pipe with a little book on her hands. I walk over to her and when she sees me, she points to the pipe next to her. I sit down there and wait for her to finish the reading.

'How was it?' she asks

'Bad, he never talked to me like that before, but I understand that I did a mistake.'

'You're lucky he didn't yell at you'

'He doesn't look like a person that does bad stuff without a reason so, if he talk to me the way he did he had a reason.' I said

'Yes he did Bella, but he will probably be a stupid arrogant Captain for you in the next days...'

'I think I can live with that.'

'Don't be so sure...' Ejays says and leaves the pipe where she was sitting.

The only thing I can think right now is that I'm heading home. I will finally be able to see my father and Rose. I miss them so much. My father could be a lot protective all the time, but I know that's the way he found to show me that he loves me. I still have a five days journey until we get there but maybe it'll pass quickly.

The ocean helps me think, I never realized that but now I see that it's a lot easier to ramble in my thoughs while I'm watching the calm sea and the waves. I feel a hand in my arm and when I turn around I see the cooker. My eyes grow bigger when I see him and he smiles at me.

'Come, come puppet everyone helps in this ship.' He says with a disgusting smile on his face.

'You don't give me orders, you're not the Captain or Gale!' I say realising my arm from his nasty hands

'Go with him Isabella, I told him to come and get you' I hear Theo say from the helm and I look at him surprised 'Do you prefer cleaning the ship?' He asks

'Yes!' I say quickly and he smiles at me

'Well, that's bad because I already have my mans cleaning it, now go Ejays will also be there' he says and I feel better knowing that I'm not going to be alone with this filthy pirate.

I walk with him down the deck and into the kitchen. Ejays was already there with some carrots in her hands. She smiles at me and points at the chair next to her. I sit there and I start helping her peeling of the carrots. Time passes slowly, I don't want to talk to Ejays because the pirate can hear and tell someone, I feel his eyes always in me and that makes me uncomfortable.

Is this how I'm gonna spend my five days in this ship? Peeling vegetables? Unable to see anything besides wood and food? I wanna talk to Theo. I want to help in something else, I'm not strong but maybe he or Galle can help me, even Ejays could help me. I know that she usually isn't here, she's always in the deck with the guys, she's just here because of what happened. After dinner I'm going to talk with Theo.

'I know what you're going to do... Just be careful with the way you talk with him.' Ejays whispers

'Could you help me?' I ask

'Help you what? Talking with Theo or training?'

'Training, I'm sure he doesn't want to help me.'

'Bella, don't be so sure of things you don't know...'

'Would you?'

'Yes, you're my friend of course I would help you'

I smile at that, is good to know that I have someone in here to talk to. Although I didn't quite get what Ejays meant when she said to not be so sure. I do know that she sees the future but she could tell me a little bit more about what she sees. When I finish my job in the kitchen I go to the deck and sit in the same pipes that I was before. I could go and talk with Theo right now but he is on the helm and I could distract him so I'm not going to be doing that.

I look at him, he's always so serious, I think the only time I saw him smile was when we were on Tortuga. The hat on his had fits him really well along with his coat. Why am I looking at him? I change my look to the mans getting the ropes well tied and the sails well open. They all work so hard but you can see in their faces that they love what they're doing. They're not afraid to get hurt, they challenge life everyday always with a smile and a bottle of rum.

I watch the sunset still on the pipe and with a smile on my face, I watch as the night comes and the stars start to show in the sky and I watch as the mans stop to work and sit for a while with their bottles on the hands. The cooker shows up a few minutes after they all stoped working to say that they can go and eat. I get up and follow the mans down the stairs. I once again sit next to Ejays and she smiles at me. She always smiles. Theo comes and sits right in front of me. He looks at me with a serious face and I almost give up on the idea of talking with him, but I can't show that I'm scared that's not me. We finish eating and everyone just go back to what they had to do. I watch as Theo goes back to his cabin and I follow him. I knock on the door and I hear him say 'what do you want?' I go inside and he is sitting on his chair with his eyes closed.

'Can I talk with you Captain?'

'Didn't I already told you to calm Theo? Yes you can, what is it?'

'Look, today I realized that Ejays is stopping to do what she usually does because of me and I don't want that happen. I though that maybe I could start doing something here in the deck so she doesn't have to do other stuff.'

'You wanna work on the deck? You do realize that you have no experience and no strenght to work here right?'

'I though that maybe she could train me and tell me how to do stuff.'

'It's not that easy love, up here we're constantly in danger, you'll have to learn how to fight with a sword and then start learning how to tie ropes and all of that.'

'Is it impossible?'

'No, nothing is impossible, but why do you want that if you're only going to stay here for five days?'

'I don't wanna be peeling vegetables the whole day Theo, I can't even see the sea! Please, it's just five days then I'll be gonne and you'll never see me again.'

'Okay, but Ejays is not training you.' he says

'Then who is?' I ask confused

'I am.'

I hope you liked it!

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