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We're getting close to London, I can feel it and see it on George's face. He has been all over me again. I try to stay next to Theo the most part of the time but there's some moments where he needs to be alone and that's when George comes. Ejays always try to warn me but it's impossible to avoid it. Theo doesn't look as happy as I though he would look. He tries to smile but I know that it is not his real smile. He doesn't seem happy, he doesn't make jokes anymore. I want my Theo back but how can I want something that I can't have.

'What's in your mind?' Gale asked coming to my side

'Theo. He's different, he doesn't seem like himself the past days.'

'I know, I've noticed it as well. I know why he's like that...'

'Tell me Gale, please I wanna help him.'

'You can't help him Isabella.' he says and a little laugh comes out of his mouth


'Because you're the reason he's like that. He doesn't want to leave you. He likes you like he has never liked anyone. It breaks his heart leaving you.'

'Then why is he leaving? It breaks my heart leaving him. I don't want my old life back, I don't wanna marry a man that I don't like, I don't wanna have to deal with my mother and I don't want to be a lady again.'

'I can't do anything to change that. I'm sorry Isabella. You know Theo. When he promises something he will stay with his word. I'm on your side here, I know that you two being apart will be terrible for the both of you.'

'Please talk with him Gale, I know we're close maybe a few hours and we're in England, please talk with him before that.'

'I will Isabella, but I won't promise anything.'

That was the only thing I got. One last hope. Maybe he will change his mind but I don't think that's gonna happen. I could ask Ejays but I also don't think she would tell me. Also, I don't feel like knowing already how miserable my life will be from now on. From far away I can see land showing up and that's what I need to know that this adventure is really coming to and end. I search for Ejays all over the ship but the only one I find is George coming up to me.

'Ready to go home? I hope your disease is already cured.' he says

'What disease George?'

'The one you have for wanting to stay here, I don't want my wife to be a lunatic.'

'Then I guess I am a lunatic.'

'No you're not, you're just... confused.'

'What do you want with her? Leave her.' I heard Theo's voice behind me

George slowly walked away and Theo took the place next to me. He didn't say anything he just stayed there looking at the land coming close with me. Our arms were touching and our breaths were fast. My heart was pounding in my chest and suddenly all I wanted was to cry. Cry because I don't wanna leave, cry because I'm gonna miss Theo, cry because I know I love him and I never told him, cry because I'm about to loose the only friends I ever had, cry because I know I'll never be this happy and cry because my life is going to be miserable from now on. I heard someone talk behind me but I didn't understand what they were saying. I only knew that in moments I was being carried to a boat by Theo with Ejays by my side.

We were going back. Back to London. I spot George in another boat in front of us and I see Larry in our boat rowing to the port. Once we get closer I see a lot of guards waiting for us. I can hear people scream 'It's the princess!' when they spot me. I'm no princess. I get closer to Theo looking for some confort and his arm goes around my waist when he sees me getting closer to him. My father is not in the port. That is the first think I noticed when we got there. George got out of his boat like he was the king.

'Let's lead Lady Isabella and this filthy pirates to the king.' George says and I see Theo roll his eyes.

The journey to the house is fast. I can spot those gates from miles away. I grab Theo's hand and I squeeze it. He sends me a smile and we enter the house. I think I never saw this much people in here. I don't see my mother and father anywhere and George keeps leading us to the office. When we went inside more than ten guards point their weapons to Theo. I quickly get in front of him.

'What are you doing Isabella! We were going to kill him!' My father says

'Exactly. You won't kill him father. He goes free along with the rest of the crew. He kept his word, I'm here alive and well.'

'You definitely are not okay. What are those clothes? Isabella you look like a man!' my mother says

'Mother please shut it! You only care about clothes. Father, please let them go free.' I say with pity eyes

'Alright, they'll go free. Are you alright?'

'I'm better than alright, or at least I was...'

'Sir, don't you think that those pirates should leave now?' George said and if looks killed he would be already dead

'You are right George, please leave my castle.' my father said

I looked at Theo. I could see the sadness in his eyes and I know that mine are full with that as well. I could feel tears in my eyes, I don't want to leave him, I know I will never see him again. I can't stop myself I run to his arms. I can hear George yell at me but all I can think about it's his arms around me, his beating heart on my ear and his smell. He's not gone and I already miss him. I look into his eyes and I can see sadness all over them.

Our faces get closer and our breaths mix together and our lips finally touch. I wanted this for so long. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands fall to my hips. When our tonges touch I feel like fireworks are blasting off inside of me, I feel so happy I could laugh for the rest of my life. We're having a fight in wich there's no loser. His soft brown hair on my hands feel so right, our lips together feel so right, our bodies colliding feel so right. This is right, but not what god had planned for me, if there's a god, he preferes see me with a man I hate then with a man I love. Theo finishes the kiss and our foreheads still touch, his face falls to my shoulder and still with my eyes closed I hear him say 'I love you'. And with that he was gone.

The end

I hope you guys liked it! I wanna thank to everyone who supported me while I was writting this story. This is very important for me, thank you all so much.

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