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Narrator's POV

"No not like that! They have to be flying threes inches apart and to the left! Redo it! Try it again!" An angry fiance ordered his childhood rival.

The white haired ice mage, once again, gathered his energy and directed it through his hands while chanting unenthusiasticly, "Ice make: dove!"

Three shiny pale blue birds of ice took off into the air, flapping and fluttering their wings in sync over to the left and now three inches apart.

The caster of the spell smiled triumphantly at the impossible to please fiance.

"Why are they flapping in sync?! It's suppose to look natural!" The finance boomed in frustration, "Do it again! They must be perfect.. EVERYTHING MUST BE PERFECT!"

The ice mage heaved out a long tired sigh as he, for tenth time today, shifted into his ice make stance and gathered his remaining strength to repeat the spell.

Meanwhile, in Fairytail's guild hall, sat a crying bride-to-be and her bridesmaids panickily trying to reassure her before she flooded the alter they worked so hard to set up.

"Juvia, I'm sure Gray will understand, accidents happen!" The celestrial wizard encouraged, patting the bluenette's shoulder.

"No no no," the bride sobbed, "Juvia lost the ring. Juvia is a terrible wife!"

"Don't worry Juvs, we'll find it. Lily is looking for it right now," the solid scrip mage assured.
"Yeah so is Happy and Carla!" The short sky Dragonslayer added.

"It w-won't matter... I-If he finds out J-Juvia lost it.. GRAY-SAMA WON'T WANT TO MARRY JUVIA ANYMORE!" the water mage wailed as more tears gushed down her face, "GRAY-SAMA DOESN'T DESERVE A TERRIBLE WIFE LIKE JUVIA!"

Just then the best man burst into the guild, his face pink and panting, out of breath.

His once styled spiky pink hair was wild and unruly from running.

"J-Juvia.." he wheezed out between breaths, "We couldn't fi.." "What Salamander meant to say was," the iron Dragonslayer interrupted, "we um... couldn't.. wait to tell you that we caught a whiff of it!"

The pinkette looked weirdly at his companion but said no more.

The bride's tears disappeared as she sat up excitedly.
"Really? Where!" She cheered, staring gleefully at the two in front of her, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

"We'll go get it right.."  "Now!" The two stated nervously as they finished each other's sentence.

"Ok Juvia will be waiting," she replied sweetly, giving her friends a warm smile.

The two Dragonslayers gulped as they nodded quickly and left the guild, the solid scrip mage following after them.

Levy's POV

"You two didn't really find the ring, huh?" I questioned as soon as we were out of ear shot.

"No," they replied together, their heads down shamefully.

Gajeel met my eyes and I could see the worry in them.
"Please don't tell her Shrimp, we've had no luck but we noticed some clouds rolling in and we didn't want the set up ruined by the rain," he confessed, his eyes only slightly twinkling when he teased me.

"Yeah not to mention that ice princess would literally kill us if he found out," Natsu muttered while he glared behind him.

Rumours from the guys say that Gray has been being, and I quote, "An all-time mega a**hole".
Which I don't really blame him, since it is a really important and stressful day for him, but I can't really say anything since I've been stuck with his wailing bride..

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