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Juvia's POV

"Gray-sama!" I called out as I stood on top of the ladder.

"I'm right here, no need to yell," My husband muttered behind me.

"Oh, well hand Juvia that last box," I ordered sweetly, turning to face him.

"No, step aside. I'll get it," he replied, crossing his arms defiantly.

"Why? Juvia can handle it! Juvia is strong too!" I pouted.

He always wants the heavy lifting to be a man's job.. tsk tsk

His arms stayed crossed as he looked at me coldly.

"Fine," I muttered softly, "if you won't help Juvia, she'll do it herself."

I summoned some water in the palm of my hand and directed it to the bottom of the plastic box.
The box rose up slowly to be level with me on the ladder.

I reached for the box but right before I could grab it, Gray-sama jumped up and snatched the box.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as Gray-sama stood there smugly, twirling the box on his finger.

I smirked as I released the water I was controlling and it fell down, splashing onto his face.

"Agh!" He cried out in shock as he held the box limply in his hand.

I snickered softly as I grabbed the box from his hand and put it on the shelf.

His eyes narrowed seductively as he said, "You're gonna pay for that."

I yelped as I jumped down the ladder and ran, Gray-sama's footstep heard close behind me.

As we entered our bedroom, Gray-sama tackled me onto the bed, tickling my sides.

"No! Gray-sama stop! No no!" I squealed as the tickling began to hurt.
He continued his assault, a huge smirk plastered on his face.

This will teach him for messing with Juvia.

I melted into my water body and slipped off the bed, slithering along the floor behind him.

"Juvia?" He called out as he glanced around himself.

"Gray-sama!" I called back, returning to normal form positioned behind him.

"Juvi-AH!" He cried out as I tackled onto his back.

He squirmed under me until I was laying on his chest.

"Hi Gray-sama," I greeted innocently, grinning widely.

He kissed my nose, causing me to blush slightly. "Hello my sneaky water mage."

His hand wrapped tightly around my waist as he rolled me onto the bed at his side.

He smiled as he kissed me passionately on the lips.

His fingers trailed up and down my curves, as my hands tugged softly on his hair.

He smirked against my lips as I shivered when his hands played with the bottom of my shirt.

I stopped kissing him and sat up, my face blushing madly. He frowned before laying onto his back, looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully.

"Juvia?" He asked, still staring up at the ceiling clearly lost in thought.

"Yes?" I hummed, laying down next to him.

"Have you ever considered having kids?" He inquired, his eyes pulling away from the ceiling to look at me seriously.

"Um.. erm," I stammered, my face flushing into a deep red.

"No I'm not meaning like.." Gray-sama blushed in embarrassment, "Unless, you know.. you want too..?"

I exhaled deeply, trying to contain my squeamishness.

"Yes Juvia has wanted a baby girl," I replied quietly.

He smiled softly as he nodded, looking back at the ceiling.

"What would you name it? Like if it we're a boy or girl. Personally, if it was a boy, I'd name it Storm," Gray-sama said, smiling childishly.

Juvia likes this optimistic side of him

I smiled as I thought of the perfect name.

"Nikkou. I would name her Nikkou," I replied thoughtfully.

"Nikkou? As in light or sunshine?" He paused, thinking about it, "That's like the complete opposite of what I was thinking."

"Yeah but then whenever Juvia says her name, she'll think of Gray-sama's gift of sunshine to Juvia," I replied, giving him a warm smile.

He smiled at me as his cheeks had splashes of pink.

"Then we'll have to have two kids so I can name one as a reminder of you," he suggested flirtatiously as he pulled me on top of him.

"Juvia wouldn't mind that," I replied just as flirtatious, the corner of my lips pulling into an excited grin.

He smirked as his hands removed themselves from my hips so they could pull my face down to his.

He gave me a quick loving peck on the lips saying softly, "I love you, Juvia. More than anything. Don't ever forget that."

"Juvia loves you too Gray-sama," I replied before kissing him again.

Life couldn't be anymore perfect❤

(For now, BWAHAHA! Btw, I am an innocent child and refused to write anything too... 'lustful' if u know what I mean. So I'll leave it at that and just let you assume that's what gonna happen. ANYWAYS sorry for the short chapter I promise the next one will be longer!

Love ya❤😻)

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