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(drawing done by me)
Normal POV

The train slowly pulled away from the station, ominous clouds looming over head.
The only noise was the soft rattling of the train's wheels and the occasional choked sniffle of the water mage.

She put on a fake, cheery smile to hide her inner pain from her husband as she waved him goodbye.

She watched the train until it was nothing more than a small blur on the horizon.
"Gray-sama..." She whispered softly to herself as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

*Flashback to an hour before*

Everyone in the guild was on edge as they awaited for the unconscious young lady to awaken.
Gray, Lucy, Natsu, and Juvia sat near her bedside in concern.

Gray's POV

Curiosity nawed at my insides as I waited for the green haired girl to wake up.
She needed my help, but with what exactly?

I leaned my head against the wall as I waited in anticipation. I've been itching to fight all week but Juvia hasn't wanted to go on any jobs.
I'm not really sure why, but I feel that she'll tell me when she's ready.
Besides, she doesn't like me going on jobs without her.. which gets a little frustrating at times, but I can't really complain since I feel the same way about her going on jobs with..Gajeel.

I'm not a possessive husband it's just I don't trust that metal brain. Dragonslayers are real idiots sometimes, especially in the heat of battle.

I looked over at Juvia slouching in her chair. She has been wearing a grimace on her face since the lady passed out. She also hasn't said a word since.

I wonder what's gotten into her?

Did I do something? Is she mad at me?
I looked closely at her as I scanned her face for any hints of my wrong-doings.
She met my eyes but then quickly looked away.

Yep I've definitely done something.

I looked up at the ceiling as I recalled the past events.
Oh yeaaah, she was going to tell me something.. but I guess it's too late to ask about it now. Ugh, how could I have forgot. Gray you're such a fuc..
My thoughts were cut short as the green haired girl stirred.
Her eyes ever so slowly opened as I felt everyone in the infirmary room lean forward in anticipation, well everyone except Juvia.

Juvia's POV

Stupid world. Stupid cruel world. Always sabatoging Juvia. She just wanted to tell Gray-sama she was pregnant. Is that too much to ask? And then she comes in.
I glared at the unconscious young girl laying in bed.
And Gray-sama forgot that Juvia wanted to tell him something, and now everyone is focused on her pretty little grassy head...

The woman moved suddenly. Everyone leaned forward to examine her face, well except for me. Gray-sama had a small smile play on his lips as eagerness filled his eyes.

"Love rival.." I muttered under my breath as I glared at the lady. Her eyes slowly opened.

"Good morin' sleepy head," Natsu-san greeted with his signature grin.

Tears welled in her eyes as she smiled warmly. "So I did make it," she mumbled.

"Yeah, you did. Now why do you want an ice mage?" I grumbled.

Her eyes widened as she scanned the people around her. She stopped when they landed on Gray-sama. Gray-sama glanced nervously between the girl and Natsu-san.

"You're Gray! Gray Fullbuster! Strongest ice mage in Fiore! I'm so happy I found you!!" The woman cheered as she quickly sat up.
"Love rival.." I muttered again as my jaw twitched.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving || Book 2 (A Gruvia Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now