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(Just some gruvia fanart I did the other day! Sorry for the long wait!

~Just curious, did anyone look up what heliamphora is?😉
-comment your theories bout this dark guild!)

Narrator's POV

"I don't understand.. how does a non-existent guild just pop up out of the blue, steal an entire factory with everyone in it, and then disappear again without a trace for over 20 years?" The solid script mage asked as she stared questioningly at Mirajane.

"I'm not sure. But the incident report mentioned that Heliamphora was never on their radar until the entire company vanished, with only the remains of a strange magic circle and a card with the words 'Heliamphora will rise. Like a seed from the ground, it'll be unexpected and a horrific surprise'," The transformation mage replied.

"A magic circle, eh?" Master Makarov observed, scratching his chin, "Were they able to identify the spell?"

"No it was some kind of lost magic."

"Typical," the celestial mage groaned, "Can't we ever just face a normal mage that doesn't know some forbidden, lost, powerful,"
"Voodoo crap?" The fire dragon Slayer asked, his arms crossed.


"Well if they were normal, easy, mages then they wouldn't be that big of a problem, now would they?" Titania said, raising an eyebrow at the complaining couple.

"No I guess not.."

"It's fun to learn about all these awesome new magics!" The small blue haired mage exclaimed excitedly.

"Hold on there, child. New magics are just as dangerous as they're interesting," her cat reminded.

"Carla's right. We have no idea what they're capable of," the brown cat agreed.

The room became quiet as everyone sat there waiting for the other to speak.

The water mage became unable to stop herself from asking,
"So what do we do then?"

Everyone's gaze shifted from Juvia to Master Makarov.

"Well it seems that this mystery can't be ignored... One of our own is helping a company that has supposedly vanished into thin air.. I think the best thing to do is find out where this place was before it vanished, maybe Levy and Freed can examine the remains of the magic circle.. if it's still there. Team Natsu will head to Lamia Scale and see what they know about Heliamphora. We need to know more about why this dark guild wanted the cooperation."

"What about Juvia and Gajeel-kun?" The water mage asked.

"Oh yes, you two will head to the library of spells," Master said, closing his eyes calmly.

"What for?" The iron dragon slayer grumbled.

"You will look for spells that could possibly teleport that many people and an entire factory with one magic circle," Mira explained.

"What about you Mira-san?"

"I'll be staying here in case any other information arises," she turned towards Gajeel's cat, "Lily, you should stay here with me so if anything comes up, you could rush to one of the parties to inform them."

"Ok, sorry Gajeel," the cat snickered to his companion.

"And remember everyone, be careful!"


"What the hell Gray?! I thought we had an understanding!"

The Gift That Keeps on Giving || Book 2 (A Gruvia Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now