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(Greetings my lovelies! Believe it or not, I'm alive! Ive been so unmotivated with Gruvia lately because I read this manga called Angels of Death and then I started watching the anime and omgggg it's sooooo good and basically I started writing a fanfic for it instead of updating this... Sorry!

BUT DON'T GET ME WRONG, GRUVIA IS STILL MY OTP, I just got writers block for a little while... But im back! So enjoy!)

Narrator's POV

"Uh excuse me *beeezztt*  for the interruption, Sir, but uh...*buzz* We have a problem..."

The middle aged man pretended that he didn't hear anything as he continued reading the piece of literature in front of him.

"*Zssst* Uh sir?"

The man was almost done with the last page, a bead of sweat dotting his chrome-dome as he felt emotions swirl in his mind.

"Sir? Can you hear me? *Bweeeezzz* ..... Is everything alright?"

The man's upper lip curled in annoyance at the pestering voice, can't they realize that he was doing something really important?!

He was on to the last paragraph, the books ending slowly unfurling, causing tears of joy to well in his eyes.

"Sir?.......... This is important.."

The man's nostrils flared as he threw the book down, whipped his head to the intercom, and took a deep breath before shouting, "FOR GOD'S SAKE JOHN, WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

There was silence on the other line for a moment as 'John' recovered from the man's outburst.
There was a buzzing as the other line came to life and the poor guy just trying to do his job timidly squeaked out, "There has been a breach in the circle.."

The man slowly lowered back down into his seat as he huffed.

"What kind of breach?" The man questioned.

"Uh well the thing is, sir, there was a strange weather disturbance in the area and well.."

"Well what?! Spit it out man!"

"The only thing that made it in was..."




"Rain slipped in and as soon as it broke the circle, the clouds disappeared.."

Mr.Phano sighed as he leaned back fully in the chair, his hands folded behind his head.

"I'll be right over."

A satisfied smile touched his lips as he knew the reason for the sudden bizarre perspiration.

I guess it's time to initiate phase three, after all, the wife now knows too much...


Juvia's POV

His tense body slowly began to melt into the kiss. I peeked one eye open to look at his face.
He was staring at me intensely, many emotions crossing through his eyes, but they were crinkled as one does when they smile.

I wiped his tears away with my thumb and Gray-sama's arms wrapped around my lower back, yanking me down into his lap.

His eyes closed as he kissed me back and I instantly felt relieved.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving || Book 2 (A Gruvia Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now