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Juvia's POV

"Good morning Juvia!" I hear someone call as I enter the guild.

"Oh good morning Mira-san," I greeted with a forced smile.

I took a seat at the bar as Mira-san handed me a glass of ice water.

"How's Gruvia Jr?" She asked as her eyes twinkled.

Gruvia Jr? Juvia hasn't heard that one before..

"Akachan is fine. She kicked a couple of times last week. Juvia was quite excited," I babbled enthusiastically for the first time this week.

Where is this sudden joy coming from?

"OH MY MAVIS, THAT'S GREAT JUVIA!" Lucy-chan exclaimed as she came up next to me.

"RIGHT? Wait a sec..." Mira-san said as she thought about something.

"What is it Mira?" Lucy-chan asked.

"DID YOU SAY GRUVIA JR IS A GIRL?!??" Mira-san cheered as her hands clasped and she swung her hips back and forth.

"Uh.. yes?" I replied hesitantly.

"That's totally awesome! I can help her shop for the cutest clothes, we can have tea parties, and OMG, I can braid her hair and style it all adorably!" Lucy-chan listed happily as she looked up, daydreaming.

"But Lucy-chan, what makes you think Juvia wouldn't want to do any of that with her OWN daughter?" I giggled as I thought about my own future with my daughter.

"Oh yeah," Lucy-chan said disappointingly, "Guess you'd probably wanna do that too."

"Well you know, Lucy, you have a husband too now..." Mira-san hinted, wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"Yeah, so?" Lucy-chan questioned, oblivious of the "possibility".

"Seriously Lucy-chan, she wants you to have.." "NALU JR! OR JR(S)! THE MORE THE MERRIER!!"
Mira-san interrupted, cheering loudly over the crowd.

The entire guild looked over at our small group sitting at the bar.

Lucy-chan's face turned redder than Erza-san's hair as she tried desperately to hide behind me.

"O-oh.." she mumbled in embarrassment.

Mirajane's POV

Juvia's laugh chimed like church bells through out the guild.
Everyone present smiled, knowing that her joy was something rare and cherished these days.

I was worried about my friend, she seemed so depressed without Gray.

In fact, this is the first time she has been in the guild since the day Gray left.

Although it has only been a week, it was unusual for her to not be enthusiastic, bright, and bubbly.

I looked over at Lucy, knowing that she was probably thinking the same thing.

We both smiled warmly at Juvia.

"What?" Juvia asked in confusion, eyeing us suspiciously.

"Nothing... You're just happier now..." Lucy said sweetly.
"And when you're happy, we're happy," I added, handing Lucy her strawberry milkshake.

"Oh.. thanks guys. Sorry that Juvia hasn't been very fun to be around.. she just.." Juvia trailed off, her eyes looking down.

"No Juvia, don't be sorry. We totally get it," Lucy assured, putting her hand on Juvia's shoulder.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving || Book 2 (A Gruvia Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now