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Narrator's POV (Author-chan☺)

"There, there Juvs it'll be ok. He'll be back before you know it," The blue haired solid script mage assured as she rubbed the other bluenette's back.

"Come on Juvia, it has only been six hours. You can't seriously miss him THAT much," a brunette stated drunkly from the bar before chugging another mug of alcohol.

"But Juvia does! Juvia misses him so much!" The water mage wailed as rain poured down from the sky.

Just then the door to the guild burst open as two mages hurried in followed by their blue feline companion.

"You two are back already?" The white haired model Mirajane questioned from behind the counter.

The soaking wet blonde grimaced as she squeezed the water from her hair.
"Well we were suppose to be back tomorrow but then we got stuck in this nasty storm and..." She started to explain while gesturing to the horrible weather outside before being interrupted by her pink haired partner,
"Luce wouldn't stop complaining so we came back."

The blonde glared at her husband as she wringed her hair again.

"The weather was all of a sudden too almost like.... Oh....Juvia," the celestrial wizard Lucy said worriedly as she glanced at her friend crying at the table.

"Whelp that explains it," the blue cat Happy muttered as he rubbed his stomach, "I need extra fish now."

"What's her problem?" The pinkette Natsu asked as he approached the table of females.

"She's worried 'bout icy boy. She thinks that Thalianna girl is up to something.. to be honest, so do I. She had a strange smell to her," the iron dragon slayer said between his munching on a rusty piece of metal.

"Although Thalia had a strange and.." Lucy's voice dropped into a lower more dark tone, "rather frustrating.. first impression..."
Her voice perked up once again to her cheery reassuring self, "Gray can take care of himself, always have, always will. Besides, he wouldn't be able to stay away from you for long."

"Well unless he's having some secret affair with Thalia right now," Natsu remarked, tapping his chin in thought.

"Wha-what... Gray-sama.... CHEATING ON JUVIA?!!!" The outraged water mage exclaimed as she sat up abruptly and started stomping towards the door.

"Whoa whoa whoa Rain woman, chill! Juvia! Don't listen to Salamander! He's stupid,  remember?" The iron dragon slayer Gajeel said frantically in an attempt to calm the angry and determined wife.

"N-no I'm not..." Natsu pouted as he slouched against the wall.

"LOVE RIVAL LOVE RIVAL LOVE RIVAL!!!" Juvia continued to rant as she tried desperately to go through the guild hall doors, Gajeel and Lucy struggling to  hold her back.

"There's... Nothing to... Worry about.. Juvia..Gray wwould neverrr.. replace...yoouu!" Lucy managed to spit out between her grunts and huffs.

Juvia continued her approach, a fierce fire of determination and rivalry burning in her eyes.

Gajeel's skin turned into iron scales as he held tightly onto the water controlling She-beast before him.

"Besides Juvia... You.. shouldn't.. be going anywhere.... With your.." Lucy started to say before another voice jumped in. "JUVIA FULLBUSTER, YOU BETTER SIT YOUR PREGNANT BUTT DOWN!" Mira's voice boomed over the commotion, sending a shudder through everyone present in the almost empty guild.

"Gomensai Mira-san.." Juvia mumbled as she bowed  apologetically, Lucy and Gajeel flying backwards from the sudden stop of tugging.

Natsu jumped into action, running towards his falling wife.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving || Book 2 (A Gruvia Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now