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At the Fairytail's infirmary room the next day**

Juvia's POV

"Oh Gray-sama! Juvia's pregnant!"

No no no...too straight forward.

"Listen Gray-sama.. Do you think you're ready to be a father?"

No, too vague.

"Gray-sama, you didn't know this but.... you got Juvia pregnant."

Ugh no! It makes it sound like Juvia has known! Stupid Juvia for not realizing sooner! What is Juvia, a six year old?!?

"Gray-sama, Juvia wants to tell you something... there is a baby Fullbuster growing in Juvia's belly but she didn't know 'cus she is an oblivious idiot."

No, too descriptive. And kinda makes Juvia sound like Natsu-san..


I stared once again into the infirmary window at my reflection, pretending that Gray-sama was right there in front of me.

Juvia needs to tell him soon.. but how?

Very few people know about the little gift inside my belly. I made them promise not to tell another soul, for I wanted to tell them all myself. I've been standing in front of this window all morning, trying to think of a way to inform Gray-sama.

All of my ideas have been terrible.

Gajeel-kun, Erza-san, Mira-san, and Lucy-Chan are the only people who know about it. I didn't want to tell Mira-san because of her... frantic, crazy shipping "episodes", but I had to since she was the only that could let me into the infirmary without news spreading like a wild fire.
Besides, I needed to confirm my pregnancy, just in case. Mira-san did an ultrasound, and yup, there it was, a little baby Fullbuster.

I've been so excited from the news, but at the same time, weary of Gray-sama's reaction.. The news would be on short notice and quite sudden...
Another reason for Juvia to be nervous, 'cus she was too stupid to realize earlier!!

Just then, the door at the back of the room opened. I jumped and twirled around, praying to Mavis is that it wasn't Gray-sama.

"Hey Juvia, did you figure out how to tell Gray yet? He's been looking all over for you but me and Luce just told him you went shopping with Erza. Luckily, Erza is out on a job for now."


"Yeah, I told him."


"Hehe sorry Juvia, he's my husband, I tell him everything."


"Anyways, no, Juvia has not figured it out yet. Gajeel-kun said to be straightforward and to the point but Erza-san said that I should lead up to it slowly so Gray-sama's mind has time to process," I explained overwhelmingly, my hands clutching my head in frustration.

"Don't worry Juvia, we'll help you. Here, pretend Natsu is Gray. And now say it," Lucy-chan suggested.

I nod and look up at Natsu-san as I swallow down my apprehension.

"Gray-sama.. Juvia's pregnant."

"What?!? Juvia how could you become pregnant!? I didn't agree to have kids! It's over between us!" Natsu-san cried dramatically.

"No Gray-sama! Juvia's sorry she didn't mean to get.. she di-didn't mean to................. WAAAAAAAAAHEH!!!"

Lucy's POV

The Gift That Keeps on Giving || Book 2 (A Gruvia Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now