New Begginings

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(Hiccup's POV)
Life's been hard without my father around. Of course I have my mother and Astrid around to help me, but being a Chief is still hard, even with their help. I don't know how he did it. My father made it look so easy.
It was just after sunset. I sat on the edge of a cliff, looking out at the ocean beyond Berk. There was still a tiny sliver of light on the horizon. Toothless lay asleep next to me. His snoring is quiet like the soft purr of a kitten. My fingers trace the outline of his scales and I stroked him gently. For the first time after defeating Drago, Toothless seemed calm. He has been overprotective of me and a bit on edge lately, so it was nice to see him sleeping.
I heard footsteps behind me, and turned around to see Astrid and Stormfly heading towards us. Stormfly snuggled next to Toothless and Astrid sat down beside me.
"What are you doing out here, babe?" She asked sleepily, "Or should I say Chief?"
She smiled playfully and I smiled back.
"I was just getting some fresh air and relaxing with toothless out here for a while," I replied, "It's so nice and peaceful out here, away from the village."
"It sure is," Astrid sighed.
She began making little braids in my hair, brushing my hair with her fingers, then carefully winding sections of hair together. I watch her as she braids. There's this crazy look in her eyes when she's focused. It's just one tiny detail in a list of many things that make her beautiful, but sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest difference. Like the way she lightly touches my face as she pulls me in for a kiss, or how the dimples on her cheeks stand out when she laughs. All of these little details set Astrid Hofferson apart from everyone else. She really is something special.
Astrid catches me watching her and slowly lifts her head. Her once focused eyes have wandered up to meet mine and her stiff jaw softens as her lips form a shy smile. She puts a hand under my chin and traces the side of my face, stopping just below my ear. She pulls me into a passionate kiss. I let go of everything and relax. As she kisses me, I kiss back.
Both of us slowly pull away. We cuddle for a few minutes more, just enjoying each other's presence.
Toothless stirs. As he gets up, he wakes Stormfly, who had fallen asleep beside him.
"I should probably get to bed," Astrid yawns and lightly punches my arm,"You should get some rest too."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." I lend an arm to her as we stand up and walk over to the dragons.
I kiss her forehead softly, before mounting toothless. We fly back to the village and head into our separate huts.
"I think she's the one, huh, Bud," I say to Toothless.
He lets out an approving purr before shutting his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
I get into bed and pull up the covers. Hopefully tomorrow will be as good as today was.

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