Wedding Day

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(Hiccup's POV)
The Great Hall was stunning. Every Viking on Berk - yes, even Snotlout - had pitched in and helped prepare for the wedding. Ruff and Tuff spent this morning setting up decorations, Bucket and Mulch delivered invitations, Fishlegs planned out seating arrangements, Phlegma prepared food, my mother was running around helping with everything she could get her hands on, Heather baked a magnificent wedding cake, Dagur set up tables and chairs, Gobber crafted two beautiful custom wedding rings, and Snotlout cleaned all of our dragons. Even young children helped by picking hundreds of flowers and placing them around the Great hall.

After Drago attacked, Berk was a mess. Now that it's all cleaned up and wedding ready, it looks spectacular!
I think the whole wedding thing has had a positive effect on Berk as a whole. Everyone seems... cheerful.
That's a good sign, considering that at the last viking union, everyone was angry. The whole event went up in flames. There had been an uncountable number of fights and brawls. The couple ended up not getting married. It was a rather unpleasant sight. I guess we should have expected it since the union was between a Jorgenson and a Hofferson. Those two families never get along. Ha! It makes sense why Astrid dislikes Snotlout so much!

Finally, it's time for the wedding. Everyone has taken their seats. I stand at the back of the Great Hall. The doors open and I gasp in disbelief as Astrid walks in. She's absolutely beautiful! She seems to almost glow! Her father slowly walks her down the isle. I feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. Astrid is like a goddess, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I can't believe that from now on I get to be the luckiest guy on earth. I get to spend the rest of my life by her side. I hold her hands as she stands in front of me. Oh Gods, she's so beautiful! I take a second to look into her eyes. They sparkle in the light, like little blue stars.
We barely finish saying our vows before toothless bursts into the Great Hall, followed by Stormfly. He wears a bow tie. I can't help but laugh as Toothless skids to a stop in front of us. In his mouth, he holds a pillow with our wedding rings. We take turns slipping the rings onto each other's fingers.
"Now, you may kiss the bride," Gobber, who was leading the wedding, says.
I press my lips onto Astrid's. She pulls me in closer. We step back and I don't even try to suppress the wide smile on my face. Astrid smiles back. As she puts her arms around my neck and steps in to embrace me, Toothless pops up between us with a goofy dragon smile and licks the side of my face. Astrid laughs and hugs me anyway, despite the dragon saliva.

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