chapter 1

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"Corinna hurry up or you are gonna be late to your audition!" My mother yelled from the living room.  Today was a big day for me. I am going out to audition for a small part in a Disney show and I am beyond excited. It's been my dream since I was a little girl to perform on Disney. I quickly grabbed my bag, phone, and most importantly my script and hurried down the steps.
"It's about time darling! You don't have time to sit and eat so you will have to take this with you." My mom said well shoving a piece of toast into my mouth "The taxi is waiting for you outside. Here's some cash to pay them and here's a kiss on the cheek for good luck. KICK ASS!" She yelled as I began to walk out the door. I hop into the taxi and give the man driving it directions to the place I need to be. New York city is always full of traffic so I had more than enough time to go through my lines in the back seat of the taxi before I arrived. "Hi this is Corinna and you're watching di-"
"That will be $22.50 please." The taxi driver said. I handed him the money and exited the taxi. As I stood outside of the building I began to feel beads of sweat drip down all parts of my body. As I walked in I saw a waiting room filled with people a couple years older than me. I found that confusing mostly cause Disney is mostly a younger crowd but I guess everyone can dream. I still had 10 minuets before my audition started to I ran to the bathroom and right when I got there i threw up. My stomach was in a thousands knots then I heard the call. "Corinna?"
I quickly rinsed out my mouth and hurried to the person calling my name.
"Hello, please state your full name, age, and where you are from." A bald man with a clip board said. "Hi! My name is Corinna scott. I am 19 years old and I am from new York city." Alright corinna you are gonna be aloud to read any part that you would like. We will at the end decide if we want you in the part you have read or we want you as a different role or if we are just not loving your style."
"You may begin" I nodded my head and began to say my lines.
"What are you trying to say to me Jacob? Are you trying to tell me that you actually like me?! Is that what you want" as I was reading my lines I noticed that the three judges were showing a confused look on there face. I thought they were about to tell me to stop so I just put even more emotion into it.
"Is this really what you want (starts crying) I wanted you to be my friend and all you ever did was lie to me and now yo- you want me to like you. I wish I had never met you jacob. EVERY!" as I finished up my lines the director to the show started to clap very slow. "Miss. Scott I would like you to know that the lines you are reading are not from the script." My heart sank. I thought it was over. I was never gonna make my dream of being an actor on Disney come true. Even though I was fake crying before the tears were becoming real now. " you are actually at the completely wrong building. The Disney auditions are the next buildings over and I have a feeling you are very late for that now."
"I would like to thank you all for your time. I hope to see you all again soon" I said well grabbing my bag to leave.
"Miss. Scott" the bald man said. I turned around just as I was grabbing the door handle and looked at him. "Yes" I replied. "You might of read the wrong lines to me and showed up to the wrong audition but my god that was absolutely amazing. Now I know you were really leaning towards a part in Disney but how would you like to play a part in the new spider-man homecoming?"
My eyes became wife and my mouth dropped. "It would be an honor"
"alright so I would like to put you done as one of the high schoolers. You have a peppy vibe to you so I am gonna cast you as peter Parkers love interest. She is a senior in high school. She's peppy, cute, smart, and funny. I think you could play this part just right. I think you will do such a good job that if you say yes to the part right now I will shut down all auditions for her part down right now." I was at a lost for words. I was confused, sad yet happy, excited yet sick to my stomach. As I dosed off I thought about everything and all of the sudden the word came out of my mouth.
"NO?" The director said with wide eyes
"Oh my gosh no no no I'm sorry I meant to say yes. I was just doseing off. Th-thank you so much. I am ho-" I said until somebody opened the door.
"Alright what'd I miss?" Said the one and only Robert Downey junior.
"This is our new liz." Said the director to Robert.
"Hey kid. Congrats!" He said as he held his hand up for a high five.
"Alright Corinna thank you very much. We will see you soon. We will have somebody give you a call about when everything starts up." I said ok and walked out of the door and as I walked out I heard a lady behind me say "I am sorry but all auditions for liz are closed. The part has been taken" I just smiled and kept walking straight. Today is a good day.

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