chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning in my bed all warm and cozy. I rolled over to my side and realized I was not the only one in this bed. Harrison was also in here. He was all cuddled up in the blankets with his eyes shut tight. I didn't want to wake him so I got out of bed as slowly as possible but before I could completely stand up he turned around and grabbed my waste pulling me back down to cuddle with him. "Harrison come" I said well laughing. "What you don't wanna cuddle me?" He said still keeping his eyes closed. "No I do just not now. If anybody walks in here you clearly know what they are gomna think happend especially if tom walks in." I said playing with his hair. "Screw tom. He's a bitch anyways. If he doesn't like you then we are gonna have some problems in our frienship cause there is no reason he should hate you. But then again i could be going the completely wrong way with tom" Harrison said finally opening his eyes. "Well I remember when we were younger tom would always be extremely mean to girls when he liked them. Like really mean. He hasn't actually really flirted with anybody in a long time so maybe him being mean to you is his way of showing that he likes you" said Harrison. I was shocked to hear that but something inside of me was telling me that I was kinda happy he might like me. "Corinna?" Harrison said. "What?" "You dazed off love. Are you alright?" He asked putting the back of his hand to my forehead to see if I was hot. "Yes I'm fine just hungry" I said smiling. "What would you like for breakfast?" Harrison asked. "Hmmm I was thinking your lips" I said well smirking and placing a kiss on Harrison. "What, no, hey you come back. No breakfast is that short. It's the most important meal of the day" Harrison said well smirking and kissing me on the lips even longer than before. "Hey harrison we have to go to the gym" tom said well busting into my room. "Good morning tom" I said trying to see if he was gonna be nice it be a dick to me. "Morning" he said well smiling. "Well wouldn't you look at that. My two favorites actually getting along for once" Harrison said well getting up. Tom rolled his eyes and walked out of the doorway. "I'm surprised he didn't flip over you being in here" I said witha shocked expression. "Wwll maybe he has realized that no matter what he says I'm not gonna listen to him." Harrison said well throwing on a shirt. I got up as well and put on a pair of leggings and a sports top with black and white roshes. I decided since the boys are going to the gym I should too. I went down stairs to see everyone in work out clothing "so is everybody going to the gym?" I laughed. "No I'm going dancing. Yes I'm going to the gym" said tony. I just laughed and went to sit down. "Ayeeeeeeeeee" said zendaya from behind me. She had her phone out and I was so confused as to what wa happening. "I'm putting that on my story" I just smile and went back to looking at my phone. We left about 20 minuets after. When we arrived at the gym everyone kimda did there own thing except for tom and Harrison. They were training together. I did my usual routine and as I was doing it I watched tom and Harrison to do the rope. (It's like a big rope that you kinda pick up amd stuff.) As I watched I could see all the muscles of harrisons body be pit into work and boy was it amazing. "Woild you like him to take his shirr off so you can stare at even more than him?" Tom said sarcastically. I glared at tom and Harrison just laughed. "You know what I will answer because this shirt is covered in sweat and I wanna be able to show off tp my baby" Harrison said well throwing his t-shirt to the side. My mouth fell opene when he did so. I just decided to watch him for the rest of the time and trust me I enjoyed every second of it. About an hour later we all finished up what we were doing and me,zendaya,Harrison,and tom decided to go to lunch. We went to taco bell and ordered a bunch of food then sat down at a table outside. "So we are literally just gonna be living in this house for the rest of the month until we are ready to start filming?" I asked. "Yup. It should be fun. We all need to start bonding alot more though. Especially you and tom because tom has to be head over heals for you in the movie and you have to kinda like him. So I want you two to be able to pull this off. Also this is gon a be difficult since you're dating his best mate" said zendaya to me. I then realized she was right. I was gonna have to get a connection with Tom like I had with Harrison but tom hates me and I like Harrison but I know a part of me really likes tom. "I don't wanna talk about this anymore" said Harrison as he took a bite of his taco. "Alright baby" I said well leaning my head on his shoulder. "How about we all go clubbing tonight? We'll have some fun with each other get some drinks and I can get laid" said tom well rolling up a taco paper he had just eaten out of. "Or how about we don't go clubbing and we just have a small party at our house with just us. We can't risk getting caught by a crowd of people" said zendaya. "Yeah I guess but I still don't get laid." Tom said. "You getting laid is the least of my problems to be honest." Said zendaya. "Alright then how about we swing by the store grab some beers and food then head back home." Harrison said. This all sounded so fun but I was only 19. I mean I have tried beer before but that was only cause my mom let me taste just a little bit. I've never even come close to drinking a whole bottle or even a half a bottle. I guess I'll just go with the flow tonight. We finiahed eating then threw away our trash. We drive by Wal-Mart and well the boy picked up the drinks zendaya and I went to get snacks. "Ok we need chips,dip,cookies, and a bunch of other shit" she said well wlaking down the aisle. "How about we get these since it's coming out soon" I said hold up some cartoon Spider-Man plastic cups. "Oh my gosh yes" she said well laughing. About 20 minuets later we met up withthe boys and put all of our stuff together. "That will be a total of $130." Said the cashier. "Holy shit!" I said. Tom just laughed as he handed her a card and paid for everything. "Thank you tom" I said well helping grab the bags. "No problem. Maybe next time it will be cheaper if you didn't buy $6 worth of Spider-Man cups" he said well laughing. "Hey I got them for you since you're the spider guy" I said well laughing. Tom just smiled and kept walking back to the car. I thi k that wad the first time we actually connected without yelling at each other. I know tom could be a good guy if he actually tried. We got to the car and packed everything up. We got home about 20 minuets later and set all the stuff down on the counter. Everyone kinda went right into party mode. Jacob set up some strobe light machine and turned the others off. Tony handled the music. Zendaya and Harrison did the food and tom took care of the drinks. "Who's ready to party?!?!?!?!" Screamed tom. We all shouted and laughed. "Alright so what should we do first you guys?" Harrison asked. "I've got a few ideas." Tom said.

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