chapter 12

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"Harrison you've never in your life found interest in photography." I heard tom say throught the wall.
"What are you talking about tom? Who do you think took all the photos you used to have" Harrison said.
"Harry took those not you! Harrison I am starting not to trust you. I really want to but I'm having a problem with you right now. You're my best mate and I love you to death but I am starting to think that I can't be best mates with you anymore" tom said. Not only was I confused about why tom was talking to Harrison in the first place but why would tom ever give up his friendship with Harrison. "Tom do you think I took those pictures? You bastard. Why the hell would I even think twice about doing that" Harrison confised as to why his best mate would do that.
"Because you just broke things off with corinna and you think this stupid plan is gonna help you get her back" tom said. "You're out of your damn mind tom. I'm leaving. Give me a ring when you got some damn sense in ya" Harrison well wlaking out of the room. I quickly moved from the wall and watched Harrison walk out of the door. So tom thinks Harrison took those pictures of us sleeping together. Now that I think abouy that it's not that bad of an assumption. "Tom, baby are you alright?" I walked into the other room and asked. "Wait what did you call me?" He asked.
"Not after that" he said
"Oh baby?" I said blushing a little.
"Damn you're just so adorable yo know that" tom said well staring at me.
"Anyways I am fine. I'm just a not tired and I am stressed and I'm in love- oh shit" tom said covering his mouth. "In love? With who?" I asked. "Well I know it's early for I love you's and stuff like that but I really do love you and the thought og being around you and being with you all thr time and protecting you and I just want to be abke to call you mine and keep you forever and give you flowers and-" I cut tom off by kissing him. I pulled away after a second. "And I wanna-" I kissed him again but this time even harder. There was not soace left between is we were so close together. I loved this moment I could listen to tom tell me all the things he wants with me forever. Tom and I kept kissing and he put his arms right on top of my bum and squeezed just a little bit every no and then. He then sat me in the table and pulled away. "I've been wanting to do this for a couple days now" he said reaching into his back pocket. "OH MY GOD TOM NO NP NO NO NO I AM NOT GONNA MARRY YOI RIGHT NOW" I said trying now to devistate him after he said the words. (if it were me I would've been like bitch absolutely you don't even need to say the words for me to know what you mean) tom just laughed and in his hand he had a blue shinny wrapped that he opened and he pulled out a ring pop "will you be my girlfriend" I had never smiled and laughed so hard at something so adorable. "Of course I will" I said. Tom stood up and so did I and we hugged. "I wanna suck in my ring" I said reaching for it. "I can give you something else to suck on" tom said smirking. "But why would I wanna suck on a tic tac when I could suck on a ring pop" I said grabbing my "ring" and walking away.
*next day*
"Ruse and shinnneeeee-EWWWWWWW GUYS PUT SOME FRICKIN CLOTHING ON" tony said walking into are room to wake us up. "Oh shit" I said grabbing the blanket next to me. Tom didn't even move.  "You can get him up cause I've seen enough" tony said walking outta the door. "Tom" I whispered into his ear. No movement. "Tom" I said a little louder. He moved a little but not enough to actually wake up completely. Tom was really close to ths edge of the bed so what better than to push him off. I kicked him off with me feet and tom sprung up from the floor in terror. "What the hell" he said. "Good morning sweetness" I said. "It's not a very good morning to be honest. You just made me hit my peepee on the floor." He said holding his hands over his crotch. "Awwww you poor little baby I'm sure you'll be fine" I said getting up out of bed and walking to my suitcase "I am now" he said smirking down at his boner. "How do you have that rigbt now I'm not even na- wait yes I am" I said laughing grabbing some clothing and going to take a quick shower. I was done getting ready in 13 minuets and I walked out to see tom looking at his phone. "You can go in now" I said. "Wait come over here for a second" he said. I walked over and looked at him. "What?"
"I don't want you to get mad at me or anything but I really don't want you to wear just that in public." He said looking at the shirt I was wearing. It was a tight white crop top that I loved to death. "What why?" I said not please with what he said. "Cause other guys are gonna look at you like a piece of meat and you're mine. If you want you can wear my sweatshirt. It's really nice" tom said handing it to me and giving a weak smile. I snatched it outta my hands and walked away. Tom got up and went to shower. As he was showering I took of the white shirt and put on the sweatshirt instead and looked in the mirror. I guess i still look cute. It eas clearly to big for me but you could still see my shorts which was good. It hung over my hands just slightly and it was really soft. Tom walked out a little later and looked at me looking at myself in the mirror. "Well don't you look cute" he said To me. I smiled then waited for him to get all of his things. We headed out to breakfast with the rest of the group. We went to ihop. We all sat down and it felt good to be with everyone esting together with all happy faces. "I'm getting a big ass stack of pancakes" I said and threw down my menu. "I don't even know what I want" tom said
"Uhhh duh, me" I said making everyone laugh. "Surprisingly no I kinda want pancakes too"  he said putting down his menu. We all got just about the same thing. Are food order wad put ina nd we had plenty if time to waste. "So what are the plans for today?" Tony said. "well I was thinking we could go to the amusement park and then a little later we all have a photoshoot" Jacob said. "Ohhhh that sounds fun." I said. Are food came out a little later and we all late and shared some hood moments. Even Harrison and I were starting to get along again. I don't trust him just yet but ig I don't have proof of him taking the pic then I'm not mad until thete is proof he took it. That ok. Almost destroyed tom and i's careers. I still wonder who took it and how they took it. We all finished our food and payed for our meals then went shopping for a bit. Tom and I went all over the place. He even dragged me into a sex shop which I quickly walked out of once I realized what it was. "Hey babe" he said "yeah?"
"I wanna do something romantic for you." He said well holding my hand. "Oh yeah like what?" I asked.
"Not sure yet but I am gonna do something for you. Maybe tonight at the fair" he said.
After that I just couldn't stop thinking what he was gonna do at the fair tonight.

So what do you guys think tom is gonna do at the fair tonight???? Comment what ya think!!

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