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Surprise that awaits at home

The room blasts with music as I dance without a care In the world with my friends and a good fifty strangers that casually bump into me as they dance towards the music.

"Ky, I jus wanna let you know I love you girl" Selene slurs as she clings to my shoulders as if for dear life.

I breathe out a sigh as it occurs to me my best friend has indeed reached her drinking limits.

"Okay Sel, I think that's enough partying for you and I" I reply as I move both her and myself out of the pit of sweaty strangers and to a better and more breathable spot.

"No..I'm good..don't be a party poopie"

I roll my eyes at her poor excuse for being sober as I continue the journey to the the front of Carter's yard , Selene still babbling about being "sober".

I wish I could just make her shut up. It's enough I have to carry her, but the babbling and also the fact I have to carry the weight, it's seriously a work out.

The front is full of more strangers tripping over everything, making out or drinking the night away in celebration to our recent graduation from life we know as 'high school'. Basically everyone has been waiting for this day their whole life since they started kindy. The front was a mess with cans, plastic cups and bottles scattered all around the joint, as well as the fact that there was another mini party going on here as well as on the inside and out, and yet surprisingly .. Authority still hasn't shown up.

"Yo, Ky...Ky, whattaya doing beautiful. Leavin already" Carter hiccuped through sips of his beer.

"Unfortunately I have to get little miss sober here into bed" I replied as I stood annoyed at the drunk Carter standing in front of me.

"Come on . Just stay a little bit longer ..eeh" he questioned standing a little closer to me.

Agitated I look at him as my eyes fell to his can than back towards his face. A sly smirk began to creep to my lips as I put my free hand behind my back as Selene still had all her body weight leaning on me. Ever so slightly I made a crushing movement with my hand. In that exact moment the can Carter was holding for dear life was crushed as it exploded all over his face, as he stood shocked to what had just happened , his mouth opened as the remaining beer dripped from it.

"Dammit, what the hell was that?" He asked looking between my best friend and I.

My eyes were big as I pretended to be shock.

"I don't know Carter, maybe you haven't realised how strong you've been getting" I stated looking between his crushed can and 'observing' his muscles.

"Well.. Yeah I try I guess" he replies cockily as his head moves in sync with his words.

Yeah, if only he knew.

With that I took my leave as Selene and I managed to step Round Carter who was praising himself for his handy work.. Aka his muscles.

Placing Selene in the passenger seat I buckle up and head to the five minute drive to hers. Surprisingly she managed to stay awake as she attempted to sing along with the radio. The car comes to a stop as I look at my best friend still singing to whatever 5 seconds of summer song that is playing.

11.30, we're half an hour early from when the party was suppose to end.

"Well, this is your stop Kesha" I joke to my best friend.

She laughs at my remark and says the only words she can think of

"Yeah, you bet I am" she says as she stumbles out of the car. " I'll text you tomorrow Ky" she continues as she walks to her door waving in front of her.

Geez, that girl I swear. For someone as stunning as her, she sure is one hell of an ugly drinker. Selene was your surf girl in town, although she didn't surf. She has the perfect long wavy blond brunette hair, the dun kiss tan naturally as well as the hour glass figure and then to finish the perfect picture ocean blue eyes.

Everyone envied her, including me

I watch as her beauty disappears though as she trips up the two stairs she has to climb as I roll my eyes at her clumsiness.

Once she enters her house i make my journey back to my house just around the corner.

The thing that surprises me though is the living room light is still on, as well as my fathers office light up stairs. As my car slowly does out I take quick steps to my front door as my hand grabs the cold head of the door knob. Jiggling and twisting the handle my attempt fails as the door still remains locked. Getting out my key and slipping it in , I hear the familiar sound of the door unlocking although to my surprise still doesn't budge. I start to panic as I begin slapping the door in order for my parents to come down and open it as frustration begins taking it over.

I take a couple of steps back as I push my hand towards the door not touching it although the door goes flying.

What awaits me behind the door though is my mother and father sitting on two dining chairs at the end of the stairs with a rag in each of their mouths and their hands tied behind their backs.

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