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As I woke up my back was in so much pain, I got off the horrid bed and went down the steps, Niall was in the living room holding a small baby who had a blanket wrapped around her.

I soon noticed it as our baby, flashbacks from last night reappearing as I went to sit next to Niall and examined her face. "She has green eyes." Niall stated, "She has your green eyes and I love them so much."

"We need to name her." I replied, as I looked at the baby, she did have green eyes and tuffs of brown hair stuck out. She looked a lot like me but with Niall's nose.

"What were you thinking of?" Niall looked at me.

"I don't really know." I looked at the small baby, "She looks like a Quinn."

"Like Harley Quinn? That's a good name." Niall looked at her as she looked around the room, "Quinn, it does suit her."

"You can chose a middle name." I told him.

"Quinn Cassidy Styles-Horan." Niall said out loud. We both nodded in agreement. "So Louis did checks on her while you slept, and everything's good she's healthy."

"Fuck I just remembered tomorrow's Christmas Eve aka Louis birthday. And then Christmas. We have nothing." I stated, "I mean I got the kids presents but we don't have anything else."

"Harry don't stress about it, the kids will be fine with whatever you got them, and there's a restaurant near by that Liam said he'd take us tomorrow for Louis birthday so I think if id he pays for it, it'll be good." Niall said, shifting Quinn in his arms.

"What's up with Liam and Louis anyway?" I asked.

"Liam likes Louis but I'm not sure how Louis feels about Liam." I nodded and watched as Niall struggled to continue to hold Quinn as she squirmed, quickly taking her from him.

"Louis may like him but it's going to be a while for anything to happen, he still is going through stuff." Quinn started to cry in my arms and I looked at her, "Must be hungry. I brought some formula and bottles if you can make her one?"

"Sure can." Niall got up and went to the bags I brought with stuff and started preparing a bottle for her, then walked back and gave it to me as I started feeding her.

"So I think our next stop is gonna be the Netherlands, they're going to at some point start looking for us here." I said watching Quinn as she ate.

"It's going to be hard getting across, are you sure you don't want to stay here?" Niall sat back down next to me.

"We can't stay here, Niall. What happens if we run out of stuff and money? We just wait till the kids starve to death and then we follow? I think the hell not. It's best for us to leave until we can get to a place where we can get jobs and raise the kids." I pulled the bottle away from Quinn when she started coughing and then I started burping her. "I think if we're quick we could take a plane to Australia once we get to the Netherlands and then just start again there. We can get jobs there and it'll be fine." I placed Quinn back down and started to rock her to sleep.

"Whatever you say Harry."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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