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I walked into the courthouse ready to present Niall's case; trying my best not to worry about what happened to him.

It was me and Louis presenting his case with our lawyer, Sydney.

"Neither of you say anything just let me do the talking." Sydney whispered to us; we both nodded and sat down.

"Please present your case for Mr Styles-Horan and Mr Payne." The judge spoke.

Sydney started talking to her; telling her how Niall didn't cause the deaths on purpose and that it was the persons fault. She talked about the two people he did kill, and how it was in self defense.

She gave such a good case and if they didn't lower Niall's case now they're insane. I found my hand going down to my stomach; rubbing it a little. It was out of instinct.

Sydney sat back down next to us and a defense stood up and started talking badly about Niall and saying why they should keep the sentence. I wanted to punch the lawyer in the fucking face.

He talked about how Niall still murdered the two people and there's no proof that it was in self defense; he also started saying that he was abusing me; I don't even know where he got that from. I haven't been abused. But I didn't say anything and kept my mouth shut; cause I knew if I didn't I'd just make things worse.

Sydney started throwing back in Niall's case, and it just became a huge argument between her and the other lawyer. Then they brought in a witness who saw Niall kill one of the guys.

She was only a few years younger than me; I think I've seen her around the halls at school; she started talking about how she saw Niall kill Jake, the boy at our school. She talked about how Jake was a good kid who didn't get into trouble and how Niall was peer pressuring him to do dangerous stuff; then she said that Niall made a bet with her to take Jake for a few weeks as a sex slave.

I felt my heart fall; I was in the same position. She said that Jake tried to escape a few times and the third time he tried Niall took him to an alley way; she talked about how she followed and how a guy one, one of Niall's friends who from her description I could tell was Liam held her back as Niall beat up Jake then stabbed him multiple times.

That could've been me. I started to worry and go through so many thoughts in my head; I felt Louis sorry eyes on me. I was looking down feeling tears swell out; it could've been me.

What if he tried to kill one of the kids? No he's changed he wouldn't touch them or me. He loves us, but not enough to kill any of us.

I'm just being emotional because of hormones. Niall wouldn't hurt me.

"Harry would you have anything to add?" The judge asked.

"Yes." I said standing up, "Yeah I guess Niall did kill and hurt that guy, but how many years ago was that? Like 4? Niall's changed, he's a really good father and an excellent husband. He never has abused me ever, and he loves me and his kids. I'm so sorry that he killed your best friend, I lost my best friend too; not to Niall though to someone else. And I know it's horrible, but let me tell you; my Niall, he wouldn't hurt anyone unless he's provoked." I sat back down.

"You're being biased because he's your husband and he's brainwashed you. Niall hasn't changed; him being in jail is good for you and your kids." The other lawyer said. I just rolled my eyes but didn't say anything back.

They started going over Liam's case and then they were both handed over to the jury.

"The jury has decided, Niall and Liam will continue with their original sentence." That's when I felt the tears start rolling down my cheeks; I had to do something.

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