A Missing Letter

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             I headed downstairs to make myself some coffee, I could definitely use it. I rubbed my eyes as I approached the coffee pot, and yes. I did trip over something, and that something turned out to be my computer. I watched it fall to the ground, smashing, and cracking the screen onto the hardwood floor. "No!" I cried. I picked up the broken computer, it didn't even turn on. I threw it again in frustration, this is how you know it's going to be a good day. "I fucking hate my life!" I yelled, then curdled up and started crying softly, That computer meant so much to me. Then, there was a knock at my door. I quickly dried my tears, and answered the front door, "Can I- Mark? What are you doing here?" There goes that 1-1000 chance. "Oh! (Y/N)? You live here? I didn't think you were the screaming type." Mark laughed, "I heard a scream next to me, so I came and checked it out. I didn't know you where my neighbor." "I didn't know you lived next to me. And I was really that loud? Wow." I stated, kinda embarrassed. "Yeah. So. Why do you hate you fucking life?" He asked, smiling at my messy state. "Oh. This morning, I went to go make some coffee, and I tripped over my computer cord. And it fell onto the floor, smashing all over the place." I sniffed, I'm not going to cry in front of Mark. Not yet anyways. "Buy a new one then." He shrugged. I shook my head, "That computer means a lot to me. I got it signed by someone special to me." "Wait!" Mark awed, "Your the cute girl I met at Pax! Your (Y/N) (L/N)! You made me sign your Apple Computer!" "Yep. That's me." I answered awkwardly. He smiled, "Sorry about your computer, Miss Blushing." "W-what? I'm not b-blushing! Wait, am I?" I blushed, Well now I am. He laughed, "When we took that picture, you were looking up an blushing at me." "That was back when I had a crush on you, and that was 2 years ago. Wait?! Did you call me cute?!" My blush deepened. "Ohh. I said that part out loud? Damn." He blushed, "You were a cute girl." "Oh, so I'm not cute anymore?" I smirked. His face went to a deep crimson, "Your not cute, your beautiful."
           I coughed, "Do you want to come in? At least for a little. Or is it weird for a fan to ask you that?" He chuckled, "Your not a fan, your a friend,  In my case. And I would love to come in." I moved out the way, letting him in, and shutting the door behind him. "You've got a nice place." He spoke, taking on the scenery. "Yeah. Wait till you see the mess in the kitchen." I sighed. Mark smirked, and went towards the kitchen, opening the door and shutting it behind him. "Mark! Wait! There's glass all over the floor!" I announced, running towards the kitchen down, gasping at the mess, it looks worst than it did. Mark was looking at the computer, holding it, running his thumb over his hand writing, "Damn. I remember this day." "Really? I thought you would've forgot about me already." I chuckled, walking carefully over him. "Man. That was the best day of my life, besides the day I met Chica." He smiled.
   .:FlashBack (Your POV):.
        I stood in line, I could see Markiplier up ahead. Adjusting the computer in my hand, I stood in front of him. I had the present for him in my backpack, but I couldn't move, I only held my Apple Computer out to him, "C-Can you p-please sign t-this?" He nodded, smiling showing his pearly whites, " Anything m'lady." He took it gently into his hands, pulling out a Sharpie and writing something onto it. He handed it back, "Is that it?" "Picture?" I pulled my phone out, shaking it lightly. He rolled his eyes playfully, "Ugh. I guess." I pulled up the camera app, setting it to photo, God  he smells good. I hope I don't smell bad! He chuckled, "There's no reason to be nervous. It's just me." "That's why I'm nervous." I giggled. He wrapped his arm around my waist, giving a peace sign with the other. I just blushed at him, looking at him instead of the phone. *Click* I looked at the picture and smiled, "Looks great." "Good. Oh. What's your name?" He asked. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Just remember me as the weird girl that let you sign her computer." I giggled, getting out of line to let the next person go. We waved goodbye, and I was on my way back home. Crap. I forgot the gift. I sighed sadly.
    .:Present (Your POV):.
     "Man. You were so nervous." Mark laughed, setting the broken computer onto the counter. "I don't know why you set it there, it's broken." I sighed, grabbing it and throwing it into the trash can. "You could go get it repair." He stated, giving me a 'Why are you being so dramatic?' Look. "I don't want anyone else touching the computer. You and me are the only ones that touched it. Sorry to be weird, but that computer was a mark, no pun intended, when I first met you. And now it's broken." I sighed, sitting on the black leather stool. Mark sighed, "I'm going to go. I've got an errand to run." "Do you want a house key?" I blurted, "Since we're neighbors, and all." "Sure. Even though I could be a murder." Mark laughed, god I love his laugh. I dug into the side drawer and pulled out the spare key, handing it to him, "You better not be. And I better not come home to a lot of dead bodies." He chuckled, "No promises. Hey, can you watch Chica for a little?" "Of course! I love her!" I squealed. "Thanks so much!" He hugged me softly. I think I'm going to faint.
            "Okay. Her food container is in the cabinet. Her toys will be all over the floor, you won't miss them. And she'll sit at the back door if she has to go outside. Oh! And remember to fill her water bowl. And! If she's good, she can have a treat. I think that's it." Mark stated, patting Chica's head, " Be a good girl for (Y/N). Oh, and make yourself at home." He smiled at me and grabbed his phone, "I'll be back soon." I waved to him, "Bye Mark. See you later." And he left. I turned to Chica, "Hey Chica beaka. What's up?" She barked happily at me, and run upstairs. "Chica! Where are you going?!" I yelled after her. She lead me to a room, I'm guessing Mark's and barked. "Chica. I'm not supposed to be in here." I whispered. She whimpered, and poked her nose a the bottom drawer. "Fine. Is some of your toys in there or something?" I opened the drawer, it was full to the brim with fan mail. I moved some around, till I found a (F/C) envelop. I looked at it, To: (Y/N) (L/N)  From: Mark F. (Markiplier).  "I guess I can open it since it's for me, right Chica?" I look at her. She barked and wagged her tail, guess so. I ripped open the seal, grabbing the letter.
           Dear (Y/N),
                    When I saw you at PAX, you were the most beautiful girl I seen, the whole day. I couldn't stop thinking about you. And you won't be able to get this till the next PAX event, if you even go. I really hope you do. Sorry if this is like stalker level or anything, I just wanted to tell you that.
                               Mr. Iplier
            I held the letter to my chest, Holy crap. A tear slipped out my eyes, Mark likes me. Does he still? I don't know. I heard Chica bark downstairs. "Hey Chica! How are you? Where's (Y/N)?" A deep voice echoed. I quickly folded the note and stuck it in my pocket, running down the steps to meet Mark, smiling. "Hey Mark." I smiled. "Hey. Where were you?" He asked, stepping closer, "Wait are you crying?" "What? No. Why?" I asked. "You face is red, and you have wet lines going down your face." He wiped the tears off my cheeks, and looked into my eyes, "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Just still kinda sad about my computer." I sniffed. He smiled, "Do you want some lunch? PB&J?" I nodded, "Sounds great."
           Mark was making our sandwiches, while I was writing my phone number onto a white board, then erasing it. "Hey (Y/N). Why don't you just give me your number instead of writing it down and erasing it." He chuckled, setting my sandwich in front of me. "Then give me your phone." I smirked, putting my hand out for him. He placed his red IPhone into my hand, and sat next to me, "Don't be stealing anyone else's numbers either." I rolled my eyes and put my number under (Y/N) The Better Markiplier. He looked at it and smirked, "I don't like liars." "I'm not lying, Mr. Iplier." I giggled. "Just shut up and eat your food." He laughed.
               "Bye Mark. See you later." I said, opening the front door. "I'll text you, I promise." He smirked, shutting the door behind me.
              I unlocked my front door, and was greeted by many balloons, and a sign, Follow the balloons. I rolled my eyes and followed, they lead to the kitchen. There was a white box on the table. I looked at it, Apple Computer 2.0. "Okay. I know I did not buy this." I giggled, I opened the box, and there it was, along with a note.
                  Dear (Y/N).
         Sorry about your other Apple computer. So I bought you a new one. You don't owe me anything, you being my neighbor is good enough.
                   Love, Markiplier
         I moved the note aside, and looked at the computer, pulling it out. It was in pink wrapping paper, Mark you little weirdo. I unwrapped the paper, and there was a lovely note from Mark, in Sharpie.
           To the prettiest, most beautiful girl in the whole world.
           Some tears began to develop in my eyes. *Ding!* I looked at my phone.
      Unknown: Hey (Y/N)! It's Mark!
      (Y/N): Hey Mark.
      (Mark): So. Whatcha doing?
       (Y/N): Crying my eyes out.
        *Knock, Knock* I walked over to the door, opened, and was wrapped in a hug, "Wha-?" Mark had wrapped me in a hug, tightly, but gently. I pushed him away softly, "What's wrong?" "What's wrong? What's wrong with you? You said you were crying your eyes out. And your face is all puffy. What happened?" He asked, examining my face. "I was crying because you got me a new computer, and wrote the nicest note on it." I also started crying again. He sighed, "Geez. I thought someone hurt you." "No. Don't worry I'm fine. Thanks, by the way. For the computer, it means a lot to me." I covered my heart with my hands, and some tears slipped out. Mark laughed and wiped the tear away, "Stop crying, your messing up your beautiful face." "Hehe. Sorry." I sniffed. Mark hugged me, "Do you need anything?" I blushed a crimson red, "Want to watch a movie? And stay over?" "S-Sure." He stated, scratching the back of his neck.
  "Big Hero 6?" Mark asked.
"Lion King?"
"Friend Request?                                  "Now that's a good one."
"God, that took you forever." Mark laughed. "Well you didn't choose a very good movie. Have you seen this before?" I asked, setting the bowl of popcorn onto the coffee table. "Yes, have you?" Mark plopped next to me and hit play. "Nope. A friend bought it for me, and I've been to scared to watch it on my own." I laughed, grabbing the bowl and sitting it on my lap. "Alright. Get ready to shit yourself." He smirked.
              "Holy fucking shit!" I screamed, jumping up slightly, for the tenth time. Mark chuckled, "God your jumpy. Here, maybe this will help." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. Nice move Mark. I mean, I'm not complaining, but real smooth. I cuddled him into a comfortable position, and let out a sigh.
                 I fluttered my eyes open, the light of the sun blinding me. I fell asleep? Where's Mark? The floor below me raised, then dropped. I looked up, and there was Mark's handsome face. I fell asleep on Mark?! What the heck?! What is he going to think?! Mark grunted, and rubbed his eyes, I pretend to be asleep. I heard him chuckle, and ran his finger through my hair. "Your such a pretty girl, (Y/N). I hope you know that." He whispered. I moaned, (Non-sexually, of course.) and stretched slightly. Mark quickly took his fingers out of my hair, "Morning (Y/N)." I looked up at him, when widened my eyes, "Did I fall asleep on you? I'm so sorry." I leaned up, straddling him. "No, your fine. Don't worry about it." He smiled. I nodded and laid back down on him, wrapping my arms around him, "I'm just going to lay here for a second." He wrapped his arms around me and sighed happily, "That's great."
                A second turned into 15 minutes. Mark tapped me, "Hey, I've got to go a record." I nodded and got off, fixing my shirt, "Okay. Text me or something." "Will do. See ya." He smiled, fixing his hair slightly. I waved at him as he left the room.
            .:Mark's POV:.
"And I'll see you, in the next video. Bu bye~" and Hit stop. I rubbed my face, I've got to stop thinking about (Y/N). At least for a second. Maybe I should give her that letter I wrote her last PAX event. I nodded and ran off to my room, grabbing my phone, texting Ethan.
          Mark: Got a video for you to edit real fast. Got an errand to run.
          Ethan: Aye Aye, Cap'n!
          Then I texted (Y/N).
           Mark: I'm coming over.
           (Y/N): Wait now? Okay.
            Mark: See you in a little.
          God I love her. She's so beautiful and sweet, I wish she knew this. I opened the bottom drawer of my dresser, looking for the (F/C)ed envelop, but it wasn't there. Where could it be? I swore it was in here. Does (Y/N) have it? I hope not. She won't go searching through my stuff, would she?

2469 words?!

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