I Will Always Love You

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      "Your feeling better, right? No cramps? Bleeding? Water breaking?" Mark chuckled lightly. I smiled, rubbing my stomach lightly, "Everything's fine. Surprisingly." He let out a content sigh, mumbling under his breath, "Perfect." "Why-" I throbbing pain went through my head, I shook it off quickly, "U-Um. Why do y-you think I w-was cramping up?" "It could of been anything." His brown eyes scanned over his phone, "Dark is very unpredictable." "He's on our side now, so we have nothing to worry about." I smiled, resting my hand on my throbbing head. "Headache?" He chuckled lightly, "I'll get some medicine for you, really fast." I smiled weakly, "Thanks." He sat up stretching slightly, "I'll be quick." And planted a kiss onto my forehead. A puff of black smoke appeared quickly, "How are we doing, miss (Y/N)." I looked over at Dark, tears brimming my (E/C) eyes, "It's going." Dark rushed over, planting his hands on my stomach. His face was laced in worry, "Where's Mark?" My face structured up in pain as I pointed to the kitchen door, "M-medicine." "Medicine is not going to solve that dearie." Dark quickly called Mark's name. Mark walked back in, medicine and water in hand, "Dark? What are you doing here? Get away from her." "You should be worried about her, not me." Dark backed away, "Time is of the essence."
"Mark!" I screamed in pain, holding my stomach tightly. I sat up on the couch, calling for Mark again. "Mark! The baby's coming!" I yelled, another contraction coming on. There was no response. I gripped the couch, trying to use it as a brace, "M-Mark!" This contraction hit me hard, making me scream even louder.
"Mark!" I jerked awake, scaring Mark next to me. Mark looked at me with concerned eyes, "What happened?" Salty streams went down my cheeks, "Why weren't you there?" "What? I'm always here, I've never left. What happened?" Mark leaned in to comfort me in a hug. Pushing him away, I stood up, "I'm going to talk with Signe."
           "And He was no where to be found." I sighed, my black boots pushing through the white snow. "It was a dream, it didn't happen. So, why are you blaming him?" Signe asked. I stuff my hands into my winter jacket, shrugging. "Then you need to go apologize. He probably feels horrible." I nodded, "Maybe they would enjoy a little snow fight." She giggled, taking out her phone at calling Jack. I bent down to pick up some snow, before a painful shock hit my lower back. I whimpered loudly as I held my stomach. Signe giggled putting the phone back in her pocket, "Their on their way!- (Y/N)?!" She rushed to my side, bending down to meet my eyes. "I-it's okay. I'm-" I groaned in pain. "Your not in labor, are you?" She worried, quickly getting her phone back out her pocket. "I-I think, I think I am." I cried. She quickly called Jack once again, "Get down here! And fast!" Jack must of said something stupid, cause she was furious afterwards, "(Y/N)'s in fucking labor! Out in the cold!" I heard a deep voice, demanding Signe put herself on Speaker. "(Y/N) stay Calm, okay? We're on our way." Mark stated calmly. "How the hell are you calm?! Your girlfriend is in labor with YOUR kid. In fucking WINTER?!" Jack yelled, hitting a bump in the road. (Funny how he can drive now. XD) "Please hurry." I whimpered. I listened as Jack stepped on the petal, speeding faster to out location. I gasped, as liquid trickled down my legs. "M-my water just b-broke!" I panicked, fear covering my eyes. I saw Mark's black truck speed up to us, Mark quickly running towards us. "Help me!" Signe cried. Mark quickly picked me up, cradling my head to his warm chest. Signe opened the door for us and sat in the passages seat. Placing me gently into the seat, Mark shut the door, "Let's go."
          I groaned in pain and the feeling intensified in my lower back, bleeding into my sides. Mark looked at me worried, holding my hand, "Lay down." I nodded slowly, rest my head on his lap, placing my body in a spooning position. He wrapped our hands around my body, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. "H- qhow far is the hospital?" I asked, closing my eyes tightly as I buried my face into Mark's leg. "It's an hour away, by counting if we get into any traffic along the way." Jack announced, "Do you think you can make it?" I nodded slowly. I looked up at Mark, and smiled weakly, "We're going to have a baby. A little boy." Tears of joy were in Mark's eyes as he moved my (H/C) Hair out of my eyes, "We're finally bringing  Marcus into this world." "What's the babies full name?" Signe smiled. I grunted again in pain, gripping his hand tighter. The pain had slowly began to start in my lower abdomen, lowering down to my womanhood. "We decided on Marcus William Fischbach." I smiled. I gasped in sudden pain, arching my back. Trembling, I cried out in pain, my breath became unsteady at this point. I wasn't taking enough in, nor letting enough out. Mark moved me, my head resting on his chest, our legs were straightened out-Mark's resting on the outside of mine- and he held both my hands, "In and out, in and out." I tried to follow, but I trembled even more. "She's having a panic attack!" Signe cried. I wasn't in control of my body anymore, I couldn't feel anything anymore. Mark began to sing a lullaby into my ear, but I wasn't any lullaby. He always sang this to me when I had the nightmares about miscarriages. "Slowly they fall, though they just bloomed. Flowers die just as we do.~" He sang softly, "Falling so soon? Why this year to? Those words that fell softly." I was soon able to control my breathing once again,and unfortunately, so did the pain.
         "Help!" Mark called, rushing me bridal style into the hospital, "She's in labor!" A male doctor rushed up, examining her clothed stomach, "How long?" "At least an hour." Jack spoke, holding Signe close to him. The doctor nodded quickly, "Her water break?" "Yes! As we said, an hour ago!" Signe stayed annoyed. "Let me take her." The doctor stuck his arms out to me, I whimpered, snuggling closer to Mark's body. "I'll carry her." The Korean said.  The doctor nodded.
                    HOURS LATER
       "Congratulations. It's a healthy baby boy." A nurse smiled, handing Mark the cleaned baby. "Look at him." Mark cooed, tears slipping from his eyes, "Hey Marcus." Mark held Marcus' little pink hand, "Your finally here." I smiled as I watched Mark coo over his-our baby. "He's beautiful, just like you." He cried, sitting next to me. He was right. Marcus had my (E/C) eyes, and Mark's raven hair. He carried my nose, ears, but Mark's soft lips. He handed me Marcus, rubbing his thumb softly on his head, the ruff of black hair coming up, then smoothing back down. Salty tears went down my face as I stared at the sleeping baby, "It's more than I ever imagined." I planted a soft kiss onto his forehead, whispering closely, "I will always love you."

    Yep. This madness is over. I will make another Markiplier/Jacksepticeye x Reader once I finish a book I'm working on. This is pure, sped up cringey ness, and I wanted to end it really badly. Again, I'll be making a new one later.

Edit: Yeah...I'm going to continue this for a little. I felt bad just leaving it off right now. So, yeah. I hope you enjoy kids!!

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