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"Chica! We're having a baby! A baby!" Mark cheered, holding Chica's paw and dancing around with the music. He's been doing this for days now. Her tail was wagging, I've never seen her so happy! He put Chica's paw down and turned to me, holding out a hand, "M'lady." I giggled, "Thank you kind sir." I took his hand and he gently pulled me off the couch, spinning me around. He picked me up, kissing my stomach. "Mark!" I giggled. He set me back down, "I can't help it!" "It's been four days." I smiled, kissing his cheek. He jaw fell to the floor, "I haven't told my mom...." "Mark! CALL HER!" I yelled. He picked up his phone and called her, "Oh. Hey, mom. Oh, I'm good. (Y/N) needs to tell you something." I glared at him and took the phone, "Hello Mrs. Fischbach. Umm, I Some very important need to tell you." "Mark finally told you he loved you?" She joked. I sighed, "You May want to sit down." "O-Oh boy." She sounded like she was going to cry. "Are you sitting?" I asked, quickly grabbing Mark's hand and putting the phone on Speaker. "Yes, I am." She muttered. I looked at Mark, "I'm pregnant." The line went silent. I looked at Mark with worried eyes, mouthing, "This isn't good." Then, a scream came through the speaker, "Tom! Tom! Tom, get down here!" Mark chuckled deeply, "See, it's fine." I heard Tom come down the steps, and Mark requested a FaceTime, which they accepted. Mark and I smiled at Tom through the screen. "Tell him!" Mrs. Fischbach giggled. "(Y/N)'s Pregnant." Mark smirked. Tom's face lit up with a smile, "No way! Show me!" I giggled as Mark rushed around the house and got the ultrasound pictures, "Look! Oh- And!" He turned me to the side and lifted up my shirt, showing the small baby bump, "Look!" Tom and Mrs. Fischbach cried tears of joy, hugging each other. "We're coming down!" His mom smiled. I smiled, "Can't wait to see you!"
"Mark! Get the fuck out my way!" I yelled, bashing my body into him. "Don't cuss around the baby! And your in second place, I'm in first!" "That's the point-crap!" Mark passed the line before me. I set my controller down, Turing towards him. He shrugged, "I'm just that good." I tackled him, straddling him, "Your an asshole!" He covered my stomach with his hand, "Sh. No cursing." I grabbed his hands and put them besides his head, leaning, "Don't tell me what to do." And giving him a long kiss. It was very enjoyable until the door bell rang. I groaned and moved off, "Must Be Ethan." "It's open!" Mark yelled, pulling me down to lay with him on the floor. "Where is she?" Tom called. I raised my hand, pointing down on myself, "On the floor." Tom's face came into my view, "Comfortable?" I nodded, "Mark's my pillow." Tom shrugged and laid down next to Mark, "Your right. Mark, come here." Tom grabbed Mark's arm and used it as a pillow. "What are you guys doing?" Mrs. Fischbach (I'm going to call her mom or Emily now. I don't know her real name, so...) "Laying on the floor." We all replied. Emily chuckled and shut the door, "With a perfectly fine couch right there." Mark removed his arm from the back of Tom's head, and placed it on my belly, "I think her and the baby is comfortable with me." I quickly covered my mouth, Shit, morning sickness. Mark quickly leaned up, "Bathroom?" I nodded slowly. Mark scooped me up, quickly rushing me to the bathroom, setting me down at the toilet. I closed my eyes, trying to push the feeling away. Emily leaned against the doorway, "How many times does this happen a day?" "Four times a day. Can you please watch her, I have to go get some medicine for her and water. " Mark put my hair up, and out of my face, handing his mother a cold, wet, rag, "Put this on her forehead after each time she throws up, I'll be right back." Mom got down next to me, rubbing my back, "Pray to whatever god, that the baby does not get Mark's head." I giggled sicky, "Couldn't have been that hard." "I'm not trying to freak you out, but child labor is not as easy like in the movies." She smiled lightly at me, "But I know you'll do great." I gagged, but then quickly throw up into the toilet, groaning in pain afterwards. Emily quickly placed the rag on my forehead just as Mark entered the bathroom with my water. "Here, Beautiful." He offered, holding the water out to me. I shook my head, "If I drink it, I might just throw up again." "You need to stay hydrated. Please." He begged. I nodded slowly, taking the cup and sipping the liquid slowly. I gagged, but then covered my mouth, closing my eyes tightly. "If you need to throw up, do it. You'll feel better." Mark smiled, rubbing my back slowly. I held my stomach, "It's going away. Don't worry." Mark placed his hand over mine, humming a sweet tune. "You guys are cute." Tom chuckled, standing with his mother in the doorway.
              I tossed and turned in bed, while my boyfriend slept soundly. My stomach was cramping up, just a little. Just enough to make me whimper and cry silently. I knew I had to be quiet, Mom and Tom were in the room over. I rubbed my abdomen slowly, closing my eyes tightly. I groan in pain, rolling out of bed and making my way over to the door, opening it quietly. I used the wall as my brace, running my hand along t to guide me, and to help keep me on my feet. I clutched my stomach with both hands, collapsing onto the floor. I groaned, tears streaming down my face, "Mark!" The bedroom doors opened, Showing a tired Fischbach family. Chica ran up to me, licking my face. I looked at Mark with tear filled eyes, "M-Mark." He shook his head and ran up to my side, taking hands and looking into my eyes, "Hey. What's wrong?" "My stomach. It hurts." I cried. Mark's eyes widened, as he quickly began picking me up. "M-Mark! Stop! It hurts!" I whined. I clutched my stomach tighter, screaming as loud as I could.
I jerked forward, the area around me soaked in tears and sweat. Quite sobs escaped my lips as I recalled the night terror. "(Y/N)?" Mark groaned, leaning up and wiping his eyes, "What's wrong?" I choked on eyes tears, "N-Nothing. Just go back to b-bed." "Hey. It doesn't sound like nothing." He placed a hand on my back, resulting in me automatically Turing around and sobbing into his bare chest. "What happened this time?" Mark held onto me tightly, running his fingers through my hair. "It was the same as the last one." I mumbled. "Miscarriage, huh." He sighed, resting his chin on my head, "Don't let it bother you." I wrapped my arms around my stomach, " I don't want to disappoint you." He pulled away, glazing into my eyes, "You'll never disappoint me, ever. Understand?" "But-" I started, but Mark cut me off, placing his lips onto mine. "No matter what." He pulled away, smiling widely, "I Will Always Love You."

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