Voice Of A Angel

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            "I'll be home in a hour or two. So you can come over, once I'm home," I played the message Mark left me over and over again. God I miss him, I whined. I'll just surprise him when he gets home. I giggled and bolted for the front door, running into his back yard just as his car pulled up. "Right,right. I'll be there soon, let me just get (Y/N). I'm in my house. Well I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up just as you landed!" I heard him coming towards the back, I'm ready to scare ya Markimoo-. Wait. What if this is creepy for him? I'm his girlfriend, right? Girlfriends can do this? Abort! Abort! I quickly jumped into the pool just as the gate opened, leaving a confused Mark. "Hey, I've got to go. Something just fell into my pool. No it wasn't Chica! Alright, bye." And he hung up. I held my breath for as long as I could, but that wasn't to long, I came up quickly gasping for air. My mascara (You don't have to wear mascara if you don't want to.) was running down my face, along with the water and my hair. "H-hey Mark. Funny to see you here." I stuttered. He chuckled, "What are you doing in my pool (Y/N)?" "I was going to surprise you, until I thought you would think I weird or something. So, I quickly jumped into the pool, which is freezing." I shivered. Mark rolled his eyes playfully, pulling me out of the water, "Your so silly." "I'm going to go get changed, real fast. Meet you over there?" I asked, ringing out some of the water in my shirt. He nodded.
I quickly washed out my hair, rinsing it from its chlorine death, and removed the mascara dropping down my cheeks. By this time, Mark was downstairs, probably making a mess. "What are you doing down there?" I yelled through the bathroom door. No response. Maybe he couldn't hear me. I sighed. Wrapping the white towel around me, I headed off to my room to change, when I saw Mark smirking at some pictures. "So this is you in High School?" He asked. I quickly ran over to it and put it face down, "Yes. And I don't like talking about those times. Can you leave so I can get dressed?" He nodded, "Yes M'Lady." He tipped his imaginary fedora, and left the room.
"Hey, do you want to come someone up with me at the airport?" Mark asked through the door. "Sure! Who is it?" I asked, slipping my grey (or gray) jeggings over my black underwear. "You have to find out, I'm sure you'll love him though." He chuckled. I quickly pulled on a (F/G) (Favorite Game) t-shirt, my (F/C) Converse (If you don't like Converse, you can choose another brand of shoes.) and opened the door, "I'm ready!"
"You look good today, by the way." He spoke. I brushed some of Chica's hair off my chest, "Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself. So, who are we picking up?" I asked again. "Jack, (Y/N). We're picking up Jack." Mark laughed. I squealed, "No way! The real Jacksepticeye?! The Irish guy?! From Brighton?" (I don't know how to spend that.) "No. My German cousin. Yes Jacksepticeye!" He smiled. I jumped up and down in my chair, "I'm going to meet a famous YouTuber!" "Hey!" He screamed, playfully, "What about me?" "I've already met you, stupid." I giggled.
                I looked around the busy LA airport for a green beacon, that we haven't found yet. Mark was getting a little nervous, "We've been look big him for 2 hours now and we still can't find him." "We'll find him Mark, don't worry. Wait! I've got it!" I smiled, quickly running into the middle of the airport with Mark, "You know what to do." He smirked at me, "Let's do this!"

                                                              "Booper Dooper!" 

             And sure enough, he heard us, running towards with a huge smile. "Mark!" The green haired Irish man cheered. Mark and him hugged, having the biggest smiles I've ever seen on them. "Hey Jack. How are you!" Mark chuckled, patting his back lightly. Jack ran his hand through his green hair, "I'm great now to be off that damn plane!" "Well it's nice to see you again, without looking through a stupid screen." Mark smiled. I shifted my feet and coughed. "Oh! Mark? Whose this beautiful thing?" Jack smiled. I gigged, "I'm not that pretty." "You sure are! This is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Jack." Mark introduced us, even though I know who he is. Jack shook my hand, "So your the girlfriend Mark's been telling me about. He can't stop talking about you. " Mark blushed deeply, "Shut up. She doesn't need to know that." "Oh. She does she know about your shrine?" Jack smirked. My jaw dropped, Mark has a shrine about me?! "Wh-what! Do n-no-" "He's got panties, hair, bathroom products, clothing-" "Do not you big green doof!" Mark yelled, tackling Jack. I giggled, and pulled Mark up, holding him back. "I was joking Mr. Iplier. I know you would never, ever, do that." Jack smiled, "I hope." 

             "So? (Y/N). What do you like doing?" Jack asked from the front seat. Since Jack and both Mark were, and are, taller than me, I gave them the front seat. And Jack is our guest, and it would be rude to push him in the back with Chica. I rubbed Chica's ears, "The normal stuff. Drawing, singing. Crap like that." (If you don't like doing that stuff, please pretend!) "Damn Mark! You got a good one!" Jack laughed. "Yeah. And all I had to do was make my dog tackle her." Mark smirked. "You made Chica, the sweetest puppo in the world, tackle me?!" I gasped. He nodded, "How else was I supposed to talk to you?" "I don't know. Walk up and be like like, Oh Hey! I've seen you before! Or, Oh I like your shirt!" I grinned. Mark rolled his eyes, "Well That's not how I roll. Silence. "Sing." Jack spoke. I looked at him confused, "Excuse me?" "Sing for me. You and Mark. Together. Closer." Jack smirked. "Sorry, but I don't sing." Mark huffed. "Lie again. You sing all the time. Now sing." Jack started playing the song called, Closer. In the beginning, I just hummed along, since it was the male part, sang clearly and softly when my part hit, making sure I hit every note in the right tune. 

                         The song ended and I blushed a deep crimson. "That was so good! Even better than the original! " Jack cheered. Mark smiled and ran his had through his hair, "Yeah. I know." "The best part was (Y/N)'s. She was so clear, and pretty. I could listen to that everyday!" Jack smiled at me, I just patted Chica's head as I covered my face to hide my blush, "Well I was in Chorus for two years." "Only two? You sing like a angel for someone that was in Chorus for two years." Mark awed. I shrugged, "I worked every hard. I wanted to do a solo, but a girl named Autum bested me and got it. I envy her so much." I giggled near the end, but it was true, I DID envy her. I loved her voice so dearly and truly. "No! Really? That's absurd." Mark scoffed. "It really is." The Irish man spoke. I sighed, "Can we just drop the topic. Please?" They both nodded. Chica laid down onto my lap and looked up at me. What? Did I do something wrong? I rolled my eyes and continued to look out the window.

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