Momma's Medicine

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               I read the pages with care, making sure not to miss a single word, clue. Anything that could solve the mystery! Jessica placed her shaking hand on the door handle, cold to the touch. "This is it." She mumbled, "After this, I'll know what happened to Jake." Opening the door wide, revealed a- "That's a really good book." A deep voice spoke. I jumped, "Dark! What the hell-" "They die in the end." He finished. I growled, throwing my book in frustration, "Fuck you." "Whenever you want dearie." He smirked. "What do you want with me? Why are you here?" I scoffed. "Well. Why don't you ask little Markimoo about He seems interested in it. He knows everything, apparently." He growled. I gave him a bird finger and dialed Mark's number. Darks starting to freak me out? Who's Dark you ask? Well, I was hoping you knew. That's what I was planning to happen.
    (Bold= Mark)
"Oh! Hey Mark, it's (Y/N)!" *FacePalm*
"I know. Your in my contacts. Whatcha need?"
"I want to talk about my dreams with you."
"Oh. I can't, right now. I'm kinda busy with Jack at the moment."
"O-Oh. Sorry."
"Can you call later? Or is it urgent?" *Jack yelling in the background* "Jack! Sh! I'm on the phone! With (Y/N)."
"It's nothing really. I just wanted to talk."
"Okay. Well. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Yeah. See ya."
      I threw my phone in anger. "Wow. Mark can't even make time for his own girlfriend." Dark smirked. "Please shut up and go!" I yelled, tears falling onto my lap. Dark jumped, putting his head down, "As you wish." And teleported away. I let my sobs out, covering my eyes.
*Markiplier Theme Plays*
I walked over to my phone, Markibae. I picked up.
"Hey (Y/N)! Do you want to go to the park with Chica and I?"
" I don't think so, with you being busy and all."
"Hey. Don't be like that, beautiful. I had a problem with someone. You wouldn't know them."
"Who the Hell is Dark."
"Mark, fucking answer me. WHO THE HELL IS DARK!"
"Another personality of mine. I'm coming over now. Is he there?"
"No. He just left not to long ago. Why?"
"Did he leave anything? Like a rose?"
        I searched my house, only to find a black rose, "Yeah. It's bl-"
"Don't touch it! Whatever you do, don't touch it, and let me handle it."
"It's so pretty. I've never seen something like this before."
"Beautiful. Listen to me. If you touch that....bad things will happen. You have to stay away from it."
"How come you hate me, Mark? Am I not pretty enough for you? Or am I not pretty at all?" The words fell out my mouth, I couldn't stop them.
"You didn't touch it, did you? (Y/N). I'm at your driveway. I'm coming in." *Call ended*
           I looked down at my hand, and there was the black rose. I quickly dropped it, What the hell?! When did I pick that up! "(Y/N)! Where are you!" Mark yelled. I stepped away from the Rose, getting a horrible headache in the process. I stumbled towards the steps leading downstairs, "M-Mark?" He dashed up the steps, scooping me and and hugging me tightly, "Thank god your okay. Did you touch it?" "Its was in my hand when you told me not to. I have no idea what was happening." I cried. Mark hugged me tighter, "Sh. Sh. It's okay, it's okay. How do you feel?" "I feel really h-hot. Kinda sick." I looked up at him, tears filling my eyes, "Am I going to die?" He cupped my face, kissing my cheek, "No, no. Your going to be fine. Your just coming down with the Black Rose. It's just like the flu, your going to be fine." I nodded, stepping out of the hug, only to fall weakly onto the floor, "I think I need some help." "Let's get you a nice bath, then after we'll put you to bed." He picked me up bridal style, "You'll be way better once you get some soup in ya." "M-Mark." I muttered, "I want to stay at your house. P-please?" "Of course. Let me just grab you some clothes and a blanket." The Korean smiled at me, kissing my forehead.
The warm water made me feel better. My skin wasn't cold anymore, I was comfortable. Mark was on the phone with someone outside of the bathroom, important. "Yeah, yeah. I will. Okay. See you tomorrow, love you, bye." Mark opened the door and smiled at me, "My moms going to come over tomorrow to help you feel better. She's going to bring some of her finest Chicken and Dumplings, just for you." "*Cough* Is she going to get sick? Are you going to get sick?" I sunk deeper into the warm tub, soaking my shoulders down. "She can only get sick if she touches the Rose, which I've stowed away for your safety. And I can't be harmed by Dark." Mark got down on his knees, putting his hand in the water. "How come?" I asked. He chuckled, running his wet hand over my forehead, "Cause he is me. And if I die, he dies. Kinda stupid. But, you got to live with an ass like him." I laughed weakly, "But your an ass yourself." Mark cracked a smile, showing his pearly whites, "Ha, ha. Your so funny."
              "Alright. Let's get you in bed." Mark settled me into his bed, tucking me in the blankets. I wore his Markiplier Pj bottoms and his black V-Neck, and it was pretty comfortable. "Goodnight Mark." I sniffed, gabbing the pillow. "Night, Sleeping Beauty."
                I let out a moan, rubbing my eyes at the site of the sun. "Oh, she'll love this, mom. Thanks again for coming." Mark spoke downstairs. "Mark? Who's here?" My rusty voice echoed through the house. "*Laugh* That's her. She must be awake." Mark opened the bedroom door and smiled at me, "My mom's here, and she brought her finest Chicken and Dumplings." As he sat on the bed, his mother walked in, smiling at me, "Oh. Mark, she's so beautiful." I blushed, "T-Thank you Mrs. Fischbach."
                 Mrs. Fischbach handed me a bowl, full of the dumplings, "You should get better sooner." I smiled and her, "Thanks." Mark eyed the bowl, licking his lips. "Mark, you'll get some. Let the poor thing get as much as she wants before you do." She ordered, pulling the pot out of his reach. Mark let out a childish huff, "But mom! I'm your child!" "And she's your sick girlfriend, ladies first." She replied bluntly. "Right. I didn't mean to be selfish." Mark coughed, "Please, take as much as you need." I giggled and raised the spoon to my mouth. Mark leaned and whispered into my ear, "Please save me some."

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