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"Get up lazy bones!" Jack called in his Papyrus voice. Signe giggled and opened the curtains, "Time to go hiking." I groaned, rolling over and holding Mark closer. "5 more minutes." Mark groaned. "NO! We have to go now! Come on, Mark!" Jack began pulling on Mark's hand, making him fall out of bed in laughter. As for me, I took control of this opportunity and took his space, stretching out fully across the bed. As I startled to drift back off to sleep, I heard snickering, whispering, giggling. And sooner than I thought, a pail of water was dumped onto my head. I jumped up, freezing, "Guys!" Jack quickly dropped the pail of water he was holding, "Mark did it!" Mark smiled and put his phone away, "I didn't do anything. It was Wiishu's idea. All I did was post it on Twitter." "Mark! You didn't!" I cried. He shrugged, "You needed to get up, now go on and get dressed."

Changing into my sport shorts and a t-shirt, I was ready to go hiking. I walked out and did a spin, "Hiking materiel?" "Sure is!" Signe cheered, "The boys are loading stuff into the rental car. We should go down and meet them. Care to join me?" She pulled a silly smirk and stuck out her hand. "Of course, m'lady." I connected my hand with hers as we giggly walked down to the parking lot. Mark just finished loading the equipment into the car, wiping the sweat from his forehead, "About time you guys showed up, making us load everything into the car." I patted his back, "You are men." "And you are my girlfriend. "He smirked, "We're supposed to work together." I rolled my eyes, "Come on Signe." I smiled at her as we sat in the back seat waiting for the men outside of the car to finish packing. "So. Have you gone hiking before?" She asked. "No, not really. I've just have never found a partner to do it with. So, this should be fun." I giggled. Jack and Mark jumped into the front seats. "There's no need to buckle up, it's not far from here." Mark stated, turning the car on. You said we didn't need to buckle up cause nothing happened, well look what happened Mark! "U-um! Yes we do! We don't know what could happen while we're out!" I stated. Signe smiled, "She's right. Better to be safe than sorry." Mark looked at Jack and shrugged, "Fine. Next stop, hiking."

"Wow." I breathed, "This place looks awesome." Signe giggled and nudged me," And no one is here." She sighed and turn to the boys that were on their phones, "Come on guys! This is to get everyone off their devices!" Jack and Mark yelled in anger and they put their phones in their pockets and jogged towards us. I giggled, "Something on Twitter bothering you?" He chuckled and kissed my cheek, "Don't you worry about it, Beautiful." Probably some fans are bothering him...maybe about some games or something. Mark looked over at Jack and sighed, "It's getting out of hand." "It happens, just got to look over it. Same thing is happening to Signe." Jack sighed, looking over at Wii and smiling. "Alright. Hard trail, or easy trial?" Mark asked, looking up from the park map. "Easy, we aren't here to get a work out." I giggled. Mark smirked at pointed to a trail, "That's the one then." "Onward!" Jack shouted, pointing up into the sky.
"What?! This isn't on the map!" Mark growled, turning the map in circles. "Maybe, it's an old map?" I stated wiping the sweat from off me, onto Signe. "Eww!" She squealed, giggling. "I'm glad you guys think this is funny." Mark frowned. "Look. We can just split up, and call each other once we reach the rest area." Jack offered, "And. You and (Y/N) can talk about things." Mark nodded, stuffing the map into his pocket, "Fine. You guys go left, we'll go right. Call me as soon as something happens, or find it." We parted out ways, saying our goodbyes like it was our last. Shit Mark, why the creepy path? I thought. The trees looked like angry people, staring down at us in hatred. The trail itself was very messy, filled with rocks and holes. "Mark? What trail are we on?" I stuttered. "I don't know. The fork didn't even exist on there." He shrugged, taking in his surroundings. I stepped closer to him, grabbing onto him for dear life. He chuckled and patted my head, "It's Alright, my dear Beauty." He scooped me up, placing me onto his back. I held on tightly for dear life, "Don't you fucking drop me, Mark." "I won't, I won't. Just don't let go." He chuckled. I let out an enjoyed sigh, "It is really pretty out here.  I never thought you, as a gamer, would go hiking. Of all people." "I don't always play video games, I have a dog that has needs to. She needs daily walks, just like us humans." He kissed my cheek, and looked out off the cliff besides us, "Look at that view though." I settled my chin on his shoulder, nodding into his neck, God, I love his smell. "Hey! Don't fall asleep on me now." Mark jumped up and down, shaking me awake. "Okay! Okay! I'm up." I giggled. He settled me down, "Do you think Jack and Wii made it to the station?" I shrugged, "Maybe. Our path seems to go on for miles, the station can't be that fair away." Mark nodded, pulling out his phone, dialing Jacks number. "Hey. Did you guys find it?" Mark turned his back away from me as I looked out onto the sunset. "What?! Why didn't you call me sooner!" With those words, Mark quickly spun around, dashing down the trail we came. "W-Wait! Mark! W-What happened!" I quickly ran towards him, in fear of the darkness that could be lurking in every corner.
"Are you sure your okay?" I asked Signe. She giggled, "Yes. The doctors know what their doing. And it's just a twisted ankle, I'm not going to die from something like this." "It really freaked me out. Signe just sat on the ground, not saying a word." Jack smiled at her, patting her head. "Well, Signe is a strong girl. She can handle herself." Mark grinned. "Do you want anything?" I asked, grabbing my wallet out of my purse. "Just a candy bar." She smiled brightly, "Thanks." "I'll come with." Mark offered, grabbing his wallet and phone, "Wouldn't want the lady walking alone."
I grabbed Signe's candy bar that sat at the bottom of the vending machine, still munching on my granola bar. "I love you." Mark spoke. I choked, spitting the bar into a nearby trash can, "W-What did you say?" I turned to him, his faces was a light pink. "I said. I-I love you." He rubbed the back of his neck. I let out a quiet sigh, putting my head down, covering my blush. "Y-You don't have to say it back. I wasn't try to get you to. I-I. I just wanted you to know." He quickly stated. "I love you to." I blushed, quickly hugging his body. He wrapped his arms around me, setting his chin on my head.
           Our hug session was interrupted by Mark's phone buzzing. He sighed and looked down, "Signe wants her food, hurry up, please." I chuckled and grabbed Mark's hand, "Let's not keep her waiting."

I Will Always Love You (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now