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.:Your POV:.
Everything felt so numb. Nothing felt normal. It's for the best... I remembered thinking, while I ran the blade across my skin. "Her vitals are stable." A doctor announced. I heard someone let a trembled sigh, "Oh Thank god." Who is that? "But, something has happened." The doctor continued, "A nurse, gave her some beta blockers, and there has been some memory loss in the process." The other person choked, I'm guessing on tears, "How far back do you think?" "We don't know. But all we can say is don't over load her with information. She may have a panic attack or something, so be careful, but be truthful." I heard a clipboard snap, and a door open then close. Beta Blockers? Why would I need those?

.:Mark's POV:.

I sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair, folding my hands and resting them on my chin. I hate hospitals. I let this happen to her, I'm a horrible person dammit. I heard (Y/N) groan and hold her head, "Ugh. W-what happened?" Her head turned towards me, she looked shocked, "What are you doing here?" My face laced with confusion, "What do you mean?" "Why is Markiplier in my hospital room? How did I get here? I was just at the park, loving on some beautiful golden retriever." She asked. "What's the last thing you remember?" I asked quickly. She blinked a couple of times, resting her hand on her forehead, "I was sitting at the park. Minding my own business, when I got hit in the head with a Frisbee. I swear, the dog looked just like Chica." "Cause it was." I announced, "that was the day we met, again." "Well, why am I here?" She growled, "And why are you crying over a little fan like me." "Your here, because you tried to kill yourself. And your my girlfriend, we've been dating for a month now. I'm crying because I love you, and I let you hurt yourself like that." I replied. She looked down at herself, looking over at her wrapped body, "We're dating?" I nodded, " this to much for you?" "N-no. I think I'm okay. I just don't understand what my self harm had to do with me not remembering you." She sighed, heavily. "The beta blockers, sometimes cause memory loss." I replied. She nodded, "Guess I got lucky, huh."

.:Your POV- Released from the Hospital:.

Mark opened the front door to his- I mean, our house, "Careful of Chica." Before I could respond, I was attacked by kisses and hugs, and I think a flash back.

   "I'm so sorry miss." I giggled, "It's fine-" It's him, "I-I like d-dogs anyways." He laughed, "I'm glad. Chica she usually doesn't tackle people, nor lick them. She usually just comes over to bug people out." I nodded. He held a hand out for me, "I'm Mark." I took it, as he pulled me up gently, "I'm (Y/N)." Mark chuckled, pulling a stick out of my (H/L) (H/C) hair, "Nice stick." "Nice face." I giggled, then my face reddened, "That wasn't meant to be a compliment or anything." Chica nudged my leg, making me stumble towards Mark. "Hehe, sorry." I blushed, placing my hands onto his chest to pull me away. He looked at if he was blushing, "Don't worry about it. It's fine." I coughed, picking up Chica's frisbee, "You'll need this if you want to play more." Mark gladly took it, "Your not staying for a little? Chica seems to like you?" "I've got something to do back at home." I replied. He nodded, "I've got to go home soon to. See you around (Y/N)." I nodded, "See ya Mark."  

I stumbled back, right into Mark, "What the-?" "Woah. Are you okay?" He asked, propping me back up.  "We were at the park, well. I was. And Chica tackled me, you came over and complimented a stick in my hair." I shook my head, a slight dizziness my creeping up my back. "That was the day we met. Besides when we did at Pax. Chica tackling you triggered that memory?" He asked, smiling widely. "I-I think I need to s-sit down." Mark quickly caught my fall and laid me onto the couch. "Can you remember anything else?" His smile was so big, it warmed my heart right up. "N-no. I'm sorry." I covered my eyes, the sight of the blinding light hurting them. A couple of images flashed through my mind, I was holding Mark, and the TV was playing... a horror movie, maybe? "I'm going to go get you a water. I'll be right back." He tapped my nose and rushed into the kitchen. Chica's nose nudged my hand. "What girl? What is it?" I asked, pating her head. She bark quietly, running up up the stairs and into a bedroom. I slowly sat up and followed her into a bedroom, I'm guessing Mark's. She quietly barked at a CD rack, pointing her nose at one, Friend Request. I gave her a questioned look, holding the disk. A couple of voices fluttered through my head, but nothing more. "(Y/N)? Where did you go?" Mark called. I put the Case back in the rack and walked downstairs, greeting Mark with a pleased smile. He handed me the bottled water, "Drink up, buttercup." I giggled, taking a sip and then clearing my throat, "Let's watch a movie."

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